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About FireFlickerFlak

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    British Antarctic Territory

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  1. I'm working on a mod that does something sorted similar (spell that absorbs soul gems when you cast at them). Not sure how to add activation to objects that are not activators, seen it done though. Sorry not to be much help
  2. Was given the answer from another thread, updating here in case someone else has the same question: Answer: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Text_Replacement
  3. Quick question: Anyone know if it is possible to create dynamic book text that references and includes a string from a global variable? Any examples of mods doing this or in-game books doing this? billye116: Sorry, I don't use NMM so can't be much help, I didn't know it worked for SSE. Personally I would try deactivate all my mods, reinstall SSE, then work on the mod without activating any other mods just to be sure you have the process down and none of your mods are failing to fully deactivate for some reason.
  4. Ah, nice solutions FrankFamily and DMan1629, thanks for sharing!
  5. Curious about your work around, mind sharing high level summary? I'd love to be able to use a pseudo onDisenchant event :smile:
  6. Cool mod, I like how different effects are triggered by different moves. I personally never find much incentive to use different types of power attacks since my weapon skills never get high enough for the perks for those moves, but I might find a use for the moves if I had an enchanted weapon like this. Regarding papyrus, check this out: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Papyrus Scroll to the bottom of the page for specific references for skse and vanilla papyrus functions
  7. A mod that lets you dig in specific areas would be pretty awesome, sounds tough to pull off as a first mod though. There might be a quest somewhere that digs up a shallow grave, might be a place to start looking.
  8. You are making sense to me and I think a lot of people would agree with you regarding the incentive to grind in the vanilla crafting system (at least I have seen a few attempted fixes for that issue, so those mod authors at least would agree). Not sure if you can reference learned enchantments with papyrus, you're idea might be possible if there was a way to make the player forget learned enchantments immediately after learning them. You'd also have the challenge of figuring out a way to control the quality of specific enchantments rather than using broad modifiers to all enchantments... might be easiest if you had tiered version of each enchantment and somehow replaced which version the player knows? Last time I tried doing scripts for enchanting I had a lot of trouble finding useful events, I think best I found was seeing if the player was interacting with furniture that is an enchanting table... probably changed since then though since that was a few years back. Personally, I was trying to make a system that automatically made all armor enchantments at their max level but with chance of failure and chance of added negative effects based on your enchant level, but I couldn't figure it out. :(
  9. I'm hoping there is a way to write text so that every play through there will be different details, for example: Book text: "To help fight the froggy aftertaste, add some {RANDOM FLOWER} to the cauldron." So in one play through all copies of that book would always specify the same flower, but in subsequent play throughs it might be a different flower.
  10. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60137 I worked on a really buggy alpha mod that does a little of what you are talking about back before I knew anything about coding. gives you a spell that is its own magic system (very messy one), makes objects float up and disappear or transform, "crafts" spells by transforming itself, performs "rituals" by casting at the dead, transforms objects in containers or turns containers into explosives, transforms plants, animates weapons into floating allies, and basically does anything I could think of doing with papyrus... but doesn't do any of them particularly well. Your project sounds very interesting. I'm hoping to pick this old concept up again but in a much simpler version, would be cool to make it work well with what you end up putting together. "If the Mod was designed in the right way, the spells/rituals could be modular and extendable via other Mods." <-- I like the sound of extendable :-). For me, it would be nice if my own magic effects could call your scripts when casting at the ritual set-ups
  11. I'm playing Dust with a character that doesn't fight much, mostly steals food and runs away to save ammo and medical supplies. Since the majority of my character's effort is put into making it to the next day, I feel like my character should grow from achieving that goal. Also, since my character doesn't kill things much and quests do not reward xp in Dust, there isn't much to get experience from other than discovering new locations. Ideally, it would be a perk or trait that provides experience once per day at 6am based off the player's Sanity level (capped at maybe 400 experience per day). To keep with the Dust theme of adding downsides to its perks, the perk/trait could come with a downside of Sanity loss every time the player kills a human. Thanks for reading!
  12. Thanks for the advice Boombro, found them. In case others read this, I searched for "landscape" in the description in the Category of "modders resources" and found these: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32684/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29330/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29696/?
  13. I would also be interested in this mod, mostly so that I could replace the tunnelers in Dust with Dust's other spawns. The creatures to NPCs mod looks pretty close. Edit: Just found out that replacing the tunnelers is kinda breaks the Dust story, so not looking for that anymore!
  14. By empty Skyrim map, I mean a blank slate world map that has only an exterior and mostly everything removed so that only plants, rocks and other generic environmental objects remain. I am not really expecting someone to put this together for me. I am mostly looking for advice on the most efficient way to go about doing this and if it will save much time in comparison to creating an entirely new landmass. If there are any blank slate landmass mods or tutorials out there on creating new landmasses that you guys know of, directions to those would be great as well.
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