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About toxicdeath2

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    Legend of Dragoon

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  1. Thank you for your clarification camaro. It was very informative!
  2. Hello, I am just getting back into skyrim after not playing it for quite some time and im running on a pretty powerful system, so I want to be able to fully utilize my hardware. I have been doing some reading on 8core ini tweaks that would allow Skyrim to utilize all of my cores, but I have read that it can cause some pretty strange physics issues and other glitches. Does anyone have any experience with these tweaks?
  3. Greetings all, how does one completely reset skyrim? I am clearly missing something. I removed all game saves, deleted all local content, reinstalled fresh twice, and I am still getting a ludicrously high number of glitches every time I try to start a game. This happens with mods, without mods, and with just the unofficial patches. Strange things like complete inability to decapitate Lydia not being activated (as in i couldnt even teleport her to me, I had to manually activate her id) inability to use crafting tables of any sort, my character bends over the table and opens the crafting window like normal, then just stands up and cancels it.
  4. Might be related, also cannot register a new account for my Fiance, it tries for about ten minutes then returns an SQL error.
  5. I thought about that, but then they would need a different one on hand for every spell, it would also step on the toes of Azura's star instead of giving it more utility. I also do plan on making durations, effects, and damage scale with the level of soul used in the spell. True, but making them rechargable by the use of soul gems would aid Azura's Star and potentially make more people seek out the artifact :smile: Hmm I suppose if I went that route I could script it to have an increased effect based on its current charge level instead of the level of soul it used.
  6. I thought about that, but then they would need a different one on hand for every spell, it would also step on the toes of Azura's star instead of giving it more utility. I also do plan on making durations, effects, and damage scale with the level of soul used in the spell.
  7. So my new mod idea is for Soul Magic. Basically I want to allow a player that does not practice magic normally to be able to cast some heavy spells. As currently even if a swordsmen uses a scroll, it has a reduced effect if they have not leveled the skill associate with it. My idea is that a player will be able to use a charged soul gem (equipped) to cast a Soul Magic spell that is not affiliated with any other spell branch, and has no resistance factor. To obtain these spells a player would have to venture into dungeons and find Orbs of Knowledge (or something similar) to learn how to use the spell, kind of like a shout. The context and lore tie in would be that the College of Whispers discovered some clues leading to the whereabouts of artifacts left behind by an ancient faction of warlocks that utilized souls as catalysts for their spells. (The College of Whispers is the opposition to the Synod which you see during the Mage Guild questchain and are only referenced in skyrim currently) The spells I have thought of so far are Debilitate - Completely drain the stamina of your target and suppress stamina regeneration for a duration. Silence - Completely drain the mana of your target and suppress mana regeneration for a duration. (Also disables shouts on opponent) Shadow Blast - Deals heavy damage to a single target and sets their soul ablaze for a short duration. Lament of the Dead - Your captured soul is released, its wail assaults the souls of those nearby, causing them to be paralyzed/rooted for a duration (does not work on undead) Soul Thorns - A spell that latches onto an apponent reducing all skills by a set amount for a duration, and causing mild to moderate damage over time. Nightshade - Renders the surrounding area lightless, the caster gains SoulVision (mixture of night eye and aura whisper also adds muffle) your enemies cannot see, and due to the surprise of the attack, they are unable to register sounds for a duration. This ability will only work in enclosed areas. What do you think?
  8. Soolie, been trying to contact you for a while on chat to see how you want me to send this file, you fall asleep on keyboard?
  9. Soolie, if I package it up could you look at it? I've been all over my .Nifs and can't seem to figure out what im missing
  10. I'm thinking that the issue lies in something I am missing in the .NIf file, but I can't begin to find it.
  11. I am trying to recolor all of the bound weapons as part of a mod I am updating, but I am having issues with the old blue color of the weapons randomly bleeding through. As you will see in this picture it doesn't always happen. Does anyone know what might be causing this? Photobucket picture
  12. Here is my mod, included with it is a txt file that details everything I did in the creation kit. Aside from what is listed, I duplicated, renamed, and recolored all nif and dds files associated with the files in the list. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/48152/?
  13. Lol i just found those myself and was coming to post the results, they were under the TriShape data for Daedric weapon in BoundWeaponEnchEffect. Here are my results. Now to play with the colors a bit, but the mod is mostly done! http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac352/leettox/2013-11-26_00002_zps97b1a5ed.jpg http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac352/leettox/2013-11-26_00001_zps3ba7680d.jpg
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