So I recently had jaw surgery and its been wired shut for about 3 weeks, which means about another 3 to go (oooh I just realized I'm halfway through :D lol). I have a bunch of somewhat old PC games that I want to play but I have so many I don't know what to start with. I have: Fallout 3 (I've beat it before but I've been playing this for a while for the mods) Fallout 1 (started it but didn't get very far) Dues Ex (only had enough time to play the training missions, watched the intro but never had time to actually play) Prototype (been playing this along with Fallout 3) The Witcher Enhanced Edition Divinity II Ego Draconis Jade Empire KOTOR 2 Portal Fallout 2 (probably wont start this until I finish the first one) Out of these which would be the most "addicting" because whenever I have a backlog of at least 4 games, I can never get into a game because I'm always wanting to play the other games, not because the game I'm playing suck, but because of that whole "is the grass greener on the other side?" kinda thinking. btw if it matters, I can play 2 games simultaneously without losing interest in one or the other. Thanks in advance :)