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Everything posted by SteffiSyndrom
Ruth eyes became a little bigger as she entered his cabin. It was beautiful and very tasteful. Not only did Wind seem like a decent and attractive man (with great taste for rum, too) but he also knew how to keep his ship clean and tidy. She smiled as she saw him and sat down in front of his desk. She watched him fill himself a glass of rum and grinned. A pirate through and through, for there was no 'right' time for rum, the time for rum was always right. For a moment she had to think but then the light came on and she crammed in one of her belt pouches and pulled out a folded piece of paper. It was mangled and a little torn but readable. She spread it out on the table in front of her and Wind and studied it quietly for a moment. It had obviously been drawn by the red haired elf herself, for it lacked professionalism. In fact, it was rather hard to read. It only consisted of a lot of swirls and stripes, a tree drawn here and some ruins drawn over there. "I take it that's ... the tower she mentioned in the other note. The fallen Circle of Magi. I don't see how this could have helped her," she shrugged, still looking down on the 'map'. "But it will have to do. Either way, once we just get to Starkhaven and the ruins of the tower we can look around for ourselves. However, it seems like she was talking about a tunnel somewhere there," she pointed at a spot on the map, then looked up at Wind and leaned back in her chair. "It's not much to go on but we seem to have gathered quite the colorful bunch of people to help us on that little expedition."
Ruth's heart pounded faster when she stepped foot on Wind's beautiful Ilana. She looked around with excitement, her mouth open in awe and her eyes big and almost sparkling with amazement. Definitely a good choice, she thought with a big grin on her face. She wondered whether she would ever have a ship like this but told herself that she would do anything to make that dream come true one day. Her admiration and excitement was just slightly interrupted by a couple of watchmen that asked her to follow them to the Captain's quarters. Ruth answered with a polite nod and a smile and followed them.
Ruth grinned over Wind's offer and had that bottle of rum already floating around in her thoughts. Hey, didn't he have original Rivaini rum last time she had seen him? Surely he would have more on that on his beautiful ship? She smirked even bigger but it softened into a friendly smile as the man introduced himself as Tristan and extended a hand. Ruth shook it firmly and nodded. "Welcome aboard then Tristan. I cannot tell what awaits us but I hope it's worthwhile." There was so much to be done still, that Ruth's thoughts immediately went to something else however. She wondered whether it was okay to take Wind's ship? Were they all invited to sail on it? As she watched the elf walk towards his beloved Ilana she shrugged and figured that was his answer to that. In fact, he probably had already said something about the matter but it had simply slipped Ruth's mind. She shook her head over her forgetfulness and made a gesture that told the others who had gathered to get a move on. Ruth followed Wind and Ven and was excited to actually step foot and the Ilana.
Ruth twitched just the slightest at the rumbling voice of the Qunari, while at the same time she found it strangely soothing. "Sure thing. If there's breakfast included? Or well, just some drink will do, too. All this running around here made me thirsty," she grinned back at Wind, enjoying his company and still remembering how well he and his Qunari friend have fought. He was a pirate, as seemed the Qunari -strange as that was - but they both had honor, more so than some knights or noblemen who claimed to be the gift of the Maker himself. Ruth grinned even bigger and shook her head at the thought. They soon arrived back at the docks. The moon was slowly descending and the darkness of the night made way to a dark blue with the faintest touch of purple and pink. Ruth spottet Wind's ship right away. She was a beauty indeed and not easily forgotten and also the most impressive ship in the whole haven. A surprised but also happy smile spread over her face as she saw the red haired elf standing there, along with the Qunari, who had been waiting so patiently all this time. It was something she started to really admire his people for. There was also a man who seemed to be looking for something. "Oh, rats and spilled wine ..." she cussed, remembering just now how little information she had put on the flyer. You should really cut back on the rum for a while, my dear. "Excuse me! I see you are holding this utterly beautiful and well writen flyer in your hand, sir," she approached the man with a dumb grin, hoping she wouldn't seem like too big a fool. "Are you planning to join me on some adventure? I am not sure about how the whole crew thing is working out just yet, but you are here and some others have gathered as well so I guess it's not going too bad." She sighed and rubbed the back of her head absently, combing her thick, reddish-brown hair as best as she could with her nails and fingers. Ruth smiled and also waved at those who had been waiting for some time, the elf and the Qunari. "Well, I guess that's all of us, yes?" she said, turning to Wind for support.
