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Posts posted by user826

  1. Hey all, I'm trying to turn the Starlet Wig into a playable hair, and while I managed to retexture the mesh using the base game HairBun texture, I ran into a weird problem when trying to add it to the game. In NifSkope, when I check the "Hair" flag under the "Shader Flags" drop-down menu in the BSShaderPPLightingProperty node, it causes the position of the hair to shift (see attached photo). When I uncheck the flag, the hair returns to its proper position, but of course without this flag set, the hair doesn't change color to match the NPC's hair color. Does anyone know what's causing this and how to fix it? Many thanks in advance!





  2. Thank you for the comprehensive write-up! I know I could do this very easily using engine extensions, but I was hoping for a way to do it dynamically within the dialogue using vanilla GECK functions, which it turns out isn't possible. I force myself to use only vanilla GECK when making my mods without NVSE, JIP, or any other third-party extensions as a self-imposed challenge, since limitations breed creativity.

  3. I never thought for a second that you would leave me high and dry that way, haha! But what I meant was that using only vanilla GECK, there's no way to store string variables, so that even if I found a way to replace the player's name with the Global, I wouldn't be able to change it back using only vanilla GECK.

  4. No, it's okay, I think I'm just ultimately going to leave the mod in its current state. This was a "would be nice" feature but if it's not possible with vanilla GECK, I'm not going to tack on a dependency just for this.


    I don't think the method of changing the player name would be a viable option because I have no way of storing the current player name value, so even if it worked, for the rest of the playthrough, the player's name would randomly change between "6000", "7500", and "10000"!


    "[barter] Doctor 6000 detects a terminal lack of caps in this discussion." Haha

    Thanks for your help, though! I knew it was a long shot even when I posted the thread, because if such a useful feature existed, I probably would've stumbled across it at least once before now.

  5. The scaling multiplier idea is a good one. Although seeing as how I don't use third-party engine extensions for my mods, I don't think I can accomplish my goal using only vanilla GECK. I was hoping there was a function that I just didn't know about, kind of like how you can use "%.0f" to pass a value from a script to be displayed in messages, I'd hoped that there would be a way to use something like that to pass a value to a dialogue prompt.

  6. All of the 20+ weapons in the mod cost either 6000, 7500, or 10000 caps. When I first made the mod years ago, I just hardcoded the values into the dialogue, so the condition checks if the Player has at least 6000 caps in their inventory, for example. That wasn't a problem, because the dialogue prompt reflected a hardcoded value -- that value was never going to change.


    But then, I changed the dialogue condition to check the value of a Global variable, removing the condition that checks the Player's inventory for 6000 caps (or whatever the value for that particular gun is). The three Globals were set to the same values as the original condition checked for, but the benefit now is that a player can change the prices without having to individually edit every single line of dialogue. For instance, they can just type "set aaaGLOBCustomTier3 to 500" into the console, and all guns that used to cost 6000 caps will now only cost 500. But the dialogue prompt still says, "<6,000 caps> I'd like to buy Custom Gun #13" even though the gun now only costs 500 caps.


    All I wanted to know was if there is a way to make the dialogue option change to reflect whatever custom cost the Player changed the Global to, so in this case, to make the dialogue option say, "<500 caps> I'd like to buy Custom Gun #13".

  7. This is great, thanks! I was hoping there might be a way to do it with vanilla GECK, but it seems not.


    As for your question, I only have three Globals: aaaGLOBCustomTier1 (10000), aaaGLOBCustomTier2 (7500) and aaaGLOBCustomTier3 (6000) and my 20+ dialogue topics each reference one of those variables.

