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Everything posted by ThD17gj692

  1. Gear: OMEN by HP 45L Gaming Desktop PC 21C2 Cycle AV NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 3060 (12 GB GDDR6 dedicated) with LHR, Display Connectors: HDMI*1, DP*3 1 TB WD Black PCIe® 4x4 NVMe™ TLC M.2 SSD HyperX 16 GB DDR4-3733 MHz XMP RGB Heatsink Windows 11 Home 64 ADV When first got this system in July, Skyrim AE started consistenly in under 10 seconds independent of the number of active mods (currently 695) or plugins (212). Coincidently or not, started having longer load times after having an issue with OneDrive. Since some time in August, one day SAE would load within 10 sec. However, for the next one or two days, SAE may take up to 3 minutes to load. This happens independent of load order, number of mods, or the use of bashed patch. Currently, one out of three days, SAE loads properly. The other 2 days, loading freezes about the time it would normally show the menu. Also, the longer loading time correlates with much higher CTD frequency, making the game essentially unplayable. Have tried rebooting the HP, which helped once. Use high priority setting; my copy of windows doesn't include "touch screen" and neither LOOT or Bashed Patch, either separately or together have any effect. Have started a myriad of new games with different mod, but always end up with SAE playable one out of three days. This seems to be a windows 11 problem, but I know nothing about the tecnical aspects of operating systems or computers in general. Thanks for considering my SAE problem. I hope some computer Guru can offer me a solution.
  2. Downgraded to 1.6.353 in July. Started to have "corrupt saves" and dialogue issues. Finally upgrade to 1.6.640 in December, 2022 and my "corrupt saves" problem is no longer (knock on wood). Hope this may help others with same problem. Have a Happy New Year!
  3. @wfandrews Thanks for responding. I already use ENBoost plus other performance and memory management mods. In addition to starting new games, have also generated new ini files twice without any change. Haven't found any help searching . May have to rebuild my game.
  4. Stopped playing Skyrim for about a month everything worked perfectly. Started playing again and now can't load any saved game that is above level 1. Have started over 6 times and have made frequent saves, but only the saves at level 1 will load, otherwise CTD. Windows 10 had an upgrade between the time when Skyrim ran perfectly and when I recently started playing again. My game had been stable for almost a year and no new mods were added after started playing again. This may seem to be save bloat but my initial saves are 11 mb and subsequent saves are 12 mb. Used Fallrim on my saves but there was nothing to clean. Currently use 219 mods, but have run as many as 254 without experiencing this problem in the past. Any help will be appreciated.
  5. Started playing SSE again last week. Had added 80 mods, then suddenly SSE crashed on start-up or after game selection appeared. Removed mods but nothing changed. Started from scratch with new game download from STEAM. Started adding mods and no problem with game after adding 55 mods. Added next group of what I consider my core mods and experienced same CTDs as before. Solution: I deleted all of the ini files; started game from STEAM launcher to create new ini files. Then launched a new game with 79 mods using SKSE launcher. Held my breath, crossed my fingers and SSE started without a hitch. I'm puzzled as to how my ini files became "corrupted" and wonder if using BethINI might be the problem.
  6. Not able to reproduce these glitches after replacing Skyrim folder as well as the data folder. In the past have only reinstalled Skyrim by changing the name of the Data folder and letting Steam replace the appropriate files. The Skyrim folder with SKSE, ENB, etc remained untouched. After had same texture problems with a "new" install of Skyrim data files, it occurred to me that maybe I should replace the Skyrim folder along with the Data folder and rebuild my game. Since doing that I have not (yet) experienced any of the texture glitches I previously described. Sorry for posting this problem, but now I know to replace all of "Skyrim", not just the data.
  7. HP Pavilion Elite HPE 257c with Intel core i7 860 @ 2.80GHz and 8 Gb Ram. Started playing Skyrim with ATI Radeon HD 5570 1Gb. A generous Nexus Member gifted me with an ATI Radeon HD 7770 2Gb VRAM in 2014. Unfortunately, it died and replaced it with MSI Radeon RX 560, 4GB VRAM in September this year. Been playing the same modded game off and on since 2013. Game is located on my external USB 3 drive along with my other games. The problem is after installing MSI Radeon RX 560 get strange texture glitches intermittently in virtually every Skyrim exterior location. Doors loose all detail and the doorway is often covered with a brown "foam" that PC has to penetrate to get the "Open" message. On some roads areas get cobblestone textures that appear to float above the road or cobblestones are covered by a brown amorphous substance. Stairways loose their steps and characters appear to wade through a brown substance instead of walking on steps. Rock formations show areas of brown instead of rocky details. Never had these glitches in six years of playing Skyrim until now. These glitches rarely appear immediately when start game, but after about 20 minutes or so these glitches start showing up. Quitting game and starting up again only sometimes temporarily corrects the problem. Same is true if I restart my computer. These texture fluctuations occurred even when I reinstalled Skyrim and had no mods, except "Alternate Start". Since I have never seen these texture problems with my first two video cards, I am concerned that the problem is with the MSI Radeon RX 560 card. PS. Attached file is a screenshot of Whiterun gate from a new, unmodded game.
