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  1. When you put power armor on there is a moment where all you clothes clip through the armor. I like characters with ridiculous amounts of stuff hanging off them, backpacks, looking like they are scavaging the wastes etc. I also like wearing the power armor frame with just the t51 torso. If you could combine the 2 I think it could look cool. The idea of frame worn for the carry weight and some protection. Also Nate being ex military might have worn t51 in the prewar.
  2. Yes please - companion control is another example of Fallout 4 being 2 steps forward, 1 step back.
  3. Hello, I would like a mod that allows you to with intimidation rank 3 you can convince raiders to give up raiding and become a settler. You would pacifying them them then say you could give them 100 bottle caps to help them start a new life and you can send them to a settlement like when you dismiss a follower. This would be a nicer outcome for the wasteland than just shooting everybody in the head. Thank you for reading.
  4. I had a bit more of a go and found that my saves before yesterday are ok. Still don't know what it is all about as I can run the bound dagger and improved mystic mods and everything else just fine now I reverted to those saves. If I had to guess I might say it is something to do with the shadow warrior perk.
  5. Happening to me too. Just started today. Seems to be all one handed bound weapons. It happens with the bound sword and 2 bound dagger mods that are available. Installing or uninstalling all related mods seems to make no difference.
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