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About MadeIn

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  • Currently Playing
    ME3, Skyrim, Oblivion, Dragon age:Iquisition.
  • Favourite Game
    The ones I'm currently playing.
  1. I guess I'm back. For now. :)
  2. Leaving this place soon, guys. Time to say goodbye. :)
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lexx666


      Heads up always and watch yourself and take care, Made. May life treat you well. Goodbye.
    3. DrVelenjak


      Hey Made, its Corlan. I only checked in here because im back in Iran and im probably gonna find Ves around here soon, ive been out of contact with him since I left 4 years ago.
    4. VesemirTheWitcher


      You were a good friend.

      Sorry I was such a lousy one.

  3. Boo
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MadeIn


      Kean, there is only one way to change that, yea? :) Don't be a stranger, sweetheart.
    3. Keanumoreira


      If you pick a time to talk on Xat, I'll meet you there (I'm always free, except on Mondays).
    4. MadeIn
  4. Hey sis! *MASSIVE HUGS*. How have you been? :)
    1. MadeIn


      ~HUGSHUGSHUGS~ Been good, had a lot of going on. Had to take care of things and stuff. :) By the way, it's been a while since we last spoke, you doing okay?
    2. Keanumoreira


      Fantastic, actually. Things have been going great lately. :)
    3. MadeIn


      I'm very glad to hear that. Good for you, bro. :)
  5. H iMadeln. How are you ?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SilverDNA


      I'm okay. Much to do and too little time. Thanks for asking. :)
    3. MadeIn


      I'm sure you'll manage. And of course, no problem. (:
    4. SilverDNA


      ^^ dito young lady ;)
  6. Pif paf! Thought I should click on your profile, stranger, and say hi!
  7. Sadface!!! Not good!!!
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lexx666


      Doesn't sound too good but you'll survive and come out alive and well like you always did, I know you will.
    3. MadeIn


      We'll see. Thank you though.
    4. Lexx666
  8. Kay, kay. Thanks.
  9. If you say so sis. But if you need anything, you come find me, k?
  10. Likewise, happy new year.
  11. Nah, it's good. Don't bother your little head about it.
  12. Do you want to talk about it?
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