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Fix Boone's Assault Armor!
JackFranchi replied to JackFranchi's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101209214237/fallout/images/b/b3/BooneAssaultArmour.png There she is. -
Boone's Assault Armor. Arguably one of the more badass armors in the entire game. There's only one problem with it, when I console to get it, the damn red scarf clips in first person view, especially when using pistols. This doesn't sound like a big issue but it does get annoying after awhile. I'm not sure what will fix this other than changing the scarf into something else, a collar maybe? Not a slave collar obviously, just something different.
I have this weird problem where after I've finished Old World Blues, I go confront the brains and Klein, and after that I try to leave the Think Tank and that's when it usually goes to the recap slideshow but all I hear is the music and see the black and then the game shuts down right there. I'd really like this fixed, it's odd because I just finished Honest Hearts and had no problems getting out of that mod. For reference, I suppose I should list all of the mods I use, oh boy here we go: FalloutNV.esm=1 SomeguySeries.esm=1 Project Nevada - Core.esm=1 Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1 Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp=1 Run the Lucky 38.esm=1 OutfitsReColorNVMaster.esm=1 WillHavenNav.esm=1 NPC Project.esm=1 IWS-Core.esm=1 CompanionInfAmmo.esm=1 Primary Needs HUD.esm=1 aHUD.esm=1 iHUD.esm=1 Active Wasteland.esm=1 CaravanPack.esm=1 ClassicPack.esm=1 MercenaryPack.esm=1 TribalPack.esm=1 DeadMoney.esm=1 HonestHearts.esm=1 OldWorldBlues.esm=1 LonesomeRoad.esm=1 GunRunnersArsenal.esm=1 MeleeHotkey.esm=1 CleanHuntingRifle.esp=0 CourierCacheWSE.esp=0 realistic headshots.esp=1 Companion Sandbox Mode3.esp=1 WeaponModsExpanded.esp=1 NewVegasBounties.esp=1 Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover.esp=1 MMUE POP.esp=1 Real Weapon Names.esp=0 TheInheritance.esp=1 NewVegasBountiesII.esp=1 Fellout.esp=1 Wasteland Explorer.esp=1 FacePresets1.esp=1 GrimyBusinesswearFix.esp=1 Lucky 38 Lights.esp=1 Ww2K98.esp=1 BrigComp.esp=1 CONELRAD 640-1240.esp=1 MedGrass.esp=1 FreeplayafterMQNVv1_6.esp=1 The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp=1 FreesideHomeV3.esp=1 NoDegradation.esp=1 ED-E 3D Sound.esp=1 GoodspringsPlayerHome.esp=1 Lucky38MarkerV3.esp=1 G3SG1.esp=1 nu_women_of_the_wasteland.esp=1 RealWorldDrugs.esp=0 The Lucky 38 Empire.esp=1 GR123SurvivalistRifleMods.esp=1 XRE - CARS!.esp=0 Enclave Flight Jacket.esp=1 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1 FlashlightNVSE.esp=1 populatedcasino.esp=1 Alsatian NCR Guard Dogs.esp=1 RepairKitFix.esp=1 NCR_DesertV2.esp=1 LFox Bottle That Water.esp=1 LegendPresets.esp=0 ED-E Flying Fixed.esp=1 NoShirt.esp=1 Better Burned Man.esp=1 NPC Project - Freeside.esp=1 Oven Cooking.esp=1 ManualReload.esp=1 ManualReload-OldWorldBlues.esp=1 IWS-Core-Guards.esp=1 IWS-Core-Patrols.esp=1 IWS-Core-Civilians.esp=1 IWS-DM.esp=1 IWS-HH.esp=1 IWS-OWB.esp=1 IWS-LR.esp=1 1nivVSLArmors.esp=1 RHKBooneWarnFix.esp=1 Lucky38Extended.esp=1 Improved Throwing1.esp=1 Zan_AutoPurge_SmartAgro_NV.esp=1 DynamiCamera.esp=1 EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp=1 EVE FNV - NO GRA.esp=1 EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp=1 Centered 3rd Person Camera - Unraised.esp=0 CompanionInfAmmoOptional.esp=1 