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About Kaliprax

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    TES4 Oblivion
  1. The funniest thing in Oblivion for me is the NPC AI. Right, these are the things you need to have some extreme lols: --Fame. You need this so everyone will like you. Alternatively you can persuade and bribe everyone. --A good Frenzy spell, one that will affect guards. I recommend 'Ajhazda's Paranoia': a greater power given to you by Ajhazda in the Shivering Isles for doing her quest. --A tough summon. Any of the greater powers you gain doing the SI main quest will do i.e. 'Summon Flesh Atronach' --Good armor, good speed and acrobatics. You will be needing to run and may find youself getting pummeled. Now. Travel to the IC Market District and be there at around 2pm. Walk up to a guard. Cast 'Ajhazda's Paranoia'. Punch him in the face and quickly run backwards. Cast 'Summon Flesh Atronach'. Don't let yourself get arrested, and go to a safe view point to watch the carnage :) This doesn't always work that well every time, just experiment with fame, summons, frenzy spells and, generally, drive the Elder Counsel mad !
  2. Hi, I am contemplating downloading Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, and I was wondering what other mods are included in OOO? The main mods I use, love and can't live without are Deadly Reflex, Better Cities, Capes and Cloaks, and Apophis: Armory of the Silver Dragon. Are any/all of these included in OOO or compatible? Also, is it possible to toggle on/off certain parts OOO during play, or when installing? Thank you for your help!
  3. This probably won't help much as I don't now much about fixing bugs or anything, but you could do all/any of these: -Download the latest official Oblivion patch if you haven't already -Download OBMM if you haven't already and use the conflict detector to see if there is a problem there -Delete some old unwanted saves This just might help, though don't count on it. People who give a better answer than this, please don't call me a retard for giving a crappy answer if this is.
  4. Mine stays at the very tip of Dive Rock for me to do whatever I want to him... The deaths that incurred on that rock... good times. But, now, those stupid goody goody Aedra make everyone say "I used to think you where a hero" and all that crap when ever I murder anyone and I then have to run around the wilderness looking for those Godamn Wayshrines. Screw KotN and screw the Prophet!!!! So anyway, yeah, he respawns(at the arena).
  5. Deadly Reflex, Loading Screens, Elven Map Redux/Elven Cartographer, Midas Magic(though it is a bit too gimmicky), Apophis: Armory of the Sliver Dragon, Bethesda's mods(Frostcrag Spire, Dunbarrow Cove, Battlehorn Castle, Deepscorn Hollow, Spell Tomes(That has a freaky glitch-every Oblivion year or so, on any character I play, this random Conjurer will find me in random places...creepy.), Horse Armor and Mehrune's Razor), a Kvatch Rebuilt mod, The Curse of Hircine(werewolf mod). Better Cities looks awsome, though I'm finding it hard to install. Oh, I forgot: Capes and Cloaks, tdas sythe mod, and a mod for better character creation, i.e. Renn's Beauty Pack.
  6. Hi, I should probably be asking this on the Better Cities thread page on planet elder scrolls, but I think I'll get a quicker answer from here. So, I downloaded Better Cities, by that I mean all of the main files. I extracted them to their own file, and I opened up the readme. It says that for OMOD installation you have to create an OMOD from each downloaded file, and then let the scripts guide you through installation. How do I do this? Also, in the 3 main files I downloaded (Better Cities #-#-#, Better Cities resources A and Better Cities resources B), there are other mods - like Vaults of Cyrodiil - which are in the folders as well. Are they encorporated into one of the files with the main mod? Yes I have patched up Oblivion to 1.2.146, I have OBSE and OBMM. Oh, and one last thing about conflictions... I have Deadly Reflex 5 and Elven Cartographer. It says in advice on the Better Cities description to put the BC files at the end of all the other mods in the load order - Deadly Reflex tells you to do the same thing with the DR files. Which one should I go with? And does Better Cities give you a new map as Elven Cartographer does? I have bitten off just about more than I can chew trying to download and activate this, as I don't that much about this stuff, but I'm learning more every mod I download, so I might as well try :) Thanks for any help!
  7. They are both the same, in the end it comes down what style of character you want to play; if you have your blunt skill and your blade skill both at say, 50, and you have a blade and a blunt weapon which each way the same amount, they will swing at the same speed (and I beleive there is no damage difference at all). But personally, I preffer blades being a stealth class character, and I would say that blunt is best suited for a heavy-armoured warrior... but only because of looks. And, there are more special swords in the game than special hammers/axes. *POSSIBLE SLIGHT SPOILER* You've got Chillrend, Goldbrand, Umbra, Sword of the Crusader, Ebony Blade(almost forgot that beauty), Dawnfang/Duskfang and Shadowrend. For blunt you've got Mace of Molag Bal, Volendrung, Mace of the Crusader and Shadowrend(you'll understand if you've done the main ShivIsles quest). So yeah, blades are the way to go.
  8. Hi, I was wondering if there was an extra slots(ring/amulet/tail) mod out there so I can wear a cape, eyepatch, face mask and beard all at once? It kind of sucked trying to make Gandalf an having to choose between a beard or a cape... You see the problem? Thanks for your help!
  9. There is a dual weilding mod, but the second weapon counts as a shield, and you can only block with it... shame but they would have to make new animations for a proper dual-weilding mod. Type in "oblivion dual weilding mod" on google. Deadly reflexes is the mod you are talking about, the mod description will tell you how to do the stealth move. p.s. What is it with you and daggers? This is your 3rd (that i've seen) thread about daggers lol XD
  10. I would give a long LONG list of stuff, but I haven't got time... -I would like to see in the way of a storyline, perhaps another Akaviri invasion, or you start in Akavir, something like that. -More guilds -Perhaps primative Dwemer blunderbusses, you know some really slow to fire put powerful shotgun for the heavy classes. -More inventive quests, so less dungeons and more above ground interesting or entertaining stuff. -A better levelled enemies/loot system i.e. some dungeons are more levelled than others, some not at all. -A small multiplayer aspect POSSIBLY, such as an arena thing or just a get-together assault on some bandit nest; this would be good as long as most of the development money/effort/time goes into the single-player part. After all, thats what makes TES TES.
  11. An article I read on Planet Elder Scrolls states that it will be made partially (or fully) by Armor Games. It will be called "Alinor", which is capital city of the Summerset Isles. That's where it will take place. This info is the most genuine I've seen of all. To be honest, I don't think it will be The Infernal City, I mean, what are the chances of them copying an authors idea? I'm not sure it would look too good for Bethesda, not bothering to do their own storyline... And yeah, unfortunately It will be 2011 at the earliest, as "Brink"(Bethesda's Futuristic Shoot'em'Up) is set for release in early 2011. 5 DAMN YEARS SINCE THE EXPANSIONS!
  12. There is a Dunmer called Alval Uvani, who carries a Dwarven Dagger, enchanted with I think 6 shock damage on strike; 57 uses. I can't remember his exact schedual, but he will either be in Olav's Tap'n'Tack (Bruma, nr. east gate), The West Weald Inn (Skingrad, nr. Mages Guild Hall), or at his house in Leyawiin (I think South-West end of town). Google his name and the UESPwiki should tell you his exact schedual. Assuming you are willing to steal, This is probably one of the best daggers you are going to get at your level. Hope all goes well in aquiring a dagger!
  13. Daggers swing faster than shortswords, they also do less damage, if comparing a dagger and a shortsword of the same material and condition. Daggers naturally, also have less range. However, the weight of a weapon generally determines how fast it swings - I once picked up an Akaviri Dai-Katana (the two-handed version of an Akaviri Katana), which swung as fast as its one-handed counterpart. This was because it weighed almost the same.
  14. Hi, I am probably about to install OBMM, and I just have a few questions being my cautious self. I have installed a couple of mods which have had a standard and an OMOD version available, and, naturally, I chose the standard versions as I did not have OBMM. Will I have to delete(or other) these mods and install the OMOD versions, or will it be fine to just use the standard versions even if I am using OBMM ? My second question is how will OBMM affect using/installing the construction set (if at all), which I may download in the near future? My system is a 32-bit Windows Vista, and I am running the DVD-rom version of Oblivion (patched up to 1.2.416). I am also running the latest stable version of OBSE. Any help on either questions is greatly appreciated. :)
  15. Hi, I am a bit of a newbie to this field, my only experience being installing a few mods. I want to Install OBSE mainly for the 'Companion share and recruit' mod. I have the conventional Dvd-rom copy of Oblivion, and I'm using 32-bit Windows Vista - If that makes any difference. Please explain in relative baby talk how I can download OBSE. Any help will be very much appreciated - Thanks!!
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