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  1. I want to create a page in MCM of debug info of major variables etc so users who can't do the log file thing can just screenshot it. Is there a way to do it without a bunch of sliders? I've looked through the demo but can't see nay example of that or anything on the MCM Wiki, its probably just infront of my face and something I don't know how to do yet :P
  2. Did that work? If not, it should be pretty easy to make a quest utility script to call from your alias scripts. Yes that seems to have done the trick, created a separate input layer for each, haven't tested all but its definitely disabling and re-enabling Sprint and fastTravel so far. Scriptname SynthPlayer:Synth6Control extends ReferenceAlias {Deals with output systems based on system health and lubricant levels} Group Misc Quest Property qMQ101 Auto Const GlobalVariable Property gBootup Auto GlobalVariable Property gDebugSetting Auto GlobalVariable Property gSynthAbilityLevel Auto Const GlobalVariable Property gLubriCoolPerc Auto Const GlobalVariable Property gPowerPerc Auto Const GlobalVariable Property gCoreTempPerc Auto Const GlobalVariable Property gFPE_SexPregMonths Auto EndGroup Group SystemConditions ActorValue Property BrainConditionAV Auto ActorValue Property PerceptionConditionAV Auto ActorValue Property EnduranceConditionAV Auto ActorValue Property LeftAttackConditionAV Auto ActorValue Property LeftMobilityConditionAV Auto ActorValue Property RightAttackConditionAV Auto ActorValue Property RightMobilityConditionAV Auto GlobalVariable Property gSystemsServosLower Auto GlobalVariable Property gSystemsServosUpper Auto GlobalVariable Property gSystemsTorso Auto GlobalVariable Property gSystemsSensors Auto GlobalVariable Property gSystemsCPU Auto EndGroup ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actor rActor Int iBootup Int iDebugSetting Float fCurrAbilityLevel Float fConditionHead Float fConditionPerception Float fConditionTorso Float fConditionLeftArm Float fConditionRightArm Float fConditionLeftLeg Float fConditionRightLeg Float fSystemsServosLower Float fSystemsServosUpper Float fSystemsTorso Float fSystemsSensors Float fSystemsCPU Int iSystemsMovementDisable = 5 Int iSystemsRunningDisable = 10 Int iSystemsJumpingDisable = 20 Int iSystemsSprintingDisable = 30 Int iSystemsFastTravelDisable = 40 Int iSystemsActivateDisable = 5 Int iSystemsJournalDisable = 10 Int iSystemsFightingDisable = 20 Int iSystemsLookingDisable = 10 Int iSystemsCamSwitchDisable = 5 Int iSystemsSneakingDisable = 25 Int iSystemsVATSDisable = 20 InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerMovement InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerRunning InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerSprinting InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerJumping InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerFastTravel InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerFighting InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerMenu InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerJournal InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerActivate InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerCamSwitch InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerLooking InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerSneaking InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerVATS InputEnableLayer ielInputLayerFavorites bool bCurrMovement = True bool bPrevMovement = True bool bCurrRunning = True bool bPrevRunning = True bool bCurrSprinting = True bool bPrevSprinting = True bool bCurrJumping = True bool bPrevJumping = True bool bCurrFastTravel = True bool bPrevFastTravel = True bool bCurrFighting = True bool bPrevFighting = True bool bCurrMenu = True bool bPrevMenu = True bool bCurrActivate = True bool bPrevActivate = True bool bCurrJournal = True bool bPrevJournal = True bool bCurrCamSwitch = True bool bPrevCamSwitch = True bool bCurrLooking = True bool bPrevLooking = True bool bCurrSneaking = True bool bPrevSneaking = True bool bCurrVATS = True bool bPrevVATS = True bool bCurrFavorites = True bool bPrevFavorites = True Float fFrequencyTimer = 1.5 Int iTimerID = 32 Int iIsSwimming ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event OnInit() rActor = Game.GetPlayer() RegisterForRemoteEvent(rActor, "OnDeath") StartTimer(fFrequencyTimer, iTimerID) ielInputLayerMovement = InputEnableLayer.Create() ielInputLayerRunning = InputEnableLayer.Create() ielInputLayerSprinting = InputEnableLayer.Create() ielInputLayerJumping = InputEnableLayer.Create() ielInputLayerFastTravel = InputEnableLayer.Create() ielInputLayerFighting = InputEnableLayer.Create() ielInputLayerMenu = InputEnableLayer.Create() ielInputLayerJournal = InputEnableLayer.Create() ielInputLayerActivate = InputEnableLayer.Create() ielInputLayerCamSwitch = InputEnableLayer.Create() ielInputLayerLooking = InputEnableLayer.Create() ielInputLayerSneaking = InputEnableLayer.Create() ielInputLayerVATS = InputEnableLayer.Create() ielInputLayerFavorites = InputEnableLayer.Create() EndEvent ;Game.SetPlayerAIDriven() ;Game.SetPlayerRadioFrequency(50.45) ;Game.TurnPlayerRadioOn(false) ;Game.ShakeCamera(afStrength = 0.1) ;Actor randomActor = Game.FindRandomActor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0) ;Actor closest = Game.FindClosestActor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0) ;Game.FastTravel(HomeMarker) ;Game.FadeOutGame(false, true, 2.0, 1.0) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID) iDebugSetting = (gDebugSetting.GetValue()) as Int iBootup = (gBootup.GetValue()) as Int If (aiTimerID >= iTimerID) && (iBootup > 10) && (qMQ101.IsCompleted() == True) Int iTempSysValue Float fLubriCoolPerc = gLubriCoolPerc.GetValue() Float fCoreTempPerc = gCoreTempPerc.GetValue() Float fPowerPerc = gPowerPerc.GetValue() Float fSexPregPerc = ((gFPE_SexPregMonths.GetValue()) / 9) * 100 fSystemsServosLower = gSystemsServosLower.GetValue() fSystemsServosUpper = gSystemsServosUpper.GetValue() fSystemsTorso = gSystemsTorso.GetValue() fSystemsSensors = gSystemsSensors.GetValue() fSystemsCPU = gSystemsCPU.GetValue() bCurrMovement = ielInputLayerMovement.IsMovementEnabled() bCurrRunning = ielInputLayerRunning.IsRunningEnabled() bCurrSprinting = ielInputLayerSprinting.IsSprintingEnabled() bCurrJumping = ielInputLayerJumping.IsJumpingEnabled() bCurrFastTravel = ielInputLayerFastTravel.IsFastTravelEnabled() bCurrJournal = ielInputLayerJournal.IsJournalEnabled() bCurrActivate = ielInputLayerActivate.IsActivateEnabled() bCurrFighting = ielInputLayerFighting.IsFightingEnabled() bCurrLooking = ielInputLayerLooking.IsLookingEnabled() bCurrCamSwitch = ielInputLayerCamSwitch.IsCamSwitchEnabled() bCurrVATS = ielInputLayerVATS.IsVATSEnabled() bCurrSneaking = ielInputLayerSneaking.IsSneakingEnabled() ; *** Disabling Systems iTempSysValue = fSystemsServosLower as Int if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsMovementDisable) && (bCurrMovement) ielInputLayerMovement.EnableMovement(false) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerMovement.IsMovementEnabled() fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Basic Movement Disabled: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsRunningDisable) && (bCurrRunning) ielInputLayerRunning.EnableRunning(false) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerRunning.IsRunningEnabled() fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, High Speed Movement Disabled: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsJumpingDisable) && (bCurrJumping) ielInputLayerJumping.EnableJumping(false) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerJumping.IsJumpingEnabled() fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Jumping Movement Disabled: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsSprintingDisable) && (bCurrSprinting) ielInputLayerSprinting.EnableSprinting(false) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerSprinting.IsSprintingEnabled() fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Overboost Movement Disabled: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsFastTravelDisable) && (bCurrFastTravel) ielInputLayerFastTravel.EnableFastTravel(false) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerFastTravel.IsFastTravelEnabled() fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Long Distance Movement Disabled: " + bTemp) endif iTempSysValue = fSystemsServosUpper as Int if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsJournalDisable) && (bCurrJournal) ielInputLayerJournal.EnableJournal(false) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerJournal.IsJournalEnabled() fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, PIPBoy Operation Disabled: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsActivateDisable) && (bCurrActivate) ielInputLayerActivate.EnableActivate(false) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerActivate.IsActivateEnabled() fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Arm Operation Reduced: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsFightingDisable) && (bCurrFighting) ielInputLayerFighting.EnableFighting(false) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerFighting.IsFightingEnabled() fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Combat Systems Disabled: " + bTemp) endif iTempSysValue = fSystemsSensors as Int if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsLookingDisable) && (bCurrLooking) ielInputLayerLooking.EnableLooking(false) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerLooking.IsLookingEnabled() fnMessage("Sensors at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Visual Systems Restricted: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsCamSwitchDisable) && (bCurrCamSwitch) Game.ForceFirstPerson() ielInputLayerCamSwitch.EnableCamSwitch(false) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerCamSwitch.IsCamSwitchEnabled() fnMessage("Sensors at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Visual Systems Restricted: " + bTemp) endif iTempSysValue = fSystemsCPU as Int if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsVATSDisable) && (bCurrVATS) ielInputLayerVATS.EnableVATS(false) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerVATS.IsVATSEnabled() fnMessage("CPU at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Targeting Systems