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  1. I7, 32gb ram and 2x nv670's in SLI I just wiped my skyrim folder, did a clean install and all was fine, re-installed my (100 or so) mods and all is still fine. I might have touched something in the ENB menu that caused all this but i'm uncertain .. still need to put ENB in again. Only other possibility is that somehow one of the game files became corrupted I'm thinking... which is a bit worrying :tongue: [EDIT] Ok this is ENB related .. it seems the latest END (229) is causing this for me. Reverted back to 146 and all those glitches I had have been replaced by new ones :P
  2. They're a nice steady 60-70C under full load. I'm also noticing that I'm getting the blue envirioment bug in dungeons .. The odd thing is that it already starts at the main menu where the mouse cursor is ghosting .. I fixed the ghosting by disabling and re-enabling SLI .. Now i still have the missing sections inside most places and objects that are flickering. I remember placing some mesh updates (I do these things late at night when too tired to think about it ._.) .. any chance that can cause something like this ? Currently backing up my skyrim folder to try a clean install .. I can't really think of anything that would randomly cause this .. if it was a hardware problem i'd expect more things to be affected then just skyrim .. and then the whole game instead of just objects and dungeons.
  3. I'm not entirely sure what happened but my skyrim has started to show an odd tearing problem .. Skyrim is the only game affected, anything else runs fine which makes me believe it is Skyrim. with or without ENB makes no difference. The tearing / flickering starts at the main menu where the mouse cursor is not smooth anymore. It flickers lightly when moving and ghosts. In game varies from flickering objects to black stripes over the screen. I'm not sure if the latest nvidia beta driver was installed after or before I played skyrim last when it was working.. Anyone else seeing anything like this ?
  4. Does that mean you can use mods for both at the same time too ? I was just thinking how much this is actually hurting modding, there is a lot of nice stuff out there that is restricted to either of the 2 body sets so you'd never be able to use all..
  5. Did you put the changes under [Display] in skyrimprefs.ini ? pasting in a new preset fixed it for me, but i think you have to do it manually and not through mod manager.
  6. I have a few things I'd like to mod in my ENB settings just for personal preference, but I'm not really sure what to touch .. - my daytime shadows are so dark that I can't see what is in them *at all* .. its just a black blob on my screen. I find this especially annoying on hill sites.. - i'd like Interior lights and torches in general to be a bit more radient, right now most are hung so far apart that its just dark and clammy inside houses. Anyone know what to touch for those 2 ?
  7. By chance i had this confusion too, you need to download an ENB settings package from the side (contains ini's and .fx files) and stuff that into your skyrim folder.
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