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Posts posted by HarlowLovesGaming

  1. As I'm sure at least some of you would have run into in the past, I'm encountering an issue with modding in new character models and textures to make the game a little less, well... you know, Oblivon-y.

    I've decided to go with Robert's Male and Female body replacements, as they are the ones which appeal to me most, and to use Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 on top of that.

    Once all of these have been installed as is instructed (Including OCO's patches for Robert's mods) things seem fine... Until you see a female Khajiit, whose textures are all funky and misaligned.

    After further research online it would appear that this is an issue regarding foot-texturing and pathing or something along those lines? Not too sure, but in any case I've no idea how to fix it and your guys' opinions would be most appreciated on sorting the matter!

    I would share screenshots of the issue to show just exactly how it looks, but I uninstalled everything out of frustration last night.

    I should also mention that this was done in conjunction with all the Unofficial Patches on the Steam GotY edition.

    Another thing I'd like to check is, after fixing the issue (Assuming it can be fixed easily enough) are there any mods that can be recommended to deal with neck seems and the like in a configuration like this? Also mods for Beastrace body textures that won't clash with the rest?

    Thanks in advance, fellas!

    Edit: I have reinstalled the mods and taken a couple of screenshots to showcase the issue.


    Here's a link to the Imgur post.

  2. Hi, I was wondering if it was possible that someone could make a mod similar to this outdated mod but it makes only the Phase II 41st Ranger Platoon Specialist use this model (The Imperial Specialist Model) with the camo textures.

    I would have loved to do it myself but I haven't the faintest idea how to. Any help would much appreciated, and thanks in advance!

  3. I know this game is old and all, but I'm feeling really upset about this :sad:. Is it possible if someone could please make a female version of the Imperial Dragon Armor Cuirass using the female Legion Armor Cuirass model and the normal Dragon Armor texture? I tried myself, but I couldn't get the textures to fit. I found other mods, but they use models that I feel don't work.


    Thank you in advance. :happy:

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