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Everything posted by thunderbug

  1. Thanks for your help. Got it fixed for that armour now. Are all armours supposed to have a seperate first person nif file? I only ask because i was looking at the NukaWorld ESM in FO4edit and it provided a file path to where the first person nif should be but there wasnt one present in the folder. So basically all i did was just crop the Western Duster thing down to the shoulders in Blender and then popped that in to the path where the file should have been according to the NukaWorld ESM and it worked. Is it that the Western Duster didnt have a 1stperson Nif and was defaulting to something? Or am i missing something lol :D
  2. Thanks, the guide i was using didnt mention Outfit Studio as an option so thats a good one to know :)
  3. Hi all, I use the Pip-Pad mod for Fallout 4, however the author/s of the mod didnt manage to fix all the various armors in the game with regards to the missing arm sections due to the lack of a pipboy. Specifically im looking at the Western Duster as its one of my favorite items in the game. I have experience with Blender for modding a few other games such as Empire at War but from reading the tutorials, which seem a bit outdated, Blender doesnt work for modding the F4 meshes without using 3ds Max as a middle man. Given the price of 3ds Max this isnt a viable option. Ive never made or edited a mod for a Bethesda game before 9stricly downloaded them) so im at a bit of loss really if someone could point me to a up to date tutorial for Blender or another program which would allow me to make the edits I want to do it would be appreciated.
  4. HI all, ive got a problem with Kingsport Lighthouse in that there is permamant radiation eminating from the base of the lighthouse on the upper part of the decking, it is around +16 rads reducing as you move further away. Ive attached a picture highlighting the affected area. Ive clipped around to see if there are any hidden barrels etc under the deck or in the base of the lighthouse but i cant find anything. Anyone have any ideas? thanks in advance
  5. Hi all when i aim down signts i appear to lose textures on all non dead things. When i stop aiming down sights the textures return to normal. Not aiming down the sights all is well https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/2097739-1560681668.jpg Aim down the sights and dogmeat gets angelic :tongue: but as can be seen in the below screen the dead bugs on the ground do not glow. https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/2097739-1560681772.jpg I am using an ENB as well as a bunch of other mods but i cant think of any which would effect the game in this way. Thanks for any help.
  6. So i have recently begun to have a problem where I will place a beacon, turn it on and after a few moments the initial 1 or 2 settlers will arrive. After that however there are no new settlers arriving no matter how long i leave it. All requirements are mets such as food, best, charisma, happiness, power etc etc. My mods list is fairly large (50 ish) but the only mods effecting settlements and settlers are Better Settlers, Longer Power Lines, Brighter Settlement lights, homemaker, Do it Yourshelf and OCDecorator. I have had settlements with these mods on before and had no problems with settlements and settlers. I read somewhere it can be a save issue but i have restarted twice on fresh saves to try and fix it but the same problem occurs on both saves at all settlements. Some info on my mods I have around 10 weapon mods using scripts for levelled list integration. CBBE and some outfits such as Institute assassin and geist suit. Graphic mods such as Vivid Weathers, Vivid Fallout etc. Any help would be appreciated
  7. Personally I think it was a mistake to remove the system, I have no problem with paid mods as it would have promoted some genuinely good mods. Mod authors are currently limited by time more than anything else and above it all creating mods is a hobby which must come as second fiddle to other commitments like work or family. Incentivize these modders and give them something other than gratitude for their hard work and imagine what would be created. Having said this the system as it was, was so flawed that i can understand the backlash. The prices were too high and the $$$ split was awful. Now i suspect that one has to do with the other, Beth/Valve took such a high stake that the prices were high to get the mod authors enough to make it worth it. Giving the mod author a 85% split for the mods is much more reasonable. Also i would be quite happy to buy an individual sword for $0.10 or so, and if it was good enough then it would get a lot of sales and get the mod author a nice reward for his effort. The idea of paid mods itself is not bad, as i believe in rewarding people for their effort. Gratitude is nice but ultimately worthless. However the way it was implemented this time was just awful, Beth/Valve were greedy with the split and the prices were too high. There are obviously other logistical issues I dont really want to go into here with paid mods but the idea was not a bad one it was just done wrong. Removing it due to the fan reaction, which as befits the internet was both overblown and incoherent, is a mistake.
