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About Konnor13

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  1. I've been having lots of problems with installing mods lately and its getting very frustrating.these are just some of the few that aren't working alexscorpionssnipergear,excalibr book of earache(when I tried to install all it did was put an exclamation mark in he excalibr munitions shop),toxas armory,coyote armor. I have archiveinvidation invalidated active I have fomm installed when I try to open fallout mod installerI get the message"this is not a valid win 32 application(not exact phrasing) I install the mods by extracting the file archive to fallout3/data/directory,but when I go to check the files in the lancher or fomm,they aren't there.
  2. thanks for the advice,but atm,when i load up fomm and try to use the package manager,i log into the nexus website and then it crashes saying"something bad happened,as long as it wasn't too bad,an error report will have been saved in crashdump(or something along the lines of that).
  3. Hi,i've been trying to install some mods: Alexscorpion's sniper gear Toxa's Armory i install by extracting the archives to the fallout 3 data directory i have ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated! active but when i go the fallout 3 launcher to tick the box next to them in the data section,the mod isn't there,i can't figure out why and i've even tried installing the different types of files to the different folders,with no success. Thanks for your help
  4. i've been trying to add a safe to my Megaton house through the render window,but when i get it in,and also get it at the right height,it's either not there or i've not managed to get the height right.my house hasn't been decorated and is bare.i also tried to add a wall safe,loaded up fo3 and it wasn't at the right height,so i moved it down,and when i load up fo3 again,it had totally disappeared,HELP!
  5. Hi ,i have some quick questions. how do i add weapons through the render window,or how do i find the command codes for weapons i've made? how do i add containers? And if someone could give instructions to make a simple house,that would be great.
  6. thank you so much,i knew the render window was used to place things but i had no idea how to use it.Just the kind of answer i was wanting,detailed and not really hard to understand :) by the way,do you know how to add scopes?
  7. Hi guys,so i'm new to the geck and ive learnt how to edit weapons already in the game and to change the weapon id so i can create a new weapon,but i've no idea how to get these weapons into the game and how to find the command code for them.any help would be really appreciated.i'm still getting the hang of the geck so any advice would be really helpful,thanks.also id like to know how to add sounds from other weapons onto different weapons,as i cant find any in the sound list,and lastly,how do you add a scope?
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