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Everything posted by eseng69

  1. Ok guys i started playing Dragon Age (Bootlegged) and wow... im totally hooked in this game After that i also dl'ed awakening expansion which fortunately is working so far and the dlcs pack which is giving me quite some hard time whenever i try to install the dlcs especially the major dlcs like warden's keep,stone prisoner etc. using DA-COntent Updater i always get this error... am i doing something wrong...? i know i dont have the right to complain since i didnt buy the game but maybe there are some people out there who will still be willing to help me. :( my current patch btw is 1.03 any help would be appreciated! thanks guys! :pirate: And another one walks the plank! Banned for being a pirate.
  2. just right click>properties>compatibilities>run as administrator and you will be fine
  3. I also have some more questions sir... 1. Is it ok to use FOIPs? 2.You think The Settler mod is ok? 3. How about phalanx? Does it go well with FOOK2?
  4. i don't know if i have the latest FOOK2 but i downloaded everything from this link http://www.fookunity.com/downloads/ i downloaded the first,second,third and fifth file. errr.. and could you be mroe specific with these things that you said? " Fook-MZ, My-Fook, Phalanx, Fook-w4nk, Fellout" lol sorry im really confused
  5. Please check out my mod settings.. i've done everything.. fo3edit,fo3masterupdate and i even have fose installed. but i still keep on getting random crashes. before my game always freezes in metro tunnels where ghoul rampage.esm is activated. now when i turned it off i even have random crashes outside the museum station. please help me http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q126/10527117/fo3-1.jpg http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q126/10527117/fo3-2.jpg
  6. i noticed that my game always freezes when i encounter ghouls.. what should i do?
  7. aww my game still freezes when i fight the ghouls in farragut station.. i guess it cant be helped..XD
  8. you nailed it man!! thanks!! i gave you a KUDOS :D btw will there be a diff process when ill add another mod? am i going to use the fo3masterupdate? thanks and thank you very much!!
  9. ok check this out.. this one shows ive saved it but still..:( http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q126/10527117/mergeeeee.jpg
  10. whoops i kinda messed up the first pic.. wait a sec
  11. ok ive screenshotted them here it is.. this one shows that i have succesfully saved the "mergepls.esp" file My link this one shows that i cant find the mergepls.esp that i have created. :( http://s135.photobucket.com/albums/q126/10527117/?action=view&current=merge2.jpg
  12. it's asking me to save but it is not asking the directory. actually whenever i run foedit again i can see at the bottom of the list all the merge.esps that i have created.. :/
  13. i named it mergedpatch without the esp. it's supposed to be saved in the DATA folder right?
  14. i have the same problem with the guy over here.. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/211403-need-help-with-merged-patch/
  15. yes im able to save to save it but i cant find it under the data folders :(
  16. @losaminos where can you find the merged.esp? i created a merged patch with the use of foedit but ican't find where it is saved.. im sorry if this is an annoying noobie question but please im lost. :(
  17. I think ive done everything right.. my esp are in right order. i even had fose and fomm. But after patching with fo3edit.. i can't find my mrged patch when i start fomm.. can someone help me.. please? thanks!
  18. hello.. i still can't find the merged esps that ive created.. could someone please help me?
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