  8. Depends on how you did it. Probably enabled loose ini loading as a part of install instruction. It wasnt a mod i downloaded/installed i did it by just editing the descriptions and names in the "localisation" files myself and by adding the exalt weapons to the build-able list in the EXE but then when i went on it was ignoring the EXE and looking at the INI :S strange but oh well no biggie :D
  9. Can you be more specific? First, there are two versions of Soldier Class mod: v.1.0 allows you to set probability of the class and v.2.0 sets class distribution in barracks. I.e. if you have too many heavies the probability of getting next heavy will be reduced. Second, vanilla game tries to give you 1 of each class first and I haven't changed it in the mod. So, if you don't have, say, sniper in barracks or on memorial wall (never had sniper, or dismissed him), you'll get a sniper regardless of probability settings and mod version. And in case of first mission and four promoted rookies, you'll get 4 different classes, regardless of the probability settings. Doh how could i have been so stupid :P your right it was cos I only had a heavy left to get out of the classes. ty A bit off topic, but I have just made myself a little mod to make Exalt weapons build-able by the player, i also changed the descriptions/names of the weapons so that Xcom is building the G40 Assault rifle as opposed to the Exalt Asault Rifle. Doing this however seems to have made my game use the .INI files in the config folder instead of using the EXE any one have any ideas as to why?
  10. ty for reply. Do rookies get assigned their class when they earn the needed exp to get promoted or once the mission in which they get promoted is over. I only ask as i have a save game at the end of a mission in which my rookie has already earned the promotion mid mission, even if i set the probability to 100% using a mod from the xcom interface and gameplay tweaks the class they are assigned is not the class with 100% probabiity, however all others i tried got the class that was at 100% probability.
  11. Is there anyway to do this at all? i guessed the best way would be through editing the save? Any info appreciated.
  12. Ty that does improve the male version lots, although it does nothing to the female version which is a shame.
  13. I love the ancient nord Armor for both male and female chars, well i love the top half at least the bottom looks unfinished and silly given that its a nordic made armor with no pants in the coldest place ever. Unless it was meant for ancient nordic male/female warrior strippers. So no problem someone will have added in some simple leather pants to the armor but the only design changes i can find make it more revealing. I would have modded this in myself but i have zero idea how to do this kind of remodeling. I am honestly surprised no one has added in some pants to the armor. The armor is screaming out for it. TLDR - Add leather/hide pants/bottoms/trousers to the Ancient Nordic Armor both male and female to make it look better. Edit - Found nice new less revealing female versions of all the worst offending armors here http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23230/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D23230%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  14. Thanks for reply, gave the mod a go but still no luck.
  15. Hi all I am having a problem with the face textures on vampire NPC's in my game creating a neck seam. My player character is perfectly fine with no neck seam at all. Mods effecting vampires that I use are. Bella's Better Females Clean bodies Vampire Eyes Fix ( this not only fixes the eyes to use vampireeyes.dds or something like that but it also gets rid of the ugly face from dawnguard and uses bellas face oddly i took it as a nice bonus ) Pale Vampires ( textures dont seem to be doing anything as my char gets darker *read below but i keep it for the less sunken cheeks option which does make cheeks less sunken ) Better Vampires I have done some testing on the player char and the NPC's, On the player char, if my character has a light skin tone then she gets darker ( i always found this wierd but i overlooked it ). If my char has a dark skin tone then she gets darker still. This color change applies to both head and body hence no problem (other than getting darker which is sort strange for vampires lol but i can deal with that if its the only way) On NPC's thing are a little different. On light skinned NPC's ( i tried it on sylgja ) her head gets darker her but body remains the same. On dark skinned NPC's (i used sadia) her head gets lighter but her body remains the same. So on the light skinned NPC (Sylgja her head was darker than her body and on the Dark skinned NPC ( Sadia ) her body is darker than her head. I found this strange as my player char gets darker after vamprism regardless of my original skin tone. If i turn off all the above mods but leaving bella textures, i get the ugly vampire face on all vamps inc my char, but the problems with the head and body texture mismatch are still there again my player char is unaffected by this. Ignoring for a second the fact that light NPC's get darker and dark NPC's get lighter, the problem seems to stem from