  8. In response to post #56028336. #56040656 is also a reply to the same post. Thanks very much for responding. I haven't played FO3 in over a year because I'm waitng for Vortex to rebuild my game. I did just change " Fallout Stutter Remover.ini" (per your advice): "iDefaultMode = 1" and "fMaximumFPS =0". in anticipation of rebuilding FO3. Happy Holidays
  9. I'm not technical nor a mod creator, so my question may be naive. My favorite Fall Out game is FO3, however, after upgrading from Win 7 to Win 10, I can only get about 10 to 20 minutes of playtime using all the mods I like (140 including merged mods) before my game crashes. Before the upgrade, I could play several hours before crashing. Will Vortex extend play time? That is, will the game engine perform as if there are no mods added? It seems to me that a major reason for creating MO was to deal with all the problems of the buggy game engine used for Skyrim. Of course, this may not be the case, but if you only have a choice of a few mods you don't really need a mod manager, but if there are thousands of mods to choose from, then a manager is essential. Only the Bethesda games have thousands of mods to choose from and Skyrim has the most. So all the merits of virtualization aside, will these games perform better using Vortex? I hope so and plan to find out because I will use Vortex to rebuild my FO3, NV and Skyrim games as soon as it becomes available.
  10. I have been putting off rebuilding Skyrim for about six months to take advantage of the new capabilities of VORTEX. I would like to get a copy as soon as possible. If it would be useful for an average experienced Skyrim gamer to provide feedback to your alpha release, please consider my request to participate in the alpha testing. I understand you are barraged with similar requests and the only thing I have to offer is the uncanny ability to prove an app is not fool-proof. At the very least, please let me know how much longer we need to wait for a public release of Vortex. Thank you for any consideration you may give my request.
  11. Thanks for the suggestion. I try it out if it happens on my next playthrough.
  12. Spoke with Shaun. Father appeared and issued shut-down command; nothing happens to Shaun and I can't interact with either Shaun or Father, both are "busy". Started Institutionalized from multiple earlier saves. Started it as an agent of BOS and the Railroad. Ultimately used the console: "setstage MQ207 150" to move to meeting the directors. Would like to have the conversation with Father on next playthrough; don't know if I have missed anything vital to continuance of quest or game. Any help would be much appreciated
  13. Pink heads show up on some NCR, Boomer, Caravaneer, etc., male NPCs that are all Placed LVL characters, for example, Placed NPC LvlCrimsonCaravaneer [NPC_:00162228]. I've checked the Pink Surfaces troubleshooting guide [http://www.darkcreations.org/testg/wiki/Troubleshooting#Pink_Surfaces] but I wonder if a VRAM memory issue can account for a problem that only includes some placed leveled male NPCs. It seems too specific to be a generic random event due to memory restrictions. I am using "New Vegas Redesigned 3" and "Fallout Character Overhaul", neither affect LVL NPCs. Also bug fixing mods: "Yup" and "Unofficial Patch Plus". None of the mods I use affect the "pink-head" NPC groups. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and has devised a solution.
  14. Thank you very much for getting back to me. I hope it is as you say a false positive, I have run other malware programs without detecting Alexa.51. I will give viirustotal a try, although that doesn't scan the whole system. LOOT was downloaded from github, btw.
  15. First, I have the greatest respect for the LOOT group and the effort they continually make to improve game performance. I do not believe that my experience is the result of any intent or oversight on the part of LOOT. Second, I was hesitant to report this occurrence at all, because of my reluctance to impugn LOOT in anyway, I don't want to seem to be an alarmist and was uncertain where to report it. But there seems to be an increase in virus activity in general and thought someone at Nexus might care or be aware of similar instances. I recently updated to LOOT 10.3 (I think that was the version) and today discovered that my AVG anti-virus had detected Alexa.51 virus during the install. I apparently had changed the status on LOOT to allow installation. I don't remember any of the details so that is my guess. If this feedback is inappropriate, unwanted, or should be addressed to a more specific Forum group, please let me know. Otherwise, I hope this post is considered a responsible action for the benefit of Nexus. PS. I have recently been attacked by ransomeware viruses and am feeling quite paranoid.
