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  1. Yes I fixed that! Created 4 npcs, made them alla follow each other 1-2-3-4-1 and with scripting made them heal buff etc.
  2. Hello, I recently made a script that removes some items from an actor (armor, weapons etc) But when the items are removed (via RemoveItem function) I get a bug The animation of this actor shooting with bows is bugged. He makes the animation with bow but he fire invisible arrows and does no damage. I tried unequipitem but the bug is not any more. Have ye seen this before?
  3. Hello, I have created a party of NPC actors. I want them to concider each other as companions. I want healer to heal companions and priest to shield them. I tried Accompany package to link each other 2to1,3to2,4to3,1to4 but it doentseem to work. Maybe need a script? Any thoughts?
  4. Ye guys I had done mistakes on my code but now I have fixed them. Thanks for the valuable help.
  5. Hello, This is a part from a script I wrote that will disable the use of armor to some kind of classes like monks, mages etc. The scripts works just fine with the only problem that it removes the clothing too. Some clothes have the same weight with fur armor and I have to allow the use of fur armor if I rise the weight allowance. Thats why I thought to use the GetObjectType to tell the script not to do this when the item is Clothing. I typed the ( Gauntlets.GetObjectType != 22 ) etc to tell the program "If the item IS NOT Clothing and its weight IS higher that 0" then DO THE SCRIPT But the sript is bypassing this line and keeps removing the clothes from npcs. I dont know what I may havent do right. Anyone can help? .... .... ref ItemType ref Weapon ref Helmet ref Chest ref Greaves ref Gauntlets ref Boots ref Shield .... ,,,, set Weapon to RAIDER.GetEquippedObject 16 set Helmet to RAIDER.GetEquippedObject 0 set Chest to RAIDER.GetEquippedObject 2 set Greaves to RAIDER.GetEquippedObject 3 set Gauntlets to RAIDER.GetEquippedObject 4 set Boots to RAIDER.GetEquippedObject 5 set Shield to RAIDER.GetEquippedObject 13 .... .... If ( Helmet.GetObjectType != 22 ) && ( Raider.GetWeight Helmet > 0 ) RAIDER.RemoveItem Helmet 1 Player.Additem Helmet 1 Endif If ( Chest.GetObjectType != 22 ) && ( Raider.GetWeight Chest > 0 ) RAIDER.RemoveItem Chest 1 Player.Additem Chest 1 Endif If ( Greaves.GetObjectType != 22 ) && ( Raider.GetWeight Greaves > 0 ) RAIDER.RemoveItem Greaves 1 Player.Additem Greaves 1 Endif If ( Gauntlets.GetObjectType != 22 ) && ( Raider.GetWeight Gauntlets > 0 ) RAIDER.RemoveItem Gauntlets 1 Player.Additem Gauntlets 1 Endif If ( Boots.GetObjectType != 22 ) && ( Raider.GetWeight Boots > 0 ) RAIDER.RemoveItem Boots 1 Player.Additem Boots 1 Endif
  6. Yes this is the simplest solution. Since PlaceAtMe is not the best choice for a script (especially for actors) I created them as persistent refs. Then I made waves of five each time. Every wave has different npcs so the purpose of a real stronghold defence (the idea of my mod) will stay. Thanks
  7. Hello, I created the following quest sctipt: I summon actors from the same BaseObject and give them a refID so I will be able to use functions on them. I know that every time I give the same RefID to the placed object. Result of this is that the previous placed actor will reset its class due the new number rolled. (obvious). So if i wait for 3 loops for example, I will get 3 npcs and they eventually get the same class (the one that was rolled at the last time). I belive that if every npc placed could get a different refID everything would be perfect. But how? I was thinking if it is possible to give different RefID somehow at every loop. Any ideas? ScriptName NPCStrongholdQuest Float Countdown Short RaidCountdown Short RaidTrigger Short NPCStrongholdRaider01ClassTrigger Short NPCStrongholdRaider02ClassTrigger Short NPCStrongholdRaider03ClassTrigger Short NPCStrongholdRaider01Class Short NPCStrongholdRaider02Class Short NPCStrongholdRaider03Class ref NPCStrongholdRaider01Object ref NPCStrongholdRaider02Object ref NPCStrongholdRaider03Object Begin GameMode set Countdown to getsecondspassed If RaidTrigger == 0 Set RaidCountdown to 30 Set RaidTrigger to 1 Endif if RaidTrigger == 1 if RaidCountdown > 0 Set RaidCountdown to RaidCountdown - Countdown Message "New raid in %.0f seconds" RaidCountdown endif if RaidCountdown <= 0 Set NPCStrongholdRaider01Object to NPCKeepTeleportationInterior.PlaceAtMe NPCStrongholdRaider01 set NPCStrongholdRaider01Class to RAND 1 17 if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 1 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Warrior endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 2 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Mage endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 3 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Thief endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 4 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Priest endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 5 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Warlock endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 6 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Assassin endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 7 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Rogue endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 8 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Sorcerer endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 9 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Knight endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 10 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Bard endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 11 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Battlemage endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 12 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Barbarian endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 13 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Acrobat endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 14 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Nightblade endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 15 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Monk endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 16 NPCStrongholdRaider01Object.SetClass Healer endif if NPCStrongholdRaider01Class == 17 endif MessageBox "Raiders have arrived" Set RaidTrigger to 2 endif endif if RaidTrigger == 2 Set RaidTrigger to 0 endif End
  8. You mean add the leveled lists to npc and then check its spellbooks for spells. Thats a quite good idea i think. Note: Just have in mind that leveledspelllists cannot be added or removed from npc with script.
  9. Ok! Grab the spells from the list (or from a leveledspell list), check their school and add them to the actor (if restoration). So I will not be forced to type a thousand lines for each class or spell school.
  10. Thanks for the reply guys The script you give me is "handmade" job. I was thinking for something more automatic... like using a leveledlist for example... Thanks
  11. Hello, I want to make a short script that will add spells from a a certain spell school to an actor. For example: I would like to add all the spells from the school "Restoration" to an actor with class Healer. Using sctipt of course... How can this be done?
  12. I m using to check if an npc carries and item.Use it in a if statement. Here is an example: if NPC.GetItemCount NPCClassWarriorToken == 0 ; Checks If the npc doesnt have the token in his inventory .... .... endif if NPC.GetItemCount NPCClassWarriorToken == 1 ; Checks If the npc has the token in his inventory .... .... endif
  13. Thats interesting? How shall I update them? Disable-Enable? or there is some specific function? And we speak to do this through the console eh? Also when i summon the chest (I made it persistent too) it will not appear the open icon in the new position. Maybe this need to be updated too. I tried Disable/Enable through script but it doesnt seem to work properly, while through the console it works. After re-enable it is capable to be opened. Finally i'd like to ask if there is in Console or In Script any command that will drop the flying object to the ground (like z in TES Construction Set) Anyone knows?
  14. Hello, Thanks for replay I have maneged to make what I was trying to do before I read this. 1. I created a persistent Object (a plate) to an empty TESTcell. 2. Made this Object not to be able to be added to inventory by using Begin OnAdd etc. 3. Created a spell that will move the item to me (using MoveAt function). 4. Using z button I can move it to the location I like. 5. Created a spell that will summon a chest to the player with decorations in it (chairs, shelves, beds etc) 6. The player selects what he likes and the decoration is placed (using PlaceAtMe) to the location the Object is. 7. Using the console SetPos and SetAngle I adjust the item a bit to match my desires. I did this thing with the Object because when I just placed a Decoration in frond of me and moved it around the room, only the mesh was moving. The colision and the activation werent moving around. This is my short story
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