the fact that the body does is not changed at all on the NPC chars during the vampire transformation, and the reason my player char does not have this problem is that her body and head have the same color changed applied. Goin on this the solution seems simple enough, get the NPC's to have the same changes on their body as my char does on hers. I havnt found a mod that does this yet and i have no idea how to do it myself if im honest. Any help in this issue would be greatly appreciated. P.S my main concern at the moment is the mismatch, the fact that light NPC's and my char get darker when turned is not an issue apart from the lore aspect, but if anyone has any information regarding this little weirdness then I would appreciate that too, and if you can suggest something that fixes both at the same time ill give you a hug :P
  16. Hi all i have a strange problem regarding feeding as a Vampire. First ill give some background info. I was running with Better Vampires by Brehanin active but i noticed some issues once the dragon born DLC came out so i decided to disable it for the time being. I also use Vampire Lord Royal and Vampire Seduction tweak. Once i disabled the mod feeding worked fine i could feed on sleeping and charmed NPC's however after so long i was unable to feed, the feed option appears but does nothing. If i re-activate Better Vampires it works again. I was confused by this as feeding worked for so long after disabling Better Vampires but then suddenly stopped working. Any help would be appreciated. Edit :- I found the problem for some reason uninstalling with the NMM didnt get rid of all the scripts deleting manually solved the problem
  17. I found the problem, it was being caused by the Uncapper mod. Although im not sure what mod the Uncapper is in conflict with, the strange thing is that even with all other mods disabled the bug still occurs. So strange. Update/Edit - so it seems that the problem was being caused by the Uncappers "bUseSkillFormulaCaps =1" turning this off remove the problems even with all mods re-enabled. I can only think that it was conflicting with one of the Enchanting mods i have installed. "Artifact Disenchanting - Dawngaurd" "Artifact Disenchanting" "EnchantingRebalanced" "EzE Enchanting Freedom" I suspect it was "EnchantingReblanced" as this makes changes to the %increases in the Enchanting Perk Tree. just a guess though really. Also even when the mods were disabled something in my save game must have been messing up the uncapper, owing to the fact the save contains infomation from the different enchanting mods?... maybe.
  18. No i do run the game with mods but have tried uninstalling them and running vanilla to see if this fixed the problem. It did not. Re installing is not a problem i keep a fully vanilla backup of the game as my net is slow and didn't want to have to dl from steam every-time i had to re install. Ill reinstall, i am currently running 4 mods which change enchanting. Enchanting Rebalance, Artifact disenchanting for Dawngaurd and Vanilla, and an "enchanting freedom" which removes the restrictions on armor/clothing in regard to what enchantments it can/cannot have on them. I used these together before with no issues but i may have gotten lucky before.
  19. Hi all i have recently found a problem with my game, every time i try to select and enchantment the game will CTD. No errors or anything it will just close down. I do run mods but i have tried running the game without mods and the same thing still happens. It happens on any enchantment. This is the first time my game has had this particular bug, i have never had this issue before with or without mods. thanks for any help.
  20. Hi all. So i have Skyrim & Steam on my G: drive, but i also made a copy of Skyrim (the one i use) on my SSD D: drive. But the creation kit looks for plugins in the Steam/Skyrim folders on my G: drive. I dont want to put anything in this folder as its a completly vanilla backup. So is there anyway to change where the creation kit looks? ty
  21. much appreciated, will this auto fix the guns from mods or will i have to manually do this, i dont mind just wondering lol :D also i play eve too ^^
  22. Hi everyone i have noticed a bug present in the FNV, basically what i think it is, is the fire animation for weapons starting before the weapon actually fires, so for instance u have iron sights on a guys head, u press fire the gun recoils then fires and your shot flies above his head. What this means if u have to compensate by firing slightly lower which is really annoying. Another thing is it seems to effect both true and untrue iron sights. I first noticed it with Shrapnel - The Definitive Weapon Collection (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37342) but after searching the net i found that the problem seems to happen in general and not just with this mod. Secondly from my own experience and other reads i found that it only effects certain weapons like assault rifles, and SMG's. According to one thread it only effects "pistol grip rifles" Any help would be appreciated, either a download link to a fix or just information on how to fix it. As the game IMO is nearly unplayable with this bug. ty
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