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  1. I need to point out that this is not necessarily true, as you can have a 0 duration toggle-able or kept-until-dispelled effect. Sadly there isn't much capability to get data between scripts. It would have been great to have public accessible variables. Faction rank is a good general way for something like that. Depending on the situation you could also make use of the OnHit Event to check the projectile or spell hitting a target. Text example: For the firebolt explosion example you could have it check if an effect is on the target, if not apply a magic effect without duration or hit event. The applied magic effect would start at a hit count of 1 and when the hit event is triggered with the projectile from the firebolt (which you would want to duplicate or create your own to avoid issues) would check to see if the value is greater or equal to 3, if not, +1, Code Example: Projectile: Check for HasMagicEffect being explosion counter effect in conditions of spell. (separate effect from damage of course) Counter Effect: Projectile Property FireboltProjectile Auto int HitCount = 1 event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) if akProjectile == FireboltProjectile HitCount += 1 if HitCount >= 3 Cast Explosion Self.Dispel() endIf endIf EndEvent Note: Untested and mostly psuedo code but should work once adjusted. This method would work for anything triggering a hit event from a specific projectile. You could also trigger it from a certain source or actor firing it, though that has other weirdness possible. Check the page on OnHit for more info.
  2. I'm sorry...I completely forgot to upload the update. Had it all setup and had to deal with a few things. The NPC version is now in, the vendor script is in, and regen rates were added to the misc page.
  3. I can suggest a different pairing of mods that you may like. Mining for mages - basically mining flames spell with extra bits. Should work with "mining motherlode" due to the way it was made. Random Mining MCM - use in place of "mining motherlode" and with the above as a combo. Not exactly like motherlode but should work well. Edit: Curse you Ishara, you beat me to it! I was suggesting your mods and had to deal with something else, came back and hit post after you! (Leaving what I put anyway)
  4. Maybe that's the point. I changed the outfit not his inventory. Oh, I didn't know it was a model edit and not an added item to the npc to spawn with (as a means of having it show up). I'm not saying anything about the mod, just trying to help fix the issue. (eg, not showing on an active game) If you give an explanation of how it's setup I may be able to offer a suggestion to fix it. Did you mean "maybe that's the point" or "maybe that's the problem" ? I can't tell what the intent behind that reply was.
  5. He is likely set to spawn with them in the mod. He will not get them if you do not directly add them to his inventory. You can open the console and type: help "Wristguard" and likely find what you want. Then select the Jarl and type: AddItem [Id here] 1If he's then not wearing them. Type: Resurrect Which will force a reevaluation on equipment and AI. (and obviously resurrect if dead) Good luck.
  6. I can't offer you an exact race you want, however I can offer a combo to be very close. Animated Dragon Wings - Various types of wings, works with flying mods. One flight mod linked on page. HDT Tails - Dragon tail with physics collision. Has certain requirements. Wearable Dragon Horns and Tails - Exactly the name, use this if you don't want to deal with the physics one. Burning skies - For full transformation race. Have fun.
  7. First version of Stat Sheet. Not that great of a name, but I had no idea what to really name it. Currently shows player stats, NPC version will come as an update later on.
  8. As I said, the SPELL portion of that mod allows you to do exactly that. Cast a spell, choose animation from list, forced upon player (or others). Cast spell, choose from list, forced on player. There are also other mods that branch off of that. It is technically more of a requirement for other animation-based stuff. And would likely be required for your exact request anyway.
  9. I am working on it, just keep running into issues, such as functions not wanting to accept defined variables for unknown reasons. Papyrus, why are you so screwy...
  10. FNIS idle spells let you do that with a selection of animations. It also allows mods to branch off of it and a good amount are listed on the description page.
  11. You'd probably be better off posting this in the mod talk section since you're asking for advice. You're also more likely to get a response there with help on it.
  12. AMRCI - Alternate offers both hooded and hoodless versions craftable between each other, as well as unenchanted craftable versions. The Alternate esp improves the base robes to 20% cost reduction. (base is 15%, the master robes have 22% for a single school) I can't help with the clipping issue unless someone can get me an edited model with the cloak separated. I don't deal in models.
  13. A quick search results in two mods ( mod 1, mod 2 ) at the top of the list. Pick your poison. With these well done mods, it's not very likely someone will re make it in simpler format. I know you're asking for one you don't need to find or buy stuff, however "spell crafting for skyrim" (the first) allows you to unlock most of the effects by just casting related spells, eg. flames for fire, frostbite for frost. (some need to be bought from the spell vendor) The second has a quest line, a restriction that you have to have gotten your first shout, reached expert in at least one school of magic, and become the ArchMage. Or you can bypass it entirely with a "cheat", scroll down to "the questline" section for more info.
  14. it's seriously that hard to make a levitating dragon skull with a breath attack? that's all it is actually i'd settle for just a conjure spell to summon 3-5 skeletal dragons, if someone has the spare time It would not move the way a dragon would, it would also not move the way any other npc would. So you need to setup an AI for the skull, telling it to use breath attacks and move around as a floating skull. You'd also need someone who can make the floating skull model, or remove it from the dragon model. 3-5 dragons at your beck and call is not very balanced, and isn't something I'd bother with coding. It's fairly simple to code though, use as a summon spell, have an effect activate on the primary summon that summons 2-4 others nearby. I'm working on a few other things at the moment so I can't help more than that, good luck though.
  15. I'll be working on that over the next couple days on and off and have both the PC and NPC versions as one mod. (not the linked one)
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