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About SilverLucario

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    Dragón Age
  1. Thanks for the reference unfortunately I can not get this program to start w10 ... a little of your help I would like to ask you if you have a list of the PropertiesList codes to give the items their attributes ... in the game this is a guide but They are not all I would like to see others but I know that there is: d in advance thanks
  2. Good A little doubt I do not know if this goes in this section of subjects or not but someone has a tutorial of how to create icons for the items in the Origins DA and their DLC since I am updating the Patch of IA I take the task of doing it more Complete and append some new things ... I wish that some armor icons were not repeated in Single Items, but I have already exhausted all available Icons packages ... and I do not want to use the DA2 Icons if any of you know how to create Icon files I would appreciate it since I try to edit some already designed but the game does not recognize them to me and it leaves when using the armature whenever I used my icon created ... I appreciate your collaborations in this subject ...
  3. Hello sorry that files would have to delete from these two mod to make them compatible with Combat Tweaks v32-354 since this mod I liked the changes it makes in the game. The Mod that I want to see which modules are deleted are: Dain's Fixes http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4384/? Dragon Age Rules Fixpack http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1601/? Thanks beforehand to all who can solve this doubt ... I want to use Combat Tweaks v32-354 but these mod that I mentioned above make good changes to errors of the game so I do not know if the 3 can work well together or not.
  4. Hello all my English is not very good but I wanted to know your opinions about AI I read that many people do not use it because it generates many errors of compatibility with their mod I would like to know what those mistakes are and how to have found a solution they managed to repair them do not I get the bug SpaceAlex want to do a Last Mod Modern Patch Patch I use it a lot and modulo well but I would like to append more 4 years ago that came out the last update patch ... I want to attach some new Armor ... improve some Things ... and make it compatible with new modern mod ... I'm still new to the toolset but I hope with the guides ... the desire to do something modern and their experiences using the mod and the errors that produced them can launch This last update I hope my message is understood and depending on the mod that cause conflict the possible solutions that I think already I'm working on some things ... but I want to know that you have ... par To contribute to my scheme of work and idea of corrections.
  5. I had the same doubts as you and well I hope that you serve my work I do not speak English very well but do a work of a list of mod 100% compatible showing how everyone works on themselves without errors ... in the section Of 6) Correct Game Errors and Plot, (6) Corregir Errores del Juego y Trama) explained the active mod to correct all the errors of the game in your case you will fall well since the corrections are in English and you do not need to translate them. http://www.clandlan.net/foros/topic/79026-mi-listado-oficial-100-compatible-de-mod-para-una-mejor-inmersion-de-dragon-age-origenes-y-sus-dlc/
  6. Personally supporting Bheler, can be a tyrant, evil, lying, manipulative, petty and tricky person, but you need someone tyrant to rule the f*#@ing dwarves since they are stubborn by nature. Under his command he manages to reach a future of glory ... since I did not allow anyone to get in the way of his thinking of modernity ... some will see him as a tyrant and I see him as a visionary who knew how to maintain order between a Race that because of its irrational traditionalism was to the point of its extermination.
  7. I would like to say: "I have come to tell you that I am the boy who said that it was your brother that Arl Eamon raised, we investigated and you are not my true sister ... you can continue in peace that you will never have reasons for a blackmail now That I am king."
  8. Hello everyone, I am a Spanish speaking user, I am helping translators to see if my idea can be well understood in English ... I would like the help to carry out the creation of the Sentinel Armor of Dragon Age Awakening. Which looks visually as the Ferelden Massive Armor ... but of course it is black in color with its red details ... Already everything is designed ... but I do not know how to bring it to reality ... I tried to communicate with the author of the gray guards mod ferelden to express my idea but not managed to have an answer ... as seen Tutorials but it is difficult to translate the idea of ââthe same to something understandable in Spanish since it is modder language. What I want is the following ... Using the Mod Gray Wardens of Ferelden Http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4252/? Of this mod only the Massive Armor of the Gray Guard ... Play forced this Gray Wardens of Ferelden mod as it saves the use of other mod to make it work. After this address use the Visual Appearance Mod of Aremeta Texture Pack ZIP Http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/3258/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fdragonage%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D3258&pUp=1 That visual appearance using the Dark Massive ... if anyone can replace what is the details of the golden armor for Red would be Much Better and great. And after that to change the Name to the Massive Armor for the Names of all the parts of the Sentinel Armor Http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Sentinel_armor_set You can have the same bonuses of the armor as it would be free to place them as they wanted ... what I want is that this armor created replace the Game of Desperation and that is how it continues with the idea of ââFerelden Mod Gray guards At the same time if you can change the visual appearance of Dumat's Spine and Dumat's Sword so it looks like a Gray Guard Sword of Ferelden and Dagger ... Http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Dumat%27s_Claw Http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Dumat%27s_Spine And that clearly appears in the same places where it normally comes in the game ... My idea is something childish may be but the Ferelden Gray Guards mod I liked ... and of course that Sentinel armor I love it to be black but I want it to have the same visual appearance as the Ferelden Gray Guards armor for Continue a sequence ... I hope my idea is understood and someone can help me to create it since I really want that armor ... and I tried many times to create it but I'm already frustrated that I can not do it ... Thanks in advance....
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