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About redneck1st

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  1. Any update for an update to Vortex. I've tried everything else including the BG 3 Mod Manager available on Git hub and they ought to be ashamed to be calling that a mod manager. They have a lot of work on that thing before I would consider it a MM. It wouldn't even load my game. Not sure if it could find it or not even though they were both on the same drive with nothing but Steam and BG 3 MM. Now Vortex that's a Mod Manager.
  2. It's definitely a mod issue as I've done the full thieves guild line several times over the years and never had a problem even in my current playthrough and I've got about 200 mods
  3. That happens once in a while if they are part of another quest that you might not have gotten. No big deal just follows where it tells you to
  4. Did you start a new game after you deleted and re-installed your mods? Or did you continue from a save you already had from before? Post a list of your mods sorted by LOOT
  5. Also, do you SKYSE installed and is it installed properly with the latest version
  6. Are you sure you sorted your mods with LOOT? The reason for which I ask is that Legacy is don't in the 80s in your load order and The Legacy of the dragon born patches official is #21 Now Legacy being should be much higher in the load order And it should be above the LOTDB Patches as well. Patches IIRC should always be below the main file. Also when sorting your mods you left pane should match the right pane as closely as possible which would mean going through the down the right pane and moving mods in the left pane to closely match. You may have to run loot and move the mods in the left pane several times to get them all set. Once that is all said and done check the mods pages and see what they recommend where their mod should be loaded
  7. Well that is the only one for which I know about sorry
  8. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4224
  9. Here is the one for which I use https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4224
  10. Thanks for the reply and I found out that there is both so I appreciate your replying and helping me figure this out.
  11. Ok, folks, I need some help here I've got a mine in Solstheim called "Lost Dwemer Mithril Mine" where it has veins of mithril ore and you can explore a dwemer area and come across things like a Dwarven Submarine of all things. I'm trying to find out the name of the mod that it's part of or the mod itself I'd be grateful to you for it. I'd like to contact the author of the mod about a couple of things. Thanks in advance for any and all information you can provide.
  12. Ddrink a cure disease potion and see if it persists. After all the potion won't hurt you if you don't have no diseases.
  13. If you have vampirism or are a werewolf you won't be able to cure diseases
  14. How about posting your LOOT sorted mod list for starters as that would help you in regards to getting some help.
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