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About Duinuogwuin

  1. Well, unfortunately my testing has produced no way to romance Panam with a female body. You can set all the romance flags but the key romance dialogues/moments won't happen without a male body except for one moment at the end of Queen of the Highway. This also unfortunately means you cannot experience the sex scene except through having a male body, which sucks at it is the only sex scene you fully see your character's body. The quest flags I found by comparing all the Panam quests with a male body playthrough and a female body playthrough are: Riders on the Storm: >>After picking up Overwatch rifle, male body allows panam kiss Hash Number/Quest fact name/Value 2303229971/sq004_var_kissed_panam/1 With a little help from my friends: >>After inserting punch card, talk with Panam at railing, male body allows "Missed You" conversation and "Touch Arm" option 2173646674/sq027_panam_windowtrain_keepalive/1 3488805107/ow_psychos_intro_start/1 4118670875/sq027_panam_impulsive/1 >>Sitting by the fire, after saying you will try to get some sleep, male body allows "Scooch Closer" dialogue option (does not need above flags from talk with panam by railing) 3997784107/sq027_campfire_maleflirt/1 Queen of the Highway: >>After shooting targets in Panzer, male body allows "Let Panam touch you" option 750315555/sq027_panam_lover/1 1586891862/sq027_panzer_sex/1 >>Talk with Panam at bar, before collapsing. Male body allows "Listen, what happened in the Basilisk" option No new flags set, requires the quest flag "sq027_panzer_sex" >>Kiss at the end of Queen of the highway possible with female body No new flags set, requires the quest flag "sq027_panam_lover" So until someone can somehow mod out the body gender romance checks, Panam (and River) won't be available as same gender romance options. As shown by the kiss at the end of Queen of the Highway, putting these body gender checks in was optional but they decided to do it with Panam and River, but not with Kerry and Judy as Kerry and Judy only require one quest flag to be added via console. Also from my experience playing around with quest flags that everyone else has tried, you only need to set the following flags once and they will be permanently added to the save file: panam_romanceable sq027_panam_lover sq027_panzer_sex There are 2 other quest flags related to Panam that won't permanently remain in your save file when added via console. In fact Save Editor does not allow you to add them. I got these from others reporting on their efforts to get the Panam romance to work: sq027_panam_relationship (here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/comments/kgcyfa/queen_of_the_highway_glitched_when_needing_to/) q114_panam_love (here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/9481223-romancable-judy-for-male-v/page-14&do=findComment&comment=89020003) These may have something do do with the end game, but I am not going to go over the Nomad ending for additional Panam romance scenes as I don't think I would find anything different than I already have. I assume people found them on this list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aVeMGOg7mhrz-vgs5fFTrr72bh0kudK0jQmtSDYPjBQ/edit#gid=0 However, Save Editor says they are "not on the known facts list" so Save Editor has an incomplete list or the google doc is incorrect.
  2. I opened a bug report on Github with the Save Editor program for this very issue. They haven't cracked the code for every bit of the save file, so they don't have perfect control over what changes happen in the save file. I managed to track down the issue of crashing when changing genders female>male>female to the gig "Radar Love". If you have completed this quest, you won't be able to change back to female after changing to male to experience this romance.
  3. I am about to do Queen of the highway. No luck on any other method in Riders on the Storm or With A Little Help From My Friend other than switching to the male body type. So far these are the quest flags that are set by having a male body and going through the romance options. Riders on the Storm: After picking up Overwatch rifle, male body allows panam kiss Hash Number/Quest fact name/Value 2303229971/sq004_var_kissed_panam/1 With a little help from my friends: After inserting punch card, talk with Panam at railing, male body allows "Missed You" conversation and "Touch Arm" option 2173646674/sq027_panam_windowtrain_keepalive/1 3488805107/ow_psychos_intro_start/1 4118670875/sq027_panam_impulsive/1 With a little help from my friends: Sitting by the fire, after saying you will try to get some sleep, male body allows "Scooch Closer" dialogue option 3997784107/sq027_campfire_maleflirt/1
  4. Well, I did some extensive testing to try and activate the kiss at the end of Riders on the Storm. In the end, no fact setting would make the option appear to get Panam to kiss a V with a female body. Using a save editor, all I did was swap body gender from Female to Male with all other customization options the same (as was allowed in the editor) and that activated the Panam kiss scene. I did this right before picking up the Overwatch sniper rifle so it was the only variable. After comparing all the facts set in the save game file between the male body (with Vagina and Female voice) kiss, and the female body with no kiss the only difference was a fact called "sq004_var_kissed_panam" (hash #2303229971). However, a major problem was that when I edited my save after the kiss to swap back to a female body, the game would not load the save and crashed to desktop. This is very odd since editing a save after riders was complete with no kiss and a female body to add the fact "sq004_var_kissed_panam" did not crash and the save loaded just fine. In fact it seems that any save that has been changed to male and saved cannot be reverted back to female or the game crashes on loading the file. I suspect this is more to do with an error somewhere in the save file created by the save editor. I used the Nexus mod "Save Editor (Project CyberCAT-SimpleGUI)" by DeweySalt/SnapDragon2 found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/718 So it seems like the game does do a body gender check with Panam, but it must not make the same check with Judy if all Judy needs is one fact to be added to the game save to work. This seems to lend credence to people's suspicion that Judy was originally meant to be a bi romance for male or female V but that was changed near the end of development. However, no hard check was added to Judy regarding body gender in the same way it exists for Panam's romance. Based on the findings of others, adding these facts to the save file for Panam's romance will activate some parts of her romance (flirty texts, parting kiss at the end of Queen of the Highway, call in the end credits) but not the Rider's on the Storm kiss or Panzer sex scene. (Edit: I opened an issue with the Save Editor developer since I was able to reproduce the game crash problem in an unrelated playthrough. So you should be able to swap to a male body just before these romance scenes to watch them and properly progress the romance, then switch back after to continue onwards. You only need to make sure to add the fact "panam_romanceable" one time and it will remain active in your save file and allow for the rest of the romance to happen. I will try to remember to update this once I get to Queen of the Highway and test.)
  5. Wow, that worked! Not something you would think of intuitively. I had tried changing that to "Mods2." but it didn't work right. Thanks a bunch!!
  6. I can't seem to find any discussions on this issue. Many mods have configuration menus in the "Mods" submenu of the main menu. For example: Main Menu >Options >>Mods >>>Friendly HUD The issue I've run into, is that once you have more than 10 mod menus you cannot see them all and must scroll down. The last menu option is always "back". However, when you scroll down, clicking on the menu won't open it. For instance, I have 14 mod menus and Set Weight Limit is my last mod menu, but when I scroll down and click on it the menu won't open, nothing happens. I can click on 1-10, but nothing below it. The only way to change these is to temporarily remove some of the menu .xml files, load the game, make the changes, save and quit, then restore the files. Is there any way to force the main menu to display all mod configuration menus?
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