Ruth grinned over the well trained communication between the two and started heading out of the Foundry District. "Well, according to the little note, Lianna was after something rather big in Starkhaven. I have heard nothing but a little, but I know of a Circle of Magi that had burned to the ground and left nothing but ruins and ashes. And we all know that ruins and ashes are a great place for hidden artefacts and treasures. So, since Lianna ... well," Ruth stopped for a second, making a painful grimace as she thought of the now dead elf, but continued anyways. "Since Lianna thought it worth checking out, we might as well, too. I know people will be waiting at us at the docks by now, or so I hope. I did put out flyers before we stumbled into each other at the Hanged Man, advertising my need and wish for a crew. So I hope there'll be a little crowd waiting for us. We know of the elf we saw at the Hanged Man. The one with the red hair ... ah," Ruth bit her lip, trying to remember her name but failed, which she figured wasn't a bad thing. The elf had seemed rather shy and nervous - for which she couldn't blame her, Kirkwall was still crawling with Templars and guards, always suspicious of elves. So, Ruth figured the elf wouldn't mind that she couldn't remember or even if, that she wasn't blurting her name around. "So, we have the elf who said is good with herbs and poultices and such. We have our Qunari buddy back at the docks. Lianna is, well ... out. Obviously. I don't know. I was hoping to have a mage on the crew, to be honest," she whispered the word 'mage' and grinned at Wind. "Anyways, so there's that. Let's set sail and get our asses over to Starkhaven and see what we can find and what trouble we can stir up. Better than sticking around in this dirt hole anyways."
Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos
SteffiSyndrom replied to Deleted6317247User's topic in RP Announcements
I am gonna post next, I am just a little confused as to why we are suddenly in a room? :P I thought we were in the Foundry District? Not in any building? ANYWAYS, I will be up next. I really hope we can keep it going. I really enjoy it and think you all are extremely good RPers :happy: -
Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos
SteffiSyndrom replied to Deleted6317247User's topic in RP Announcements
No?! Please?! I was starting to really enjoy this here ... :( as I did with the first RP, too ... I wish if people decide to not participate in it anymore to just say so ... and not leave all of us hanging? And this isn't supposed to sound rude or anything, I just really rely on Mac on my posts at the moment, because we're in Lowtown together and all :/ -
Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos
SteffiSyndrom replied to Deleted6317247User's topic in RP Announcements
Heyo folks! Thanks for telling everyone and thanks for the well wishes :smile: I am almost back to normal, still on major painkillers but able to jump right back into our RP! Hope everyone's been doing fine :happy: -
Ruth didn't twitch an eye as she watched the Bounty Hunter's guts spilling on the dirty floor of the Foundary. After all, the woman had shown no remorse taking off Lianna's head either. With the little letter still in her pouch she walked up to Wind and his Qunari friend. "Nicely done. I didn't think I could have done it better myself," she grinned at him, looking down at the dead woman. "And it was quite a show on top of that, nice skills. And he's a friend of yours, I take it?" she smiled as she turned to the Qunari, not quite sure as how one approached one. She wanted to be polite and show the respect she felt for his kind. As she looked at the tall, big, buff guy the random thought of how the flyers, about her looking for a crew she had hung up throughout few parts of the city, were doing.
