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Everything posted by dark113

  1. i dont know what has happend to the someguy series but i need it for the mod Russell if any one knows of a alturnit link plez leave a message
  2. I was wondering if some one could make a mod that placed shipping containers as storage for contraptions instead of putting every thing back in to the workshop ie scrap fire arms armer ect
  3. Did any one ever pick this one up as i also would love to have shipping containers that you can place as storage
  4. It does very much matter that you're using Mod Organizer as MO virtualizes the data directory so any generated files will not be found in the standard location. For MO users any Transfer Settlement blueprints will be found in your MO install folder under the Overwrite directory, perhaps something like how I have mine: Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\ModOrganizer\overwrite\F4SE\Plugins\TransferSettlements\blueprints You'll find in there a listing for any generated blueprints for settlements in folders from 1 - 10 once TS has done it's thing and successfully created some blueprints. As something of a side note, I've also had issues with TS recognizing that blueprints actually exist if they're taken out of the overwrite folder. No doubt an issue between how MO handles the data folder and TS but for best results I'd leave or transfer into this overwrite folder your blueprints when you actually want to activate them in a new game. This goes against standard MO practice somewhat as keeping the overwrite folder clean is generally the best way to keep from having mysterious mod interaction conflicts but for TS it's something I've found to be necessary. Everyone says to keep the override folder empty, but isn't that where FO4Edit stores all its cleaned .esp files? Thank you! I have found some blue prints have not been installed to that directery and have to be manuley found and moved to a open slot
  5. looking for some shipping containers that can be used for storage i know there is shipping containers in home maker but you cant store anything in them so if some one can pick this up thanks in advance
  6. Ok this may have come up before but there are a lot of unused power lines is there a way some one could come up with a mod so you can utalise the exciting power grid and even have a power station or revamp the existing one
  7. That mod is still on here http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48621/? this is the ARES project mod http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/57017/? this is the patch can be found on another site just google it
  8. may be some one can pick this up have the ham radios put out morse / CW as it is known as in the ham world not just the stackic i can provide morse samples or a custom morse call
  9. Ok i think i need to clarafiy some things here 1 the scripting ie anything that has been made by bethesta or any thing that is openley avelable on the net ( think html and java ) can NOT be coppy righted 2 images that you grab from the net and cut and rap ( iv seen this done ) can not be copyrighted 3 ONLY images that you yourself make in paint shop or any other such program can be copy righted 4 any NEW designs ie scratch made weapons can be copyrighted 5 Here comes a problem when making homes and new adventures you are working with exciting scripts and art work there for it can not be copyrighted I know there are people on here that clamed copyright but there clame is unfounded and there for can be ignored unless they can prove originality not just using others work
  10. I was just watching 7 New Things You Can Do in Fallout 4 Gameplay by outsidexbox on you tube and they were babbling on and something grabed my atation they mentioned about shering what you craft and also mentiond about a on line share but they did not mention about Nexus I also am wondering about new mods and sutch will we be able to have mods like we do now for FO3 and FONV or are they going to try to restrict it to there community or try to slip in pade mods again this is some thing we will just have to watch for one last thing has any one herd of a relice date as yet ?
