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About VestaFirepaw

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  1. Of a character looking like this: (The girl of course, Not the stairs >_>) http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/images/17/17279-hustler-fine-mesh-lingerie-set.jpg Thanks in advamce >_>
  2. Well, Its as simple as 1. Putting The Data folder in your root Folder 2. Activating the ESM Or if it doesnt come under all one file, Then just put the .esm and the rest of the stuff in the required folders Then open OBMM or "Data" In your launcher, Check the .esm and youre done :D
  3. Although if I could get a char that looked like this >_> http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/images/17/17279-hustler-fine-mesh-lingerie-set.jpg *Shiver*
  4. Thanks :D Now only for the savegame and Ill be good :P
  5. Ohai :3 Got a few things I'd like to know: What is the armour in this picture? http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/60949-1304607502.jpg And if anyone knows a nice, Non artifical looking Female savegame (At the end of the sewers preferably :3) That works with a GOTY version of Oblivion and isnt based off of Megan fox >_>
  6. Does anyone know of a Realism mod that works with 20th Century weapons? And also, Anyone that will do me a favour and upload the vanilla weapon anims (First person aim liek, Nothing else) will be a complete and utter legend and I will hug them until their lugs pop out of their chest >_>
  7. Anyone know of a Walk animation replacer for females? >_> And something to take my pipboy off my arm >_>
  8. Did you actuall Download it legally?
  9. Does anyone know of a good Katana Style fighting anim? (Like, A One thats faster, Sexier etc >.>)
  10. Nvm, Sorted it out :P Forget this >.<
  11. So, I just downloaded The Goddess Store mod, And after i downloaded it, I seem to be getting really bad clipping (In first person, And on all of my armour/Weapons, Not jsut the ones that were part of the mod) Any idea's? >.> Pics will be here soon, As well as a list of all the mods im currently using.
  12. And while im at it, Is there any mod that turns Cyrodill into a fully arctic place? I like the snow :3
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