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Nexus Mods Profile

About cthulhuofrlyeh

  1. Having an interesting issue with my vortex installation. At a couple of points I have been downloading mods, and they're now frozen in the corner window on the main dashboards screen. The mods in question never finished downloading, but I was able to re-download them and they otherwise work fine. I believe the issue may be related to accidentally shutting Vortex down before the downloads had finished, thus interrupting them, and Vortex just never picked them back up the next time it opened. Everything is otherwise working fine, it just more an annoyance that my download tab now shows 2 active downloads that aren't happening, with their progress displayed in that window, and I can't find any way to clear them. Any help with this would be appreciated. EDIT- Nevermind, I looked through my downloads tab and found the offending downloads and managed to cancel them, all good now I'm just an idiot
  2. Hey everyone, having a problem that I for the life of me cannot figure out what I haven't done. Doing a mod that, amongst other things, basically overhauls the Chinese Stealth Armor added in the creation club. In the mod I add the ability to upgrade with ballistic weave and also add defense tier upgrades (applied in the armour workbench) that follow a Mk. I, Mk. II etc. progression. I've set up the instance naming and the problem I'm having is that when an upgrade is applied it simply renames the armour instead of prefixing it (so instead of getting Mk. II Chinese Stealth Armor it's just getting named MK. II when the upgrade is installed). For that matter, if I apply both the ballistic weave and a tier upgrade, it only applies the tier name. Any help that could be provided would be appreciated (and before directing me to an article on the nexus that explains the instance naming, I have seen it, read it, and as far as I am aware have done everything mentioned in it). EDIT- Okay I finally figured out how the instance naming works. It's not exactly intuitive, but once you figure it out you wonder why it took so long...
  3. Here's a good one. I've downloaded a number of armour mods from the nexus, and as a result have a loooong list of plugins when i enter NMM. So I'm trying to combine the ones I like most into a single mod to streamline my plugin list. However, in one of the mods, one mesh has been assigned to slot 48 in Nifskope, and even when I follow these instructions to reassign it to the slot I want (47) it remains invisible in game. What am I doing wrong? EDIT: Ignore the above. When I realised where I had messed up I think my IQ slid 10 points down the scale.
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