CompanionInfAmmoCheat.esp=1 UnlimitedCompanions.esp=1 1nivCorgiComp.esp=0 HZFollowerCheatMenu.esp=1 NVBabyDeathclawCommander.esp=1 DeadMoneyEquipmentFixes.esp=1 DLM_Dead Money Deans Blackmail holo fix.esp=1 GRA - The Right to Bear Arms.esp=1 Quest Items - Non-Essential and Categorised.esp=1 Redpastebloodsausage.esp=1 Depth of View IE Custom.esp=1 Depth of View IE Gentler.esp=1 Depth of View IE Middle.esp=1 Depth of View IE Blur.esp=1 Depth of View IE.esp=1 Depth of View I Blur.esp=1 Depth of View I.esp=1 DYNAVISION 3.esp=1 Grab Everything.esp=1 Active Wasteland - Dead Money Goggle Tints.esp=1 Active Wasteland - Dead Money Replacements.esp=1 Active Wasteland - Coffee Maker.esp=1 Active Wasteland - Dead Money Coffee Maker.esp=1 Active Wasteland - Goggle Tints.esp=1 Active Wasteland - Vanilla Replacements.esp=1 Devon's Director's Cut.esp=1 Devon's Auto Service Rifle.esp=0 Solar's Goodsprings Home.esp=1 CasinoBankMoney.esp=1 CasinoHeistPack.esp=1 1stReconArmor_Light.esp=1 Devon's 1st Recon Assault Armor Mod.esp=1 1stReconArmor_LightNonFaction.esp=1 1stReconArmor_Med.esp=1 1stReconArmor_MedNonFaction.esp=1 Courier Armor.esp=1 Nevada Skies.esp=0 updatedWearGlassesandMasks.esp=0 M14.esp=1 SW38S.esp=1 Geonox_Riot_Armor.esp=0 AlsatianRex.esp=1 Zombie Serenade.esp=0 Rustyhwys.esp=0 Realistic Wildlife.esp=1 Realistic_Repair_NV.esp=0 No Neos.esp=1 SaveCass.esp=1 InfiniteAmmoHH.esp=1 InfiniteAmmoGRA.esp=1 InfiniteAmmoLoneRoad.esp=1 Infiniteammo.esp=1 PortableCampsite.esp=1 Devon's Armor Mod.esp=1 Devon's Survivor Coats.esp=1 Devon's 1st Recon Assault Armor Mod v2.esp=1 Jmod Bullpup Pack.esp=0 Moddable Unique Weps.esp=1 OWBMoreClonedPlants.esp=1 Devon's Armored Helmet.esp=1 AEK971.esp=0 Wasteland Courier.esp=0 Silent Hill.esp=0 FBSykes.esp=1 Blachnick90s M37 Ithaca.esp=1 Alternative Start.esp=1 Delay DLC - DM + HH + OWB + LR + GRA.esp=0 ProneMode.esp=0 OldCourierDuster.esp=1 Devon's Assault Rifle V2.esp=0 Grays_EverybodyBleeds.esp=0 Devon's V2 Auto Service Rifle.esp=1 31 New Food Items.esp=1 Devon's Assault Rifle.esp=1
500 Things You Learned in Fallout 3
JackFranchi replied to soulknightX's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
357. Steal from cannibal...lose karma? -
500 Things You Learned in Fallout 3
JackFranchi replied to soulknightX's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
350. No matter how handsome you make your character, your father will always look like an alien. 351. Super Mutant Behemoths will only show up at dramatically perfect times. 352. All male ghouls are more than likely voiced by the same gravely-voiced man. (Charlie Sheen?) 353. Some weapons are ridiculously underpowered, while others are absurdly overpowered. 354. Human psychology can work to your advantage when talking TO A COMPUTER, let alone President Eden (spoiler?) 355. Three-Dog is Samuel L. Jackson's persona (I AM TIRED OF THESE MOTHERf*#@IN SUPER MUTANTS IN THESE MOTHERf*#@IN RUINS!!!!) 356. Three-Dog can predict the future with pinpoint accuracy if you've got the right glitch. -
Fallout 3 suggestion cast This link will take you to a list on IMDb of actors and actresses that i believe would be perfect to play key characters in a Fallout 3 movie (let's use our imagination, people. I'm not saying anything's ACTUALLY gonna happen, but come on, how cool would it be?!) If you have any other suggestions for other characters, or problems with my list, just comment with your thoughts.