  8. I want to use this for my Vlad's Weapon Depot mod, where you can order custom guns to be built. All the guns cost either 6000 (Tier 3), 7500 (Tier 2), or 10000 (Tier 1) caps, and as originally made, the Player can say something like, "<6,000 caps> Can you build me a gun that [does whatever]?" but I recently changed the 6000, 7500 and 10000 caps to be Globals so that people using economy overhauls can raise or lower that value to match their overhaul mod. It's just that the dialog option will always say <6000/7500/10000 caps> no matter what, because I can't figure out how to display the Global value in its place. I have at least twenty different custom guns and no way to know what value the end user might change the Global to, so conditionalizing a whole bunch of possible topics likely won't be practical.


    The way it works now isn't a gamebreaker, but it would be a quality-of-life improvement for people who change the Global for whatever reason. I'm not going to lose sleep over it if it's not possible, though.

  9. Hey, all. I was wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to display the value of a Global variable in notes and dialogue? Much like how using &PCNAME; will replace the string with the Player's name, is there something I can put to display the value of the Global?


    For example, let's say I have the Global aaaGLOBBasePrice, which defines the lowest cost of some item or service. The variable can change based on the decisions or actions of the Player. Can I somehow make a vendor say, "I can do it, but it'll cost you &aaaGLOBBasePrice;."? Or give the player a dialogue option like, "[barter] I can offer you &aaaGLOBBasePrice; for it."? This way, the dialogue dynamically reflects the change in price.


    Thanks for your time!

  10. Hey, all! Can anyone think of a way to implement a gender gate that affects NPCs? For instance, if I have a men's and women's bathroom in my cell, how can I prevent sandboxing male NPCs from entering the ladies' and vice versa? I suppose I could have a door that can't be interacted with and only opens when an NPC of the correct gender enters a linked trigger, but that seems kind of clunky (and would also prevent the player from entering if they wanted to). Can anybody think of a more elegant way to go about it?

  11. Oh, I see. Any idea if this can work for NPCs? I want to make the hologram decoy from my Doppelganger Grenade mod not show up on the player's radar/untargetable in VATS. I can't set the NPC unconscious otherwise it won't draw aggro from enemies, and another thing I noticed is that some non-targetable enemies are marked as ghosts, but ghosts won't enter combat so again that method won't work for me.

  12. I'm trying to figure out how the game hides enemies from your radar and makes it so that you can't target them in VATS. Looking at the creature data for the Vault 22 Spore Carriers for instance doesn't seem to show any actor effects or scripts that do this. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

  13. Hey, all! Does anyone know how to make an NPC drop all the items in their inventory using a script? The Drop function won't take a form list as an argument, so I can't just use

    BuddyREF.Drop Everything 9999

    I also don't use NVSE to make my mods, so I'm hoping for a solution that I can implement using vanilla GECK. Thanks for your time!

  14. Hey, everyone. I'm encountering a strange issue where if I place a modded weapon into a custom container, the weapon has all its mods removed. One of my personal player homes has gun cases containing a weapon and its mods. When I loot the container in game, apply the mods, then place the weapon back in the case, the mods disappear and I'm left with an unmodded weapon. This only happens with that weapon's specific gun case, and placing the modded weapon into a different gun case or a locker in the same cell doesn't cause this issue. This never happened with player homes I created in the past. The only thing I did differently this time was that I used FNVEdit to modify the container's contents instead of the GECK. Might this be the problem? And if so, how can I fix it? I already tried deleting the container record from the plugin and creating a new one with the same name using the GECK but the issue is still occurring.

  15. The wiki's wording implied to me that StartRadioConversation would "cut through the static" and force the station to broadcast a single topic. I also looked at the only usage of StartRadioConversation that I could find in the base game, where Tabitha begs you not to take Raul away. In that quest, the Black Mountain Radio transmitter has "SetBroadcastState 0" called on it, so I figured since the base game does it that way, it should work for me as well.


    As for the activator, I was following the example of the base-game radios that start on. They all have a script (VintageRadioStartOnSCRIPT) attached that has an OnLoad block wherein it activates itself using "set MySelf to GetSelf, Activate MySelf" I did the same thing with my OnLoad block, but it didn't work.

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