Offline: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsSneakingDisable) && (bCurrSneaking) ielInputLayerSneaking.EnableSneaking(false) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerSneaking.IsSneakingEnabled() fnMessage("CPU at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Stealth Functions Offline: " + bTemp) endif ; *** Enabling Systems iTempSysValue = fSystemsServosLower as Int if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsMovementDisable * 2)) && (!bCurrMovement) ielInputLayerMovement.EnableMovement(true) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerMovement.IsMovementEnabled() fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Basic Movement Restored: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsRunningDisable * 2)) && (!bCurrRunning) ielInputLayerRunning.EnableRunning(true) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerRunning.IsRunningEnabled() fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, High Speed Movement Restored: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsJumpingDisable * 2)) && (!bCurrJumping) ielInputLayerJumping.EnableJumping(true) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerJumping.IsJumpingEnabled() fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Jumping Movement Restored: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsSprintingDisable * 2)) && (!bCurrSprinting) ielInputLayerSprinting.EnableSprinting(true) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerSprinting.IsSprintingEnabled() fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Overboost Movement Restored: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsFastTravelDisable * 2)) && (!bCurrFastTravel) ielInputLayerFastTravel.EnableFastTravel(true) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerFastTravel.IsFastTravelEnabled() fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Long Distance Movement Restored: " + bTemp) endif iTempSysValue = fSystemsServosUpper as Int if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsActivateDisable * 2)) && (!bCurrActivate) ielInputLayerActivate.EnableActivate(true) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerActivate.IsActivateEnabled() fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Arm Operation Restored: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsJournalDisable * 2)) && (!bCurrJournal) ielInputLayerJournal.EnableJournal(true) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerJournal.IsJournalEnabled() fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, PIPBoy Operation Restored: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsFightingDisable * 2)) && (!bCurrFighting) ielInputLayerFighting.EnableFighting(true) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerFighting.IsFightingEnabled() fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Combat Systems Restored: " + bTemp) endif iTempSysValue = fSystemsSensors as Int if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsLookingDisable * 2)) && (!bCurrLooking) ielInputLayerLooking.EnableLooking(true) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerLooking.IsLookingEnabled() fnMessage("Sensors at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Visual Systems Restored: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue>= (iSystemsCamSwitchDisable * 2)) && (!bCurrCamSwitch) ielInputLayerCamSwitch.EnableCamSwitch(true) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerCamSwitch.IsCamSwitchEnabled() fnMessage("Sensors at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Visual Systems Restored: " + bTemp) endif iTempSysValue = fSystemsCPU as Int if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsVATSDisable * 2)) && (!bCurrVATS) ielInputLayerVATS.EnableVATS(true) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerVATS.IsVATSEnabled() fnMessage("CPU at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Targeting Systems Restored: " + bTemp) endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsSneakingDisable * 2)) && (!bCurrSneaking) ielInputLayerSneaking.EnableSneaking(true) Bool bTemp = ielInputLayerSneaking.IsSneakingEnabled() fnMessage("CPU at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Stealth Functions Restored: " + bTemp) endif iIsSwimming = 0 Endif ; (aiTimerID >= iTimerID) StartTimer(fFrequencyTimer, iTimerID) EndEvent ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function fnMessage(String sMessage) Debug.Notification(sMessage) Debug.Trace(sMessage) EndFunction ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event Actor.OnDeath(Actor akSender, Actor akKiller) CancelTimer(iTimerID) UnregisterForAllEvents() EndEvent
  3. Hmm well I don't actually have a quest script, I was doing everything in the Alias Scripts so far, as someone said there's nothing you can't do in a Quest that you can't do in a Alias. And I haven't worked out when I need to register which events in which script types and when I don't so I just been registering them all :smile: And I really want the disable Jump and Sprint, and they aren't available on DisablePlayerControls. I just got F4SE updated so can test again, I've created a separate input layer for each one to see if that works.
