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  1. Guess not if we have in mind that we will not publish things that cannot be found on the Wizard Coast DnD forums and media sections of site, such has Elminster arts and some history too, also we have the already mentioned forgoten realms wiki. Freedom still untouchble =)
  2. Heeey ! Merry Christmas to all ... I've been travelling here on Rio (Brazil). Sorry about the time away, I am really impressed about the so many replies we got here, people. Ok ... let get it started ! First of all, we must have in mind that this Total Conversion may only go on when CK is out, for now, we have to know all theories of DnD and post it to make it easy to know for us all. About the Climbing, you've say that its not a glitch but, there is no Perk or Skill saying that it is a real Climbing but without animation, so, this article cant be found on ES wiki, considering this a glicth. Second, if I would dev the whole Faêrun at once, this mod would only be complete in 2020 (being humble), so the solution to this little problem is, make the make by provincies, starting with Icewind Dale and its next villages like Luskan and Neverwinter, the next forest would be Lurkwood. That mean, no ALFA bro! ;) Ok, now I need to apologize myself, nudefans wasn't my intention to make you guys angry, but who plays DnD certainly loves roleplay, not walk on the village with a semi-transparent cloth and say thats cool. I would say that is a Realistic Mod, but not necessary for a roleplay TC. By the way, that's my word about nude mods, that doesnt mean that I am a child (i'm 21, navy marine) and this game is going to be a sexless blood fest. Also, if you guys want to use a Nude Mod with Forgotten Realms TC, it will be on your own. Yeah, the races. After studying even more Faêrun, I've see many variety of races, even for humans, divided by Ethnicities. Its almost the same for Elves, since we have Wild Elf, Moon Elf, Sun Elf, Wood Elf, Drow and also the Aquatic Elf, but use them all for characters creation would make too many difference in gameplay itself like, being a Aquatic Elf, you cant live out of the water too many time or you die, almost the same for a Drow player, since some clans who live in the deep have some aversion to the daylight, becoming very unconfortable come to surface and start his adventures. That will be needed many conversions from DnD to the live action roleplay system of Skyrim. I almost forgot, Drizzt will be an NPC and for now, its the only one with Good alignment, why? The history tell it all, the Drow is a Evil race of the deep darkness, but it doesnt mean that if you adventure yourself to their Citatel in the Underdark, they will attack you. Many conclusions must be done in this part of the mod. Roltak, thanks for the tips ! ArtistDude05, your help will be very welcome, and you dont need to care about the time, we will have many tips to trim on this way. Heey Auri, that's realy good to know (*_*) kidding. I'll probaly look for you with some advises about DnD, seen that I've studied many of DnD but played only once. We haven't see too many TC's completed for Oblivion, thats true and I only knew that Nehrim. But, starting this with little things like a realy tiny piece of Faêrun, some races replacement and letting people say whats missing will be very useful. I realy believe in this project, I haven't too many time of my day but, I'll always post when I can. The Noble of Evermeet, at your service.
  3. Realy good to know that still exist people who love the real roleplay! And yes, the project isnt small taking part that I have 4th Edition Rules in mind but, there will be needed a lot of work to plan a system that mix both ... the gameplay of Elder Scrolls and the rules of D&D. I know that Dungeons and Dragons rules for fight for example, its kind complex to convert for a live action rpg game, but its the challenge that keep me so excited. By the way, EVERY kind of help will be welcome, ranging the D&D Masters who know every single information about the D20 system, until the scripters, modelers, texturers and so on. I'll be glad to have you on the team man! Bye !
