I'm entirely unsure if this is feasible or not, but it's something that annoys me about Skyrim, and here's the general thoughts I have for what this mod would do: Load screen is organized by Character, then saves. I picture this as a list of each character a person has played skyrim as: Lenny Loosejocks the level 5 Breton Captain Underpants the level 21 Argonian Clicking on a character then shows a list of saves that involve only that character, probably sorted in the normal skyrim way of latest save first. (Yay FIFO, anyone?) Maybe saves could be updated to include ancillary information, such as location, current hold, active quests, or other pertinent information. And now that I realize it, being able to name our saves is something I'm unsure is possible in Skyrim. I could just be missing something (making me an ignorant luddite), but it would certainly make organizing one's saves easier. Which is the goal of this mod. Sorting saves by which character they pertain to makes it easier and more convenient to play multiple characters without going through a list of saves that are all just sequentially numbered, and being able to name them only makes remembering which save is the one I haven't completely screwed up and which one I've assassinated every Jarl possible a problem of the past. Some quick searching has shown that people have tried to create some .exe based 'profile managers' with less than stellar success. Hopefully this could be contained fully within a skyrim mod, and not another additional external program. And if you've read this far, thanks for your time and consideration.