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  1. Any updates on this issue? I'm having the same trouble, and I'm not even using custom meshes. I'm just trying to recolour a few of the Monk/Mage robes, so I've made copies & coloured the DDS files, named & placed them in a new folder, and done the same with the meshes (all within Textures & Meshes respectively). Everything's set up in NifSkope, everything's set up in Creation Kit, Items are in the game, but whatever size my character is the robes are the large version.
  2. The main problem I've had with the vanilla Skyrim opening is that it gives the player no reason to side with the Empire/Thalmor. To join their army or help them in any way. I feel that you can change the entire start of the game with a few (probably not so) simple dialogue changes... As soon as you finish character creation, Hadvar asks Rikke what to do with you, you're "not on the list." At this point, Rikke makes the decision to kill you anyway.... However, If she were to say "Hmmm... Leave him/her over there, we'll deal with him/her later." (or similar) and you get sent to stand behind where they were standing or something, to watch as the Stormcloaks get executed, there would be a reason to start thinking "Hey, well these guys aint so bad after all." From there, everything pretty much plays out the same as before. Dragon attacks, Helgen destroyed, you decide whether to follow Radolf or Hadvar into the keep and so on. There'd be some options that need taking out, like when you talk to Balgruuf there's an option saying something like "Yes, I had a great view as the empire was about to chop my head off." So yeah, there's my alternate start idea.
  3. I've given it a go myself but I've hit a snag... I'll just copy & paste my Steam Forum post here so you guys can see. Saviour's Hiding your modesty. A Savior's Hide with trousers/pants mod. Ok, so, I know I'm not the only one who's thought that the Savior's Hide would benefit from some leggins or something, and I also know I'm not the only one to try and fix it. However, I wasn't fond of the attempts made so far, so I decided (with the little knowledge I have on the subject) to try my own mod for it. Because I'm not a moddeler, of any sort, I've just jury rigged together 2 models; The Saviors Hide, and the legs for Ragged Robes/Prisoners Clothes. So far, I have a working light human female version in the game, and the models for Heavy Female, and Light/Heavy Male, however, The Heavy Female just will not work in the game. I have no idea why, as I've done exactly the same thing with it as I have with the light version which works fine. So now in game, if you're a light human female, no problems, but if you're anything or a medium - heavy weighted female you either get a screen full of streched polys or an invisible body (at full weight). Just wondering if anyone had any ideas to recify this so I can carry on to get the male/argonian/kahjiit versions made too. For those who want to know, my process is thus; 3DS MAX 1. Import ragged robes into 3DS Max 2012 2. Delete top/rope/skirt/underwear meshes from outfit (leaving with just the arms, lower legs and trousers. 3. Hide all, import Savior's Hide model over top (same gender/weight) 4. Delete arms/legs/underwear from Savior's Hide model 5. Unhide all (everything's lined up and looks as it should) 6. Fire up the SoMuchMorpher tool and select which body type the model is for (Light/Heavy, Male/Female) 7. Assign the different sections to bone structure (Arms/legs, Teeth, Sleeves, Fur/shoulderpads/cloth, Body, Trousers) 8. Select the export body size (I think it's supposed to be that you can import say a Light Male model, and then export for all 4 of the body types from one model, but it's never worked properly for me, so I just have a seperate file for each body type). 9. Export as .nif NifSkope 1. Open 2 windows. Load the new model in one and then either the Ragged Robes or Original Savior's Hide in the other. 2. Copy the BS Lighting Shader Properties branch from the original, paste and assign them to the corresponding item in the new model. (I do this for each section of the armour. So for the Skin, Clothes, Fur, Savior's Hide, Teeth, Sleeves & Clothes, I copy the Shader Properties from the original model and replace the ones that in the new model with these, so that I know they all work.) 3. Repeat for second armour set. Creation Kit 1. Copy and rename the Savior's Hide armour & Armour Add On (Currently "SEAMSaviorsHideArmor" & "SEAMSaviorsHideArmorAA") 2. Assign the new models in the Armour Add On (only have to register the Heavy Female and Male Armours) 3. Assign the Armour Add On to the Armour. Save and load the game to test... So that's as far as I've gotten. The models look fine in 3DS Max, NifSkope and the Creation Kit, but in game there's obviously somthing wrong. Image Links. 3DS Max NifSkope Creation Kit In Game 1 In Game 2 In Game 3 Anyway, yeah, need help. Please? Honestly, if you guys have done this stuff in NifSkope, then Kudos, cuz I had no idea it was capable of that kind of modding. But still, this is what I've done & where I've gotten to. Any ideas?
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