  4. Hmm trying to convert my script to use EnablePlayerControls I just realised there's some weirdness, some stuff seems to be available using EnablePlayerControls and some isn't, can anyone confirm if this is correct or is it some typo rerror when copied over from Skyrim Wiki? Do EnableJumping and Enable Sprinting work? As far as I know Z key doesn't do anything? https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=DisablePlayerControls_-_InputEnableLayer
  5. No, I'm just assuming because of the message showing, but I'll give it a go, there must be something stupid wrong for all of them not to work. ​Damn can't test now because of FO4 update, got to wait for F4SE to catch up :P
  6. The script compiles fine and I'm seeing the Debug Notification messages to tell me things are disabling, but they aren't disabling. Do I need to do InputLayer.Create for each one or something? Scriptname SynthPlayer:Synth6Control extends ReferenceAlias {Deals with output systems based on system health and lubricant levels} Group Misc Quest Property qMQ101 Auto Const GlobalVariable Property gBootup Auto GlobalVariable Property gDebugSetting Auto GlobalVariable Property gSynthAbilityLevel Auto Const GlobalVariable Property gLubriCoolPerc Auto Const GlobalVariable Property gPowerPerc Auto Const GlobalVariable Property gCoreTempPerc Auto Const EndGroup Group SystemConditions ActorValue Property BrainConditionAV Auto ActorValue Property PerceptionConditionAV Auto ActorValue Property EnduranceConditionAV Auto ActorValue Property LeftAttackConditionAV Auto ActorValue Property LeftMobilityConditionAV Auto ActorValue Property RightAttackConditionAV Auto ActorValue Property RightMobilityConditionAV Auto GlobalVariable Property gSystemsServosLower Auto GlobalVariable Property gSystemsServosUpper Auto GlobalVariable Property gSystemsTorso Auto GlobalVariable Property gSystemsSensors Auto GlobalVariable Property gSystemsCPU Auto EndGroup ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actor rActor Int iBootup Int iDebugSetting InputEnableLayer ielInputLayer Float fCurrAbilityLevel Float fConditionHead Float fConditionPerception Float fConditionTorso Float fConditionLeftArm Float fConditionRightArm Float fConditionLeftLeg Float fConditionRightLeg Float fSystemsServosLower Float fSystemsServosUpper Float fSystemsTorso Float fSystemsSensors Float fSystemsCPU Float fSystemsServosLowerMax = 50.0 Float fSystemsServosUpperMax = 50.0 Float fSystemsTorsoMax = 50.0 Float fSystemsSensorsMax = 50.0 Float fSystemsCPUMax = 50.0 Int iSystemsMovementDisable = 5 Int iSystemsRunningDisable = 10 Int iSystemsJumpingDisable = 20 Int iSystemsSprintingDisable = 30 Int iSystemsFastTravelDisable = 40 Int iSystemsActivateDisable = 5 Int iSystemsJournalDisable = 10 Int iSystemsFightingDisable = 20 Int iSystemsLookingDisable = 10 Int iSystemsCamSwitchDisable = 5 Int iSystemsSneakingDisable = 25 Int iSystemsVATSDisable = 20 Float fFrequencyTimer = 1.5 Int iTimerID = 32 Int iIsSwimming ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event OnInit() rActor = Game.GetPlayer() RegisterForRemoteEvent(rActor, "OnDeath") StartTimer(fFrequencyTimer, iTimerID) ielInputLayer = InputEnableLayer.Create() EndEvent ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID) iDebugSetting = (gDebugSetting.GetValue()) as Int iBootup = (gBootup.GetValue()) as Int If (aiTimerID >= iTimerID) && (iBootup > 10) && (qMQ101.IsCompleted() == True) Int iTempSysValue Float fLubriCoolPerc = gLubriCoolPerc.GetValue() Float fCoreTempPerc = gCoreTempPerc.GetValue() Float fPowerPerc = gPowerPerc.GetValue() fConditionHead = rActor.GetValue(BrainConditionAV) as Float fConditionPerception = rActor.GetValue(PerceptionConditionAV) as Float fConditionTorso = rActor.GetValue(EnduranceConditionAV) as Float fConditionLeftArm = rActor.GetValue(LeftAttackConditionAV) as Float fConditionRightArm = rActor.GetValue(RightAttackConditionAV) as Float fConditionLeftLeg = rActor.GetValue(LeftMobilityConditionAV) as Float fConditionRightLeg = rActor.GetValue(RightMobilityConditionAV) as Float fSystemsServosLower = (fConditionLeftLeg + fConditionRightLeg) / 2 fSystemsServosUpper = (fConditionLeftArm + fConditionRightArm) / 2 fSystemsTorso = fConditionTorso fSystemsSensors = fConditionPerception fSystemsCPU = fConditionHead if (fSystemsServosLower < 1) fSystemsServosLower = 1 endif if (fSystemsServosUpper < 1) fSystemsServosUpper = 1 endif if (fSystemsTorso < 1) fSystemsTorso = 1 endif if (fSystemsSensors < 1) fSystemsSensors = 1 endif if (fSystemsCPU < 1) fSystemsCPU = 1 endif if (fSystemsServosLower > fSystemsServosLowerMax) fSystemsServosLower = fSystemsServosLowerMax endif if (fSystemsServosLower > fLubriCoolPerc) fSystemsServosLower = fLubriCoolPerc endif if (fSystemsServosUpper > fSystemsServosUpperMax) fSystemsServosUpper = fSystemsServosUpperMax endif if (fSystemsServosUpper > fLubriCoolPerc) fSystemsServosUpper = fLubriCoolPerc endif if (fSystemsTorso > fSystemsTorsoMax) fSystemsTorso = fSystemsTorsoMax endif if (fSystemsSensors > fSystemsSensorsMax) fSystemsSensors = fSystemsSensorsMax endif if (fSystemsCPU > fSystemsCPUMax) fSystemsCPU = fSystemsCPUMax endif ; *** Disabling Systems iTempSysValue = fSystemsServosLower as Int if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsMovementDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsMovementEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableMovement(false) fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Basic Movement Disabled") endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsRunningDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsRunningEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableRunning(false) fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, High Speed Movement Disabled") endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsJumpingDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsJumpingEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableJumping(false) fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Jumping Movement Disabled") endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsSprintingDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsSprintingEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableSprinting(false) fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Overboost Movement Disabled") endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsFastTravelDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsFastTravelEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableFastTravel(false) fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Long Distance Movement Disabled") endif iTempSysValue = fSystemsServosUpper as Int if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsJournalDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsJournalEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableJournal(false) fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, PIPBoy Operation Disabled") endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsActivateDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsActivateEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableActivate(false) fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Arm Operation Reduced") endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsFightingDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsFightingEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableFighting(false) fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Combat Systems Disabled") endif iTempSysValue = fSystemsSensors as Int if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsLookingDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsLookingEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableLooking(false) fnMessage("Sensors at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Visual Systems Restricted") endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsCamSwitchDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsCamSwitchEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableCamSwitch(false) fnMessage("Sensors at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Visual Systems Restricted") endif iTempSysValue = fSystemsCPU as Int if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsVATSDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsVATSEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableVATS(false) fnMessage("CPU at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Targeting Systems Offline") endif if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsSneakingDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsSneakingEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableSneaking(false) fnMessage("CPU at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Stealth Functions Offline") endif ; *** Enabling Systems iTempSysValue = fSystemsServosLower as Int if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsMovementDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsMovementEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableMovement(true) fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Basic Movement Restored") endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsRunningDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsRunningEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableRunning(true) fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, High Speed Movement Restored") endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsJumpingDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsJumpingEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableJumping(true) fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Jumping Movement Restored") endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsSprintingDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsSprintingEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableSprinting(true) fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Overboost