The rankings of the Condoterro Family. Title: Outsider Description: Anybody new, or anybody temporarily working with the family. Names: Too many to name. Title: Associates Description: Business Partners and Do-ers Names: Too many to name Title: Street Men Description: Business capture, basic crew men. Names: Too many to name Title: Enforcers Description: Street managers, in control of the street crew, non-Italians. Names: Too many to name Title: Big Earners. Description: Financial managers and profiteers. Names: Too many to name Note: To get higher than this in the family, you must prove yourself to the Don and be formally accepted into the family. Title: Musclemen Description: Men of action, men that take care of violent business Names: Too many to name Title: Capos Description: Men that have much under their command and are important and well respected in and out of the family. Names: Too many to name Title: Soldiers Description: Elite musclemen, the Don's personal hit squad. Names: Unavailable at the moment Title: Generale Description: In charge of the crew of soldiers, takes orders directly from the Don. Name: Jack Franchi Title: Underboss Description: Second in command to Don. Very well respected men, "Wise Guys" Names: Unavailable at the moment Title: Consigliere Description: Tactical planner and treasurer, answers to the Don. Name: Unavailable at the moment Title: Don Description: Head of the family, handles all affairs. Name: Don Vincenzio Condoterro
Jack Franchi walks into the bar in a clean black suit and fedora, noticing all the commotion, and sits down quietly and orders a red wine. A shifty looking trader approaches with a sneer. "Red wine?" The trader says mockingly. "Boy, this is a tavern. Order a beer. Prove you're a man." The trader chuckles as he walks away. Jack then, with considerable speed, grabs the trader by the scruff of his shirt and flings him towards the wall. The trader makes contact with the wall with a dull thud. Jack then walks over to the smart-mouth trader and begins beating him mercilessly. After the gory fight is over, the trader lay bunched up against the wall, alive but not by much, and Jack merely brushes off his shoulders and walks back to his seat and continues to sip his red wine. His previously clean suit was blood-spattered in the front. He removes two sets of brass knuckles from his hands and places them in an inside pocket. Another man enters. This man is also in a clean black suit and fedora, and he meets with Jack, patting him on the back in a friendly way and starting a chat. It's obvious that the two men know each other. Because of the way they dress, others in the tavern begin to speculate that it's two members of the Capitol Mafia based in the D.C. Wasteland. The second man orders a beer, and it arrives with all its frothy goodness. During all the conversations the two men have, Jack sits there, looking rather uninterested. In the evening, when the bar starts to empty, Jack finally moves. He goes for the .44 magnum strapped to his belt, hidden by his jacket. In moments the second man's brains are spattered on the wall behind him. As he exits the tavern, a black car meets him at the front. He gets in, and the only words the barkeep hears before seeing Jack leave is Jack himself saying: "to Tenpenny, boys."
Introducing Jack Franchi Name: Jack Franchi Pronounced: Jack Fran-chee Age: Unknown but appears late 40's. Gender: M Ethnicity: Mediterranean, possibly Italian or Spanish. Resides: Several places but usually sleeps at Tenpenny Tower. Appearance: A shady character with a worn, expressionless face. Wearing a dark business suit and a black fedora. There is a .44 Magnum strapped to his belt with no attempt to hide it. He orders a glass of wine and looks noticeably out-of-place in the bar. He looks around wearily, as if expecting a challenger. Confronted with none, he sits and begins sipping on the wine. History: Not a lot is known about the early life of this character, only that now he works for an exclusive brotherhood known as The Capitol Mafia. He is the Generale, which puts him very high in the Family ranks. And he's not talking the bloodsucking Family that resides in Meresti Train yard, he means the family that runs the Capitol Mafia syndicate, the Condoterros. He leads an elite force of crime muscle men and has access to all the fronts, rackets and influences that the Capitol Mafia has under its possession. He is a feared man to those who are lucky enough to know him without being dead. Another man enters the bar and without hesitation sits next to Jack. This man looks relaxed, his fedora turned upwards, revealing his forehead. He is a pale man that walked with a limp and always has one eye closed. The man then discreetly hands Jack a suitcase, which Jack takes and places it safely by his feet. Jack bends over in his bar stool to check on the case, then comes back up with the .44. He sticks it up the other man's nose and pulls the trigger. The ear-shattering sound of the gunshot causes the bar to silence for a moment, then everyone carries on as usual. Jack then stands, picks up the suitcase, winks to the barkeep, and walks out of the bar, leaving his half finished wine. Jack returns moments later, again ordering a red wine but this time looking a little more open to conversation.