  16. Installed Comodo Firewall [free] 12/31/16. Everything worked. Today NMM wouldn't open and Comodo doesn't refer to NMM in any of the blocked lists. Tried running as Administrator, but still wouldn't open. Solved this problem by opening "Application Rules" under Firewall in Comodo Advanced Settings and added NMM to be treated as "Allowed Application". Maybe this will help other Nexus members who may run into this problem with Comodo.
  17. Went back to playing Skyrim from Enderal and after 2 days, NPCs stopped producing sounds when speaking to PC. When they speak to others, it can be heard. Tried Enderal again and SSE. No problem with NPC vocalizations. So it is not a system sound problem. Have had no success with Google in finding a solution that works. Started new games, unplugged USLEP, removed recently installed mods, tried "True 3D Sound for Headphones", checked cache with Steam, etc. Checked [ARCHIVE] list in Skyrim_Default.ini Downloaded all Skyrim data files from Steam. Started a new game without any mods. No one spoke and the game did not advance after the wagon stopped in Helgen. Solution: Unpacked Voice bsa files to Skyrim\Data\Sound. If anyone has an alternative solution to using loose voice files, please let me know.
  18. I love NEXUS, the site and the community. If not for the brilliant and generous modders sharing their creations with us, our gaming experience would be drab and Skyrim would be a ho-hum game and no longer relevant, except as an example of an out-dated open world. FO3 was the first game that I modded with the help of NEXUS and especially FOMM. I started using FOMM without reading any instructions other than the directions for installing the mod itself. It was intuitive and with some trial and error it did everything that I wanted from a mod manager, although it would have been nice if it recorded the install dates. When I started playing Skyrim, I switched to NMM. That was easy and again no need to read or look at tutorials on YouTube; it was intuitive. I missed being able to add a mod from a folder, but that was a triviality. (Since I began modding FO3, I've installed well over a 1000 mods and typically use the maximum number allowed). In the course of playing Skyrim, I reached a point when I had to rebuild my game. Discovered STEP, what a wonderful group, and decided to give MO a try. After spending a day with it, I gave up---it was not intuitive. I would try to make MO work for me 4 more times, but I could never get used to its demands or figure out how to mod Skyrim the way I had been able to with NMM. This past April, I spent a week trying to make the latest MO work with FNIS and even contacted the MO site for help, there was none. I spent a day getting MO and the first 15 or so "STEP" mods running. but after adding FNIS to the executables, every other executable started FNIS. Couldn't play Skyrim, call up TES5Edit, CK, etc because only FNIS Tool would start. I'm sure that the MO elite would say either I did something wrong (spent 5 days trying to correct the problem) or the fault was with FNIS. For me the choice was easy, FNIS is far more important to my enjoyment of Skyrim than any mod manager. So went back to NMM and within 4 hours I was back playing Skyrim with the maximum number of mods (actually over 300 mods, clearly some were merged). As great a concept MO is; its execution is not flawless. Also, I doubt that anyone could make MO work without putting more effort into figuring out how it works than is required to learn how to play the game they want to mod. It is not intuitive, not even close. Of course, if you use MO all the time then it becomes simple to use; and apparently many modders find it extremely useful for their efforts and we all benefit from that. NMM was made worse when it tried to incorporate profiles, I only wish that I had not upgraded (Have gone back to 0.56.1). It became horribly slow adding or removing large mods and too often, it left behind unwanted files in your data folder. So, is it even possible (or desirable) to make a mod manager that is all things to all people? I would be happy with a FOMM-like manager with some additions even if I had to install it for each game I played. For modders, maybe a MO-like manager is essential to make modding easier and better. For most of us (and the Dark0ne's statistics bare this out) we just want to get into our "cars" and drive to the mall, without having to first fiddle with fuel injectors, timing, air intake, or know anything about how cars work to get there. Start the car, put it in gear and drive to the mall, oh, and have enough room for packages and friends. Is it possible to have a simple, fast, reliable mod manager that can be souped up with modules that add features from MO, Wrye Bash and TESModManager? I'm not a programmer or a modder (as in creator of mods), but some people who are (you've all read their comments here) say such a chimera is unlikely to live up to anyone's expectations---either too simple for the hard core modders or too difficult for the "Sunday Drivers". Best wishes to Tannin42 and his team in creating the new Nexus Mod Manager/Organizer or Morganizer. Frankly, I was at first concerned, because of my experience with MO, that he would be insensitive to gamers who aren't interested in all the "nuts and bolts" of a mod manager. However, he has written all the right things in this forum and if he can pull off making an easy, fast, reliable manager that also meets the needs of "high-octane" modders he is even more of a genius than his creation, MO, would suggest. Since modders are the only reason NEXUS exists, then making a mod manager that helps them makes the most sense. So, have you surveyed modders and obtained their input? PS. I also appreciate Bethesda for helping and allowing (encouraging?) their customers to mod their products. What other company does this? I play Borderlands and it seems to me that Gearbox has a policy of discouraging (preventing?) modding of their games. Just look at the number of mods for any game on Nexus and only Bethesda products have any significant number.
