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  1. I was thinking about making a patch for Falskaar, all roads, all villages, all dungeon entrances. It's not that I'm not used to work with the CK but there is something missing that worked in the tools for Fallout 3, NV and 4, it's copying a selection of objects like street lights(post, lamp, light source) with intact enable parent and linked refs. There are a lot of copies needed to fill Falskaar and I prefere to not use enable parent at all than having to link eveything by hand. I couildn't find anything with Google. Has somebody an idea how to do this? Is there a special shortcut? CTRL+Shift+D doesn't work, I tried it.
  2. I'm working with the tools since fallout 3. Since then they tweaked some things in it, but it continues to be a software which you couldn't sell for money. -ugly interface -incredibly bad performance in the render window -crashes, crashes, crashes -bugs, bugs bugs This was okay for Fallout 3(take it or leave it) but If you want to push it as an official authoring software even for console mods you have to fix the worse mistakes. and bugs included since Fallout 3. I was trying to tweak some settlements and it was a messs, beginning with freezes and slowdowns, it was nearly unusable. I was thinking about adjusting all settlement borders but I'm stills stuck at the Outpost Zimonja.
  3. I think, that i have found a solution and this also to check, if there was a previous version installed. int Property FxVersion Auto GlobalVariable Property DRWFxVersion Auto bool lockFunctions = false ; Variable to lock functions Event OnInit () FxVersion = 15 ; Starts with 1, Increment this for any version DRWFxVersion.SetValueInt(FxVersion) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() If (DRWFxVersion.GetValueInt() == 0) ; Global doesn't exist = mod doesn't exist UnregisterForUpdate() ElseIf (DRWFxVersion.GetValueInt() != 15) ; Not the same value as in OnInit() = not the same version DRWFxVersion.SetValueInt(15) ; ElseIf (DRWFxVersion.GetValueInt() == 14) ; Not the same value as in OnInit() , but no reaction needed DRWFxVersion.SetValueInt(15) ElseIf (DRWFxVersion.GetValueInt() == 13) ; Not the same value as in OnInit() , reaction needed DRWFxVersion.SetValueInt(15) MsgPleaseStartWithCleanSaveBecauseThisEngineIsFromHell.Show() DoSomething() Else DoUpdateFunctions() EndIf EndEvent Maybe, i can improve this.
  4. I use unregister, when i don't need updates. But all the reactions of my mod depends heavy on this updates. Hmm, is there any way to check, when a save is loaded or if a given mod exists? This is a serious thing for me. I don't like, if people are uninstalling my mod, but i can't leave them with shitty event blocks running, slowing down their game. I have to configure, how i can stop events, when the mod is not loaded, maybe there is any hack for this. Logically, i don't want to create an uninstaller, to clean saves from my mod.
  5. Thank you for the answer and link :-) Okay, variable values on update is one thing, there has to be rules and i will learn them. Leaving a quest-event-block from a removed mod running, is simply bull**** of programmer noobs, sorry. Maybe this comes from the same people, who can't set a 4GB-flag, or can't compile and optimise an exe and leaved us with 100% less performance, until the whole web names them "idiots". I have good reasons to run OnUpdate every 6 seconds from start to the end of the game. But imagine you play 200 hours, installing and rermoving several mods and seven of them has expensive OnUpdate-Blocks, this will slow down Skyrim even on the best machines.
  6. Hi, folks, to make a video from mod start, i have created a clean save. After, for any reason i loaded the game without mod and what did i see? The quest script runs without mod, without quest and without script and shows all 6 seconds this message. DebugState was previously for development reasons set to true. ;(simplified) bool Property DebugState = false Auto Event OnUpdate If (DebugState) Debug.Notification("XXX") EndIf ; Do something... EndEvent Even, after a new clean save and game restart, the script continues to run. Then i have inserted a new line in my code: Event OnInit DebugState = false Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(DRWFxMagicSpell, true) EndEvent But even after activation of the mod and after i received the spell, all 6 seconds, the message appeared. I had to comment out the notfication, because this was the only method to remove it. If (DebugState) ; Debug.Notification("XXX") EndIf From on step to other, i have deleted bsas and unchecked in NMM. The scripts i have recompiled and leaved it in the scripts folder. This takes me to the conclusion, that: -scripts are saved in save games, even if no esp and no mod data exists -on update, even with a clean save, only parts of the script lines are refreshed I think, this is a big fat bug. Scripts and their events have to be unloaded instantly, if a mod and its parent object doesn't exist anymore. And if you update any mod, all script functions have to be refreshed. Have anybody noticed the same thing and what do you think about it? Cheers PixelMurder (sorry, for my bad english)
  7. Hi, folks, im' working on my effects scripts, controlled from other script and i have troubles with function calls. Scriptname DRWEffectsControllerScript extends ObjectReference DRWEffectsQuestScript Property EffectQuest Auto DRWEffectsQuestGoreScript Property EffectGoreQuest Auto ; This works Function MenuContrast() Debug.Notification("GoreType:" + EffectGoreQuest.GetGoreType() + " Treshold:" + EffectGoreQuest.GetTreshold() + " Enabled:" + EffectGoreQuest.GetGoreEnabled()) int selected = DRWEffectsMsgSaturation.Show(EffectQuest.EffectSetting(effectId) + 1) EffectQuest.ApplyEffect(effectId, EffectQuest.EffectSetting(effectId) - 1) EndFunction ; This doesn't works(in the same script): Function MenuGore() int selected = DRWEffectsMsgGore.Show(EffectGoreQuest.GetGoreType() + 1, EffectGoreQuest.GetTreshold() * 100) EffectGoreQuest.SetTreshold(EffectGoreQuest.GetTreshold() - 0.05) EndFunction The EffectGoreQuestScript itself works as espected, gore is applied and it isn't possible, goreTreshold having a value of 0.0000 or goreEnabled 0. But GetTreshold() returns 0.0000, and GetGoreEnabled() 0 and all calls of EffectGoreQuest.SetTreshold() have no effect. All scripts are compiled with CK with no error. Has this to do with threading? It feels like the EffectGoreQuestScript is uninitialised for DRWEffectsControllerScript. I have no explication for that. Can anyone help me, lease? :-) Greets, PixelMurder (sorry, for my bad english)
  8. The CK shows a box with an error message("Need to add new parameter type 22 to TES: Parameters FillAndIniSelectionComboBox.", when i open the dialogue for GetQuestVariable, and this looks like a bug.
  9. Has anyone noticed, that you can't use GetQuestVariable as Condition for message-buttons? Whe i open the dialogue first time, an error-message appears, that a field needs definition, and after selecting the quest(any quest) i can't select any variable 2. This makes it near impossible to make a usable messagebox with Yes/No switch.
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