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Everything posted by mw2freak123

  1. yeah, thats how i patched my fallout 3 with the 1.7 patch. use FOMM to install and place the files in order for them to work.
  2. Well i must say i am very new to this whole modding fallout 3 thing. But i do know how to install mods. There are to ways you could do this. You said you have FOMM. open that up and go to where it says package manager and click it. Go to where it says Add FOmod. a Screen should pop up . go to where your NON extracted mod is and click it twice.it should now appear in the package manager, double click it and it should say installing mod. Your pretty much done with that unless the mod is about textures. you need invalidator placed in your fallout 3/data and activated to use textures. The other way u can install a mod (i wouldnt use this way unless the mod is only a texture or mesh) is you extract the mod to your documents. then go to Computer/ProgramFiles/BethesdaSoftworks/Fallout3/Data. (this is where all the data files are) you then go back to the folder your mod is currently in and drag and drop the textures and meshes to the textures and meshes folders in Computer/ProgramFiles/BethesdaSoftworks/Fallout3/Data, then launch fallout 3 and select the mods you just installed and there you go! thats how you in stall mods For Fallout 3 I hope i have helped
  3. Well i dont want water at all, i dont see a need for it in this world that im creating. Thanks 4 the link to the wiki
  4. Hello, im having problems with creating world spaces. whenever i create a new one and test it out in Fallout 3 the whole world space is under water. Ive tried different combinations of the LOD Water Height and the Default Water Height but nothing seems to get the water to go away in the game. Any Thing you guys can tell me will help so plz leave a comment
  5. you might need Fallout Mod Manager(FOMM) to install the mods. Somtimes even if you put the textures and meshes in the C:/programfiles/bethesda softworks/ fallout 3/ data files, you might still need to use fomm to activate them
  6. well, im very new to FOMM and the GECK but when i download mods from fallout 3 nexus sometimes in the readme it tells you that some esm files need to load last if your using FOMM. I don't know if this will help you,but it does help me sometimes
  7. To link doors in the GECK yout need to double click the door (you want to link with another one) in the render window, go over to were it says linked ref and select the cell and the door that the you want to link together.
  8. Tanks for the help i should see if i can use the vanilla dds files i download
  9. Hello fellow modders, I'm a rookie at using the GECK and im trying to create a world space. So the problem is when i create a new world space and i go to Select Water Noise Texture a window pops up with only the downloaded textures i have. Not the main DDS files. I have searched everywhere for them but cant find them anywhere! Please someone tell me where to find them at!
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