  19. @dubiousintent Thank you very much for responding to my cry for help. Use FOMM with Archive Invalidation and have done so for years without seeing this problem. Did remove and re-apply Archive Invalidation for what it's worth (no help). Currently have 128 active plugins. I believe I read that FNV will tolerate up to 140 plugins; I know that if you exceed the allowed number you get a warning to that effect. This is a new game; I think I will have to rebuild FNV before I'm finished, but will try removing plugins first.
  20. Open The Kings front door and have a grayed-out space for about first third of the room; can see a number of NPCs distributed in different rooms (e.g., can see the King sitting in the locked room). If move forward eventually appear to stand on floor near front desk (seems to require more steps to get there then when room was intact). None of the furniture, walls, floor, ceiling, desk, etc., is visible until move far enough for it to become visible. Go through door to see the King and same type of grayed-out space until get next to The King. Same thing happens when enter the Brotherhood of Steel bunker to go down first set of stairs leading to Security and when go into library area. Google revealed that drbiggs Mar 26, 2015 @ 8:33am reported the same problem {https://steamcommunity.com/app/22380/discussions/0/611701999519910466/] and apparently did not find a solution. I downloaded all new FNV files from Steam in April of this year and essentially rebuilt my existing June, 2015 modded game with any new updates of the mods. Did not have this problem with any of my previous FNV modded games. Please help if you can.
  21. Thanks for responding. You are right about not broke---don't fix. Use NMM and the next update mentioned Win10 or newest dotnet; figured "why not upgrade to Win10"---so I did. Is there a way to go back to win 7 without dl it. Have only OEM and did not make a backup of Win7 before upgrading. There should be an image of the original Win7 shipped with my HP on my D partition, but that probably would not have all the updates. What about setting up a dual boot---would that be worthwhile? Read somewhere on net that someone did a rollback to win7, no problem---did not say how it was done. Does anyone know how to do it? How about our NEXUS gurus do they have opinions or advice on using Win10, or is that a politically touchy subject?
  22. Game crashes more frequently and when try to restart game usually have to go back 3 or more save games to restart. Frequently, about 1/3 of the time, restarting a saved game results in a blank screen. When call up task manager get a blank window with a small pane in upper left hand corner. If this happens have to reboot my computer. Since upgrading to Win10 have not been able to complete any quest beyond retrieving Riverwood Trader golden claw. Have started 5 new games with alternate starts since updating about a week ago, all with same results. Use SKSE and ENB memory managers and before updating from win7 to Win 10 could go for days without crashing. Never had a problem with Task Manager not starting either.
  23. When fighting, NPCs become covered with black, splotchy stains on skin that disappear after combat. Live and dead NPCs return to normal coloration after fighting ends. How can I prevent these changes from happening? I really hate the look; its not blood and if it is suppose to be sweat, then everyone (except the PC and custom followers) must be sweating black ink. Thank you for any help you can give me.
  24. The most popular authors invariably provide active links to required and recommended mods for which I am very grateful. However, many "new" authors fail to do so and sometimes even fail to provide a searchable title to required mods. In the instructions to mod authors, could Nexus strongly recommend that authors provide active links as a common courtesy to their fellow Nexus members. This should not be difficult since the author must have that information at hand. You could suggest to authors that doing so will likely increase member interest and endorsements. I suggest that a list of things to do when posting mods should include this recommendation.
  25. Sorry for posting this request on your mod site. I'm not trying to be pushy but comply with your request to use this forum for suggestions. "Thanks for the update to correct the problem I was having with armor script. Since you seem so willing to help, could you write a script so I can give a NPC the appearance of another NPC? I want to make one follower look like another follower while keeping all the attributes of the modified follower. Also, can you write a script to make a NPC into a preset? I tried to use "NPC Appearance TES5Edit patcher by pieron" to make one follower look like another, but it did not work for that particular purpose. Thanks for making TES5Edit so much easier to use. I use it virtually everyday and your merge script is just great---have created a dozen or more merged armor plugins with it."
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