  4. http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/6017/modbanner.png Dungeons and Dragons - Forgotten Realms A total conversion mod for Skyrim A complete overhaul of Skyrim based on the Dungeons and Dragons RPG systems, the idea is to remake over Skyrim the Forgotten Realms Scenario and it's heroes and legends. New races, monsters, quests and main quest, items, weapons and armors, a complexity system to forge, enchant and also create new spells. Choose yourself from a Paladin Dragonborn and bring the light to the shadows or take advantage of the shade as a Rogue Halfling and steal the most valuable artifact in the dungeon without being perceived by their keepers. Very first, close this tab if you: - Are a super fan and have all the series of the Nudes mod for males or females of Skyrim, for us that's not Roleplay. - You love to wear a Complete Perfect Rare Legendary Daedric Armor of Destruction where every part gives you a super power, and you are a level 5 newbie (but a console master). - And the most important, if you say yourself a Lawful Paladin and when you see someone's living in the middle of a forest, you enter his home and see rare items and gold, you think "Kill and Loot!". Remember, the roleplay its the main source of the project, do you think that Aragorn from Lord of the Rings was a Lvl 5 Newbie Ranger killing like he does !? Its taken time, so if you want to be a Dragonborn, a hero among the people, wearing a mighty armor and carrying a legendary Holy Avenger, you must train and earn experience, and the best way to do it is roleplaying. Good Roleplay ! Map and Enviroment · A complete remake of the map based on Forgotten Realms will be released in parts, as the first one shall be "The Icewind Frost Borders Campaign", and will include the whole province of Icewind Dale, its quests and creatures, ranging from NPC Humans until the mighty Frost Giants. · The environment itself is the main feature of the mod, since all the gameplay will be based on it. Mountains of rock must be well designed to make the Jump Climbing glitch impossible, where the player can reach the top of a mountain, even if its walls are vertical. · Wild animals become smarter and follow a level of intelligence to make the AI ​​more complex. A good example is the wolf of the steppes, where a player when you find one eating the wolf will growl when you see the player and will attack if unsheathing his sword or come very close to the meat. · Different climates make the character feel cold when not wearing a winter coat in the mountains, to the feeling of warmth on top of volcanoes when wearing full armor. That are somethings that may intervene on player acts like camp and sleep or fight with a Fire Elemental, where the heat of the enviroment will blur the player's vision. Character Creation · New races ranging from: Humans, Orcs, Half-Orcs, Elves, Eladrins, Dwarves, Halflings, Drows and Dragonborns. · A complete overhaul of the stats system bringing Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Constitution, Wisdom and Charisma, giving the player choice a whole new character every game he starts. · The feat is also a new feature of character creation, it ranges from the simple actions of the player until the fighting itself. · The return of the Auto-Name device, where it is generated based on character's class. · The early history of the character as well as their place of beginning are now based on race of the player. Thus, an Eladrin not take off your adventure being a prisoner of war. · Skills and their use is back in Skyrim, but with even more usefull acts like being grab by a Giant will test your Acrobacy Skill, while disable a trap or open a locked chest in a dungeon will test your Thievery Skill. Character Evolution · The Alignment its also a feature that will return on Forgotten Realms Total Conversion, where every single act that the player make will slowly direct him to be a Lawful Good or a Chaotic Evil, that may open new answers on dialogs until the reach of respect from some creature types. · Classes are one of the features that will return from Oblivion, but with the main difference being that the player will not choose it at character creation, but its evolution, ranging from the player some habits such as stealing and sneak in dangerous places can transform it into a rogue even some missions like killing five types of Giants making it a Giant Slayer. · The player's experience will also improve into a Dungeon Master that may aprove or not its roleplay, giving it or not his experience points based on his acts while on a quest or a simple talk with someone. · The Feats will also be a very peculiar feature since that make possible to the player become even more different from others. Fighting · Every battle with an evil creature must be epic, so we want to mix the cam tricks and the animations (also first person) making it very like to Modern Warfare series, where a characters fighting with a Skeleton Army will see attack animations much more than normal. It will include a pack of combos with every type of weapon, ranging the simple dagger until the dual-axe. · The creature AI, also commented some items up, its one of the main features of this part of the mod, where every single creature on Forgotten Realms will follow a Inteligence Table, ranging from the skeleton with the Intelligence level three, to the human level of intelligence twenty-one. This Intelligence Table is the base for the creature's acts so, if a Skeleton see a shinning light, he will never suspect that's a trap, different from a Human that will also alert his companions. · A complete set of new monsters bringing all the Dungeons and Dragons Monster Guide to Forgotten Realms Total Conversion. It includes the symbolic Beholder, a giant eye with eyed-tentacles, the whole set of Dragons, ranging the mighty Gold ones to the wild White ones, and also the Goblinoids, ranging the weak gnolls, the bugbears, the hobgoblins and the goblins itself. · The limits of the mounts its the characters tame capability, ranging from the simple horses, giant eagles, dinossaurs and the mighty dragons. · Adding some ideas to the item above, the Mounted Combat its also a good feature if you dont want to get down of your horse to slash a little spider and back to the horse again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'll be adding more ideas minding thats a WIP. I'll accept help from any kind but for now we will keep this on the paper only. See Ya ! (sry for bad english - pt-br nature language =P)
  5. Also, I forgot to ask, what kind of gameplay will be ? Will have an 2nd View Camera like RTS style or the default one ? If so, the commands like build and attack will be given through another npc ? It's getting close to Mount & Blade, by the way, you're doing a good work starting with this topic full filled with information, realy nice! see ya !
  6. "I shaw serve you as you wish, my MASTER !" Finally a trully rpg mod ! Why everyone like's to play RPG ? Remember Morrowind or Oblivion ... they ... we ... look for become a furious barbarian, a ancient mage, a chaotic necromancer or a lawfull king... we want to be what anyone want! That's Roleplay ... and I f@#k love it! keep up the good work and what I can do to help, you only need to ask... by the way... i'm thinking on develop a total conversion based on Forgotten Realms - D&D ... but I'll only begin when ConKit is out... for now... I'll be writting all the rules and theories. see ya!
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