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Everything posted by Brokkoli

  1. So this doesnt exist ? Would be nice if anyone more knowledgable can chime in :thumbsup:
  2. Yea I kinda worded that badly. I am trying to increase the size of my characters legs. Using Bodyslide or LooksMenu I can only scale up horizontally (e.g. increasing thigh size) but not vertically. Maybe a mod already exists that helps me in this regard so I made this topic to ask for some help. Thanks again for reading and/ or any help !
  3. Hey everyone, I am looking for a mod that enables tuning the upper to lower body ratio for female characters. I did find the following mod but it doesnt really work the way I had hoped and it seems like it doesnt change much (or anything) at all. Can someone help me ? Thanks :thumbsup: !
  4. I tried the lattice method a few times but I kinda mess up the breast instead of resizing it - This surely cant be the easiest way to do this stuff i guess ? =p Is there anything I should be aware of, like size of lattice/ exact position/ number of verticles/ etc. to make things smooth when doing these convertions ? - Thanks again everyone !
  5. One more question; If Id want to change breast size for a specific armor/clothing what steps would it take to do so ? Ive tried a few things with blender already but didnt get any results so far so i thought maybe one of you guys could help me out on this one =] Wouldnt it be possible to simply import both the upperbody.nif (old size, armor/cloth) and the femaleupperbody.nif (new size, blank body) and adjust the amor/cloth to the new breast size, finishing it off by removing the dublicate body/armatures ? Thanks again !
  6. Thanks for all the replies everyone ! =] Using the skeleton + later updating stuff in nifscope did the job for me ^^ - again thanks a bunch guys !
  7. Hello ! I am trying to edit an armor in blender (i am only removing existing parts, so nothing very complicated), however after doing so and exporting the file again it will show up as invisible ingame - meaning not only is the armor invisible but also the body parts its attached to. I am not sure what i am doing wrong as my experience with every programm involved is very limited =/ Another note; the exported file does not look invisible when i open it with nifscope afterwards.
  8. If anyone can tell me where I can find the hair pls pm me - Thanks :3 http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/101/images/40463-1-1316923155.jpg
  9. Thank you ! Do you also know where i can find the hair ?
  10. Hi everyone I need some help with a picture i found on tesnexus - A user called Divinus posted it for the armor mod "Dungeon Explorer" : http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/40463/?tab=3&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D40463%26user%3D2&pUp=1 --> The image I am talking about: http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/101/images/40463-1-1316923155.jpg I was wondering what mods he used to create the character in his picture (race, face, textures, ears ?, tatoos..) - Maybe someone can help me with this ! Thank you =)
  11. DEBUG unique vertex normal pairs ^^ I keep getting this error message in blender whenever i try to open a mesh in the programm. Can someone help me out there ? Thank you in advance !
  12. !! Warning, contains nudity !! Just wondering how i can get rid of this white mesh bug around the nipples.
  13. Hello folks ! How can I switch the default underwear with another one ? I would like to use the awesome dungeon explorer "core diver" as my custom uw, but i dont know how to do that. Also, is it possible to limit textures/meshes/animations to your own player-charcter only, and if thats possible, how can i do this ? Ty in advance brokkoli
  14. Ty for your advice, but its working fine now. I just downloaded it again and it worked :O
  15. I hate bumping, but does nobody know where i can find one of these armor mods ?? :/ link1 link2
  16. Nobody knows where this mod is from ? : armor And im also looking for this one : armor 2 Ty in advance =)
  17. So i installed this mod, have all those hair mods but with installing this mod all characters dont have eyes any more. ( they just have black color instead of eye textures) Even though the mod comes with a huge eye recource, they wont work for me when im using them on any character :/ Any tips for this ?
  18. Hello folks, can someone tell me whats that armor in this pic : look here
  19. Cant find BP2CH :/ Edit: actually found it after quite some searching; look here
  20. Hello folks, Ive tried to install some face mods yesterday, however i just cant figure out why my character (night elf) still looks vanilla :S . Those are the mods ive installed so far : - Ozmos high rez face tex. - Danis beauty faces - natural faces HGEC is also installed. Is it possible that those mods dont go along with each other ? oO And another question; which mod contains the hair shown in this picture (mild nudity!)
  21. Has this been done yet, or is f-cup still as non-existant as it always was ?
  22. I used e-cup for quite a while now, but f-cup suits my character perfectly imo :-)
  23. Ty for help. F-Cup seems to be not the most popular size out there :O
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