Movement Restored") endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsFastTravelDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsFastTravelEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableFastTravel(true) fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Long Distance Movement Restored") endif iTempSysValue = fSystemsServosUpper as Int if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsActivateDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsActivateEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableActivate(true) fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Arm Operation Restored") endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsJournalDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsJournalEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableJournal(true) fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, PIPBoy Operation Restored") endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsFightingDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsFightingEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableFighting(true) fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Combat Systems Restored") endif iTempSysValue = fSystemsSensors as Int if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsLookingDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsLookingEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableLooking(true) fnMessage("Sensors at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Visual Systems Restored") endif if (iTempSysValue>= (iSystemsCamSwitchDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsCamSwitchEnabled()) Game.ForceFirstPerson() ielInputLayer.EnableCamSwitch(true) fnMessage("Sensors at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Visual Systems Restored") endif iTempSysValue = fSystemsCPU as Int if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsVATSDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsVATSEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableVATS(true) fnMessage("CPU at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Targeting Systems Restored") endif if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsSneakingDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsSneakingEnabled()) ielInputLayer.EnableSneaking(true) fnMessage("CPU at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Stealth Functions Restored") endif gSystemsServosLower.SetValue(fSystemsServosLower) gSystemsServosUpper.SetValue(fSystemsServosUpper) gSystemsTorso.SetValue(fSystemsTorso) gSystemsSensors.SetValue(fSystemsSensors) gSystemsCPU.SetValue(fSystemsCPU) iIsSwimming = 0 Endif ; (aiTimerID >= iTimerID) StartTimer(fFrequencyTimer, iTimerID) EndEvent ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function fnMessage(String sMessage) Debug.Notification(sMessage) Debug.Trace(sMessage) EndFunction ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event Actor.OnDeath(Actor akSender, Actor akKiller) CancelTimer(iTimerID) UnregisterForAllEvents() EndEvent
  7. You threw the fishing rod at me, the one someone else passed to me is in much better condition, they have more respect for their fishing gear :tongue:
  8. [sarcasm] Thanks for that super friendly super helpful advice for me and other newbies like me writing their first json script. That link explains everything so clearly, but not clear enough for fools like me. For a minute I thought I had a problem with my script and needed help, turns out I just wasn't FIGJAM enough...............[/sarcasm] Another more friendly forum member supplied more courteous help :tongue:
  9. I merged this from 2 other scripts and seem to have some brackets wrong somewhere { "modName": "SynthPlayer", "displayName": "Synth Player", "minMcmVersion": 2, "pluginRequirements": ["SynthPlayer.esp"], "content": [ { "text": "Mode to simulate robotic functions and needs of the player being a Synth ", "type": "text" }, { "type": "spacer", "numLines": 1 }, { "text": "Hotkeys", "type": "section" }, { "id": "TurboOverClockHotkey", "text": "Toggle TurboOverClock", "type": "hotkey", "help": "Hotkey for Turbo Overclock Mode (not used yet)." }, { "text": "Why do I need this and what does it do?", "type": "text" }, { "text": "This boosts a Synths Abilities until combat ends or Power becomes less than 50% or CoreTemperature goes above 50.", "type": "text" } ], "pages": [ { "pageDisplayName": "Settings", "content": [ { "text": "General", "type": "section" }, { "text": "Buff Percentage (not used yet)", "type": "slider", "help": "Alter the buff effect of the mod", "valueOptions": { "min": 50.0, "max": 200.0, "step": 5.0, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|010440EF" } }, { "text": "SpareSlider1", "type": "slider", "help": "SpareSlider1", "valueOptions": { "min": 