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Everything posted by BarnsleyLad

  1. That is a pretty good idea, thanks! I never thought to make another mod to make the check, I appreciate the help!
  2. Hey everyone! As the title suggests, I am looking to check the value of an animation variable while I am in game... is there a console command for this?? Speaking specifically, I am looking to check the value of bIsRiding... It seems that if the player fast travels to another world space (Tamriel to Whiterun World for example) while they are mounted, the value of bIsRiding stays true, even though they are no longer on horseback... I would just like to check if this is the case, wondered if you guys had a solution! As always, many thanks :D
  3. Thanks you two, this is exactly what I was looking for! I had wondered if single updates where the way to go, seems like the normal update method is way too finicky with stack management, and I have heard that it is an easy way to bloat your save file, glad you lot could steer me right :smile: Cheers for the help
  4. Speaking hypothetically, lets say I have a script that is registered to update every 60 seconds, and that this script also checks for an animation event... Upon this animation, I wish to unregister the OnUpdate() call immediately, and re-register to update every 5 seconds this time. In my experience, it seems that, even though I have called UnregisterForUpdate(), the script only unregisters once the time remaining in the 60 second update has passed...Is there a way to bypass this? Does UnregisterForUpdate() cancel an update call half way through its timer? Is there something else going on here? And should I maybe switch to a SingleUpdate loop? Many Thanks!!!
  5. Hey everyone, question regarding terminal navigation and scripting.. Is it possible to navigate terminal menus via a script? For example, if there was a terminal with a menu item "Check Weather Forecast," which generated a random integer upon being run, and then pulled a premade terminal from a form list with the same index as the integer to be the SubMenu, is it possible to do so? Is there an easier way to go about this that I am overlooking? Any help is greatly appreciated :D
  6. Haha yeah I was reading about this method on an old forum for Oblivion from way back in the early 2010's and you are right, it seemed a bit much for me at the moment... I appreciate your welcome though! Tis indeed my first time modding fallout, but I put a bit of time in the Skyrim Creation Kit back before Special Edition launched, and haven't touched it since.. Defiantly felt like I was coming back to a more polished ball-and-chain haha :D
  7. Hey, late response, but thank you, I'll give this go! I played around in nifscope with the bsxflags and tried adding collider data but ended up with an object that crashed the CK, so I put this aspect of the mod on hold for now.. Definitely excited to give this a try!!
  8. Hey, quick question regarding havok.. I am making a new misc object using the model of a preexisting object, specifically the yellow raider chem container. However, the misc object will only float in space and is unaffected by havok, when both spawned and dropped from the player inventory. Is there any way to flag the object to be affected by physics, or would I have to make a "new" model with the same .nif? Thanks guys!
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