  11. Moding and the law I have seen on many ocations on here and other sites where to mod creaters have placed that the mod can not be used on any other site or included in any other mod here lies a problem as a moder you would like to keep your intalectial rights and continue to make mods for the comunity then there is the argument about fair use i have spent a long time looking in to this and come to the conclushion that this is a in herant problem From what i have read as a moder (1) you may clame copy right on any art work you include that YOU yoursalf have made but YOU may not clame any coppy right for artwork from the oraganal game (2) you may not clame coppy right for any source code I would point all authers to take a look at this page to understand the law http://digital-law-online.info/lpdi1.0/treatise26.html
  12. I have a mod installed that keeps crashing the header is esm but the file is esp is there a way around this
  13. o ill put it this way forget the scripting it is art work that needs to be addressed as I understand it the sead artwork can be copyrighted
  14. has there been any ofichal announcement from Valve or Bethesda on this or is this a matter of speculation and rummer
  15. ok if you are using custom made graphics and nothing that has been taken from the web ie using a pic from another site than cutting it to make the rapper then you can clime copyright on the art work only. but not any script as the base script is tecnacley the property of bethesta altho thay have put it in to the public domain by reliceing the script ( geck) here is another way of putting it as a web master I use html php for my web sites although I put a copyright on it it dose not mean I own the html php or any other script I may use within the site nor in fact the layout the only thing I can clame copy right for is any text or graphics I have made and images photos I place on the site unless given consent by the person who has taken them but then you would give credit for sead image but here is the kicker if a file has been uploaded to a server the server owner has no oblgation to remove the content once it has been uploaded thay can however change any priceing if they agree with any complante
  16. the use of notices like that and others placed on mods is a very gray a place to go basically because the use of any scripts ect are deemed as public domain as thay have been placed in the public domain by the software publisher unless you are using new scripting
  17. On FO3 i use the sniper zooming in combination with the usmc pack weapon carried are the scar sd the m200 f sd and mk23 usp f sd another thing i also suspect it is also the round you are using as well Wiskey River do you do re text or can make a mod as i cant get my GECK to work
  18. I have noticed that many mod makers do not take in to account ballistics of a weapon and the round that will be fired from it I don't know the actual workings of the mods ( because I can not get my GECK to work ) on many ocations I have taken a shot at a target from far beyond the actual effective range and had a critical kill There are 3 Types of ballistics. 1) Internal - The interior workings of a weapon and the functioning of its ammunition. 2) External - The flight of the bullet from the muzzle to the target. 3) Terminal - What happens to the bullet after it hits the target. Gravity Drag - The slowing effect the atmosphere has on a bullet. The higher the temperature, the less dense the air. A 20 degree change equals a one min. elevation change. ie. If the temperature is 20 degrees higher than on the day you zeroed your weapon, the the bullet will travel 1 inch higher at 100 meters, 2 inches at 200 meters, 3 inches at 300 meters, etc... Altitude / barometric pressure - Sense the air is thinner at higher altitudes, the air is less dense and a bullet will strike the target higher. Humidity - When humidity goes up the air becomes thicker and the bullet will strike low. Bullet efficiency - The bullet's ballistic coefficient will effect the accuracy. A perfect bullet would be rated at 1.00. Match bullets range from .500 to .600. The 7.62-mm bullet that the M24 uses is rated at .530. Components of a rifle round Primer - used to ignite the powder and create a pressure seal. Case - A container / creates an airtight seal in the chamber / assists in head space / creates uniformity of bullet placement in the chamber. Powder - Heat and pressure push the bullet. Three types of powder are Flake, Ball, and Extruded. Powder burns at 47,000 lbs x the number of grains (weight). Coriolis Effect When talking about ballistics, the Coriolis Effect refers to the deflection on the trajectory of the bullet generated by the spinning motion of the Earth. Its effect is negligible at medium distances, but becomes important around 1000yds and beyond, especially because it can add to other minimal errors and keep you off target. the current (real world) longest confirmed kill was 2,475 m (2,707 yd) Accuracy International L115A3 ( mill desanation for the AI AWM (Arctic Warfare Magnum) ) using .338 Lapua Magnum LockBase B408 bullets it seems that in the game world kills can be in excess of the stated real world comments invited
  19. don't know if you are still working on the cache but this file is still broken http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/17947
  20. still having isues with dye incorporated will not d/l manuley
  21. here is a work around for downloads use a external download manager copy the down load link and past it in to your manager
  22. Here is one for any Dr who fans who are moders and I definitely know it is a cheat but may be some one can come up with a sonic screwdriver you can use to unlock doors etc. instead of using console just a fun lil item for some one to try if some one dose take this up please try to make it so it can be used in all DLC :smile:
  23. unfortunately my time is raped up in another project so I could not dedicate any time to making it myself
  24. have you ever wondered what your kill count was and how faraway that kill was how about a kill log with distance gun type ammo ect and of corse what you kill ie death claw ncr ect would be nice for some one to make this one
  25. i also would like to join in i am a ex pat brit living in the US would love to see a total convertion and new quests ect FYI i an from the SW somerset wilts so if you need and voice work done let me know
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