Ruth turned her head as she heard noise. The Bounty Hunter who had actually been about to leave found herself facing Wind and a Qunari. For a moment she thought that it was the Qunari they had met at the Hanged Man but she figured it couldn't be. It seemed like he and Wind knew each other. Ruth let out an annoyed sigh over having had her question ignored and stood up. She had wanted to get even with the Bounty Hunter, sure, but she had also figured since they had left her alone she could also have returned the favor. But if Wind had the need for some action, who was she to deny him. And the woman had it coming, anyways. Ruth still stood at Lianna's dead body, figuring since Wind and his Qunari buddy have done everything so far already, might as well let them finish. It was bad manner, after all, to take away someone's kill. She put the little note she had gotten off Lianna's body in a side pocket on her belt, crossed her arms before her breasts and watched the pirate. She had to admit, he was really good at that. And a nice, dirty fighting still had something very alluring after all, didn't it?
Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos
SteffiSyndrom replied to Deleted6317247User's topic in RP Announcements
You know, I wrote it and then read over it to check for typos and all and I am like "Nu! The INFLUENCE!" :devil: :laugh: Bonhart that was one son of a b ... <_< ... now I wanna read them again :blush: -
Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos
SteffiSyndrom replied to Deleted6317247User's topic in RP Announcements
Wow! Freaky character! That's gonna be interesting meeting her :ohdear: :thumbsup: -
"No!" Ruth shouted from the top of her lungs as she saw Lianna get pierced by several crossbow bolts. She dashed right into it, trying to catch the red haired elf she only knew so little and yet had hoped to get to know better. Lianna was heavy in her arms, her body limp and the last bits of life draining out of it. Ruth knew it was nothing special, Lianna didn't die in the arms of a friend or a loved one, just some crazy woman she had met at The Hanged Man, but still Ruth thought it had to be better than dying alone. She shuddered and then snapped back to attention, remembering the bounty hunter and her minions all around her. She wondered if Wind had followed all the way. Probably not. He seemed smarter to just dash into a situation like that. Ruth gulped loudly. "Friend of hers I take it? Well, whatever. Just hand her over so I can drag that filthy elf's body to the ones who wanted her dead and you're free to go, we have no business with you." Ruth looked at the woman and calculated her chances. Even if Wind was to jump in to help they were still utterly outnumbered. Also, the bounty hunter had several men with crossbows pointed at her, ready to get rid off her as quickly as they had of Lianna, too. Ruth slowly lowered Lianna's dead body to the ground and stood up. Yup, she was surrounded. Yup, she was outnumbered. Was it smarter to just drop this? She had barely known Lianna and yet, nobody deserved to be shot in the back like that. But before Ruth could decide what to do and what not, the bounty hunter woman stepped up to her, a dagger raised. Ruth immediately got her sword out and was ready to counter-attack. To her surprise, however, the woman showed no interest in the Pirate whatsoever. Instead, Ruth heard the woman's dagger cutting through something soft and fleshy - Lianna's head. Ruth stood with her mouth open and watched the woman gesture towards their men and disappear. As quick as all this happened it was over and Ruth was by herself again, Wind watching not far away. She turned around, pulling a face as she saw the puddle of blood that was gathering under the elf's dead body, her arteries still gushing out one fountain after another. Ruth shook her head and squatted down, figuring she might as well try to find something of the dead woman that might be deliverable to someone she had been close to, or just anything. In fact, maybe even some coin. After all, Lianna wouldn't need it anymore, right? "A note," Ruth mumbled and unfolded the piece of paper. Go to Starkhaven. The Circle of Magi there has been burned down and is said to contain possible artifacts that would be of great value to the Crows. Don't fail. Don't bother trying to get away. We're watching. Always. Ruth blinked and read it a second time, then another. She waited for Wind to come up to her, lifting the note she asked "Can you make anything of this?"
Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos
SteffiSyndrom replied to Deleted6317247User's topic in RP Announcements
If the plan is still to drop Lianna, I and Wind will not manage to save her from the Bounty Hunter. Just mention in your next post then that perhaps they came too late, only to watch her drop to the ground or something. Then if you want I and Wind can battle the Bounty Hunter and either get rid of her, too, OR just let her charge off to collect her prize. And then maybe we can figure out why there was a bounty on Lianna in the first place? For interest's sake? If not that's fine, too. Just figured we could to with some action while we wait for some of the others to return from their vacations and all ;) -
Ruth grinned at his charm and returned the bow with a small curtsy before taking his arm. "I take it the fine Sir knows his way around Kirkwall therefor wherever he may lead I shall simply follow," Ruth answered, giving the sentence a good portion of her own charm, an amused smile still dancing at the corner of her lips. They headed off to Lowtown. Ruth figured as much. It was a filthy place but it wasn't usually places like Hightown (The Blooming Rose excluded) where you get the really interesting news and also, there was always a poor soul or two that could need help and there were definitely enough thugs and thieves around to earn some coin and combat exercise. They wandered through the dusty, sandy streets, tall, slender buildings shooting up to their left and right, the walls crumbly and old. A rat skittered squeaking across the road, an orange tabby cat chasing after it. There was little noise except occasional talking from people that were lurking in the corners, whispering to each other. The soft breeze howled ever so gently through the alleys and faint shouts, laughter and screaming could be heard in the distance. Coming from no other place than The Hanged Man as usual. Ruth decided whether to go back there and have another drink or two with Wind in her tow, but figured they would just get carried away and awaken in the morning, having missed the others who might be waiting by the docks already. But even that was uncertain. Ruth found herself wondering about the two elves again, Lianna and Alaila. Her thoughts also drifted off to the other women she had seen at the Hanged Man, the older, cocky one. Then there was this Templar who had been sitting by himself. A rather odd choice, she thought. For a Templar to go to The Hanged Man. And then there was this Qunari, probably still sitting by the docks, remaining quiet like he had been for almost the entire time she had been around him. They were walking aimlessly but found themselves heading for the Foundry. The worst part of Lowtown and maybe even all of Kirkwall. Ruth heard noise coming closer and her ear twitched lightly. "Have you heard that?" she asked, turning to Wind, stopping to concentrade and make out the sounds. Not waiting any longer she pulled him with her, still having her arm wrapped around his. In an instance she recognized her. Lianna. Ruth made a surprised sound and stopped on the spot.
Ruth's right eyebrow went up and an amused smile spread across her face. "Heroes, huh? Now why would anybody want to be that?" she joked and chuckled. "But a walk sounds nice. Better than just waiting around and standing here anyways. Lead the way," Ruth answered and bowed lightly.
Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos
SteffiSyndrom replied to Deleted6317247User's topic in RP Announcements
Both Virag and Ven sound super awesome and unique! Very exciting and extraordinary, you guys are awesome :dance: look forward to meeting them in the RP! -
Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos
SteffiSyndrom replied to Deleted6317247User's topic in RP Announcements
Spitballing's good :thumbsup: -
Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos
SteffiSyndrom replied to Deleted6317247User's topic in RP Announcements
That's alright, and it's YOU after all who has to play as the character you make so it's totally fine with me that you wanna change her. It's about fun after all :happy: -
"Nah!" Ruth gently punshed Wind on the shoulder. "Nothing's over yet, you. We just gotta be a little more patient and wait for the rest," Ruth gave him an encouraging smile but then looked aside. She somewhat had a bad feeling about Lianna and wondered if the elf would come back. She hoped she was alright. She hoped Alaila, the other elf, would find her way. Then suddenly, Wind's question pulled her back into reality. The soft breeze of the docks playing with strand of her red-brown hair. "Hm?" "Should you wish to join me aboard my ship?" he asked, slidding his thumb into his belt. "Oh, me? Well ... " she blushed just the slightest and blinked at him, then turned to look at what had Wind's attention. A smile spread over her face as soon as she saw her. A beauty, for sure. She was fascinated by it from the start and could tell she had mastered lots of dangerous waters and more. The look on Wind's face told about the feelings he had for his ship, told of the secret adventures and many nights he probably stood atop his ship, looking down at the endless sea, with nothing donating light but the pale moon. "She's beautiful, indeed," Ruth said again, nodding then returned the gaze into Wind's eyes and found herself remembering Zevran again. And Isabela, too. Her heart felt a little heavier but she returned the cocked smile with one herself. "I'd be honored to sail with you of course and be part of your crew," she looked back to the beautiful ship. "I am sure the adventures would be unforgettable," she grinned. "But we should wait with that, I am afraid. Wait for the others to catch up and then see if we can finally set sail and find some adventures."
Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos
SteffiSyndrom replied to Deleted6317247User's topic in RP Announcements
Oh ... I am so sorry *//* I didn't catch that he meant you OR that you plan to drop Lianna. I try to keep track of what's going on, read new character sheets and all. If you wanna drop Lianna that's alright, I thought she was a very interesting character but it's about FUN and what YOU want, my dear :kiss: whatever you decide best, I am fine with it. I am just happy to be able to be here and RP with you guys! :happy: -
Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos
SteffiSyndrom replied to Deleted6317247User's topic in RP Announcements
Danae is a wonderful character, very original :3 can't wait to meet up with her soon! And yay for Illadriel :laugh: I just have a question for Wind :pirate: which elf was running off? And why is it the end of our treasure hunt? :tongue: I figured we were just getting started on that? -
Ruth blinked in surprise to Lianna's quick disappearance but figured she had her reasons. Instead of wondering further about it, she shrugged and made a gesture towards the others. "The docks it is, then!" They started heading in the mentioned direction when Ruth suddenly stopped and saw a small, majestic hawk fly towards her. She didn't know what to do or think of that and backed off a little, wary in case the bird figured her for her next meal, or something to leave its moods out on - not that she ever had heard of anyone being eaten by a hawk but there was a first for everything after all. But all her worrying was as usual for nothing, it landed gracefully and carefully on her shoulder, pinching her just ever so lightly with its claws. Then Ruth saw what it had come to her for, a letter! There was a letter in its beak. Ruth blinked confused a few more times, then took it gently out of the bird's beak. Ruth opened the envelope carefully and unfolded the letter, written on smooth paper. Dear Ruthalia - if I remember correctly? I overheard you talking in The Hanged Man and wondered if it was alright to become part of the crew you're looking for? I wanna get out of Kirkwall just as badly as the next guy and figured this might be my chance. I am the elf you saw walking out of the Hanged Man last time, the one with the red hair? You remember? I will be of good use to you, I promise. I am well trained in healing through herbalism and I am skilled and can handle myself. Please let me know what you think and simply write your answer somewhere underneath, I would highly appreciate it. Thank you! Alaila "Hm," Ruth mumbled and thought back, trying to remember. "The elf with the basked! Red hair, yes! I remember," she kept muttering and smiled lighlty then wondered how to answer. But the hawk turned out to be equipped with a piece of charcoal tied to its leg that Ruth took appreciatively. "Must know her way with animals, too," she guessed as she answered underneath the elf's beautiful hand writting, asking either the Qunari or Wind to borrow their back for just a moment. Sure thing! Just meet us at the docks tonight, we'll be there. She signed with her name, then leaned back to look at it and figured it would have to do. She shrugged and folded the letter back up and put it in the envelope. The hawk took it eagerly out of her hands and flew off, leaving Ruth and the rest behind it. "Well, things certainly got became more interesting," Ruth commented, then grinned and started heading for the docks.
She nodded at Wind's suggestion to get up and get going. Ruth didn't really know where to ... but she figured that problem would solve itself once they would get started. Ruth stood up and nodded again "Let's head out then," she dropped a few more coin on the table for the waitress herself and gestured towards Lianna and the Qunari to just come along. She knew the Qunari had still not gotten any food and just got some bread and some dry beef for the way and handed it to him with a sincere smile. Ruth lead the way outside the Hanged Man and welcomed the hot sun and the fresh air, dusty as it might be. "Alright, where are we headin, Captain?" she asked Wind, turning around with a grin.
Dragon Age: Prelude to Chaos
SteffiSyndrom replied to Deleted6317247User's topic in RP Announcements
Got it :thumbsup: and you have a great vacation and be safe! :biggrin: