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About thedemonfox

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  1. So I found myself looking about earlier last month (nov) to today and realized that while the sims 4 has a rather nice mod community, any/all adult skins are paid for by third party modding groups or elitists. so lets get some mods going here at the nexus :D adult or not n.n lets kick those premium sites in the giggleberries and show them all that the nexus is the place to be for any/all modding needs >:U
  2. So I finally decided to download a custom race after finding one that tickled my fancy. After five hours of gameplay I started to feel lonely....why am I the only one of my kind in this region? SO!!! It it my question to you who use custon races...and are hopefully modders >.> Is it possible to add a few npcs with random generic "hi I'm Dave and I like to bash things" lines to the game? Not allot but a few that wander. I don't know why but it was a bit weird to just randomly think of this lol...but yes, let's never be alone again and find a way to add random npcs of the race you chose to play! If anyone has ideas or interest in this then feel free to reply.
  3. lol i woke up today and had an idea for a mod! though im not a modder i think it would be cool to see put in game :D basicly i thought of a medievil star wars like armor where for example clone troopers or stormtroopers would wear a steel like armor with resemblences to their movie idea like for example a clone trooper would have a steel plate design with the T-slit visored helmet with a fin on top or darth vader a set of ebonylike armor with a cape and menacing helmet that can grant magic bonuses :D. jedi could use something like the spjit or however its spelled lol add perhaps bracers and breastplate and such for light armoring on the robes with the robe of course can use that lightsaber thats already posted on the nexus too. i rather like its design hehe just wish it could switch off lol. but yeah i thought it was a cool idea to take star wars back to the dark ages :D
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