1.5, "max": 3, "step": 0.1, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|100440EF" } } ] { "pageDisplayName": "Customize HUD", "content": [ { "text": "Simple HUD mod for SynthPlayer ", "type": "text" }, { "type": "spacer", "numLines": 1 }, { "text": "", "type": "section" }, { "text": "Apply Settings", "type": "button", "help": "Applies x,y positions and scale to HUD", "action": { "type": "CallFunction", "form": "SynthPlayer.esp|01000F99", "function": "OnApply", "params": ["SynthPlayer_HUD"] } }, { "text": "CoreTemp", "type": "section" }, { "text": "CoreTemp X Position", "type": "slider", "help": "", "valueOptions": { "min": 0, "max": 1000, "step": 10, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B7B" } }, { "text": "CoreTemp Y Position", "type": "slider", "help": "", "valueOptions": { "min": 0, "max": 1000, "step": 10, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B7C" } }, { "text": "CoreTemp Scale", "type": "slider", "help": "0 Hides the widget", "valueOptions": { "min": 0.1, "max": 2, "step": 0.1, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B7A" } }, { "text": "Power", "type": "section" }, { "text": "Power X Position", "type": "slider", "help": "", "valueOptions": { "min": 0, "max": 1000, "step": 10, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B7E" } }, { "text": "Power Y Position", "type": "slider", "help": "", "valueOptions": { "min": 0, "max": 1000, "step": 10, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B7F" } }, { "text": "Power Scale", "type": "slider", "help": "0 Hides the widget", "valueOptions": { "min": 0.1, "max": 2, "step": 0.1, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B7D" } }, { "text": "LubriCool", "type": "section" }, { "text": "LubriCool X Position", "type": "slider", "help": "", "valueOptions": { "min": 0, "max": 1000, "step": 10, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B81" } }, { "text": "Self_Esteem Y Position", "type": "slider", "help": "", "valueOptions": { "min": 0, "max": 1000, "step": 10, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B82" } }, { "text": "LubriCool Scale", "type": "slider", "help": "0 Hides the widget", "valueOptions": { "min": 0.1, "max": 2, "step": 0.1, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B80" } }, { "text": "Integrity", "type": "section" }, { "text": "Integrity X Position", "type": "slider", "help": "", "valueOptions": { "min": 0, "max": 1000, "step": 10, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B84" } }, { "text": "Integrity Y Position", "type": "slider", "help": "", "valueOptions": { "min": 0, "max": 1000, "step": 10, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B85" } }, { "text": "Integrity Scale", "type": "slider", "help": "0 Hides the widget", "valueOptions": { "min": 0.1, "max": 2, "step": 0.1, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B83" } }, { "text": "TotalStatus", "type": "section" }, { "text": "TotalStatus X Position", "type": "slider", "help": "", "valueOptions": { "min": 0, "max": 1000, "step": 10, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B87" } }, { "text": "TotalStatus Y Position", "type": "slider", "help": "", "valueOptions": { "min": 0, "max": 1000, "step": 10, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B88" } }, { "text": "TotalStatus Scale", "type": "slider", "help": "0 Hides the widget", "valueOptions": { "min": 0, "max": 2, "step": 0.1, "sourceType": "GlobalValue", "sourceForm": "SynthPlayer.esp|01050B86" } }, { "text": "", "type": "section" }, { "text": "Uninstall mod", "type": "button", "help": "Removes the HUD widget and uninstalls the mod", "action": { "type": "CallFunction", "form": "SynthPlayer.esp|01000F99", "function": "OnUninstall", "params": ["SynthPlayer_HUD"] } } } } ] }
  10. In the UI there are 6 condition bars for the head, body and limbs. But there are 7 conditions? I am assuming PerceptionConditionAV is the one not shown?
  11. Even after I uninstall Looksmenu 1-6-6, I'm getting an error message from LooksMenu saying I'm running the old version of LooksMenu for FO4 1.9.4, is there a file I need to delete somewhere to remove it completely? I don't get that message with LooksMenu installed. I have F4SE 0.6.6 installed. I'm trying to fix a CTD bug from a mod but its still CTD after all mods uninstalled via NMM.
  12. I had CK installed in wrong place, it had to be in game folder. Got a different error with the scripts but it told me a Source/F4SE folder was not found. I added an empty folder and its all fixed by the looks working again. Thanks to all :smile:
  13. C Hmm that's where it wanted to install but I'll try putting in game folder. Thanks that seems to have fixed that problem, just waiting to see how it goes when it finishes unpacking scripts
  14. last one after another annoying 60 second Nexus wait time.........
  15. Next screenshot because nexus can't handle more than one per post
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