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About mongoose56

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  1. I'm new to mods regarding DA (but I used to add mods to Fallout 3 like crazy) and was just wondering are there any mods anyone can recommend me that help boost performance on slower computers? Or just any performance enhancing mods in general? Thanks for the help
  2. daaaaaaaaaaaamn, just played my first full game, well technically maybe not full because i only did that basic first game option when u choose what you want to pley, and i guess it lasted 6 hours. damn time flew by lol. I used a mix of all the advice (on this and other forums) and destroy the other team. This game really does have epic battles and the cinematic mode is like star wars X10 lol. As soon as I get a chance I'm guna read up on the other advice I didn't get to look at, my mind is so toasted, mainly cuz its 4am here lol
  3. So I've been playing for a few hours now and I've been doing pretty well, a lot better than I was. When I feel like I'm done for the night I'll post an update to see how i was doing, but quick question, does going into the game menu pause the game? Because I've been using it as a pause to the game like 12 times now
  4. I just go this game and I'm incredibly addicted to it...but i completely suck lol. I played all the tutorials and tried my hand at a few easy solo games but i keep getting completely overrun. What usually happens is I start out fine, I gain a planet/asteroid or two, create a decent sized fleet for each area. Then pirates start to wear my fleet down. The other team (I've only been playing with one othe cpu) the join with the pirates, gain one of my lost planets/asteroids. Then I try to grow my fleet with a couple Capital Ships and whatnot, then out of nowhere the other team will invade my planet with a HUGE fleet. Like literally 3 times the size of mine. How does this keep happening? and any beginner tips?
  5. Just wondering, but whats with everyone's hate for Steam? I pretty new to PC gaming in general, but I was looking over their site and it doesn't seem that bad, or as controlling as other forms of DRM (considering other forms of physical disk DRMs). I wish there were no DRM just as much as the next person but Steam seems like a step up from all those limited install DRMs and what not.
  6. I love god like sims and this looks great, I'm just afraid theres a chance it'll end up like Spore. I was madly anticipated for it but it ended up being a failure IMO. Well maybe not a total failure, but Spore really didn't deliver on the level they presented. But then again its a new game :thumbsup:
  7. So I decided to just install Jade Empire and see how it was and I am in LOVE with the battle system. I knwo it seems simplistic and easy but its just so addicting in a way. Haven't played any of the story yet and have just been sparring people :ninja:
  8. I'm actually thinking about getting the witcher myself since the price has come way down. It's a pretty long game though eh? That part has me heistant. These days I only get a couple hours at the most a night to play anymore and that's quite often split between other games I play and modding Oblivion. Yea I feel you on that man, I'm the same way, or I was before my surgery. I could only ever play games at night and then I'd be waaay too tired to get any progress done, so I had games pretty much sitting there, half done. Edit:Beat Portal! Great game, amazing ending and the song at the end maybe me laugh (well not laugh because my jaws wired shut lol). I think I'm guna play Dues Ex next and either Fallout or Prototype along with it.
  9. I've been playing Portal for a good hour now (taking a break) and damn that game has this weird, creepy atmosphere to it but it really is an amazing game. I'm still not sure what other game I'm guna play now/next, I've gotten about the same amount of recommendations (combined from other forums as well) for Deus Ex, Fallout 1 and The Witcher, but I've been told The Witcher is a very long game and I will want to "pour" hours into it so I think I'm guna leave that until last or the middle
  10. So I recently had jaw surgery and its been wired shut for about 3 weeks, which means about another 3 to go (oooh I just realized I'm halfway through :D lol). I have a bunch of somewhat old PC games that I want to play but I have so many I don't know what to start with. I have: Fallout 3 (I've beat it before but I've been playing this for a while for the mods) Fallout 1 (started it but didn't get very far) Dues Ex (only had enough time to play the training missions, watched the intro but never had time to actually play) Prototype (been playing this along with Fallout 3) The Witcher Enhanced Edition Divinity II Ego Draconis Jade Empire KOTOR 2 Portal Fallout 2 (probably wont start this until I finish the first one) Out of these which would be the most "addicting" because whenever I have a backlog of at least 4 games, I can never get into a game because I'm always wanting to play the other games, not because the game I'm playing suck, but because of that whole "is the grass greener on the other side?" kinda thinking. btw if it matters, I can play 2 games simultaneously without losing interest in one or the other. Thanks in advance :)
  11. I used to use that site but I've been told it's not very accurate. Hell, it says I can't run Fallout 3 but I can play it smoothly on medium textures and low setting (i.e shadows and water). Thanks for the suggestion though And DarkeWolf, if I ever get around to trying DA:O on my laptop I'll check it out.
  12. hmm arite thanks for the help. If all else fails at least I have it on my ps3. Are there a good amount of performance enhancing mods that actually make a significant amount of boost?
  13. I'm not really sure if my computer can handle this because I've been told my graphics card sucks, but I've been able to handle Fallout 3 pretty well on medium/low settings and performance enhancing mods. My specs are: Model: Presario CQ61 Notebook PC Processor: AMD Athlon II Dual-Core M300 2.00 GHz RAM: 2.75 GB usable OS: Windows 7 64-bit I don't mind playing with minimal graphics and settings. Thanks in advance
  14. So I finally got everything working properly (except I'm still missing a library floor lol) and explored and did the quest and I must say Demeggy that this definitely went above expectations. It really is an brilliant mod :thumbsup: I was wondering if you mind if I sort of advertised it and recommended it on other forums (i.e posting a link to your nexus page if allowed, I'm not really sure what the ground rules are about that). I figured I check with you in case for some reason you opposed to this (I can't see why not though as this mod truly is incredible lol)
  15. lol no problem. glad to help :)
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