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  1. My new SKSE-based implementation for SSE does not entirely fix this issue, but it includes a workaround that mitigates at least some of the symptoms (including the most obvious one, which is damage dealt): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/85505
  2. That that's what would happen is just speculation, and as I see it this speculation doesn't match the evidence that we have. If we look at western Europe (and probably all of the western world really other than the US), this is not what will happen. Yes, there will still be guns, in particular criminals in organized crime will find ways to get access to guns. Guns are a LOT less common though, and that's valuable. Unstable teenager gets bullied, gets angry, and in an impulse wants to act on it? In Europe, what happens is that they can't, because they don't happen to have a gun lying around and can't easily get one either. They can with planning, they can if they remain determined for long enough, but it's not easy, it's impossible to just get a gun in an impulse and immediately act on that impulse. That's where a lot of s#*! can get prevented. Same teenager gets bullied in US? There's a high chance (ridiculously, embarassingly high from a European point of view) that they just happen to have a gun lying around already, and can immediately use it. That's the real problem. In Europe, yeah, there is organized crime, there are criminals with guns. It's incredibly rare those get used against civilians though. Even if criminals decide to bring them, it's much more likely just to threaten than to actually use, they're gonna be much less trigger-happy because they really don't have to worry about e.g. a shopkeeper also having a gun and using it in response. I'd personally much prefer the outcome of getting some of my stuff stolen by an armed criminal but coming out of the situation unharmed myself, over a 50% chance of me being the first to pull the trigger but also having a 50% chance that I'm too late and get shot. And that's assuming organized crime suddenly becomes interested in burglary in a common house or shop. Regular burglars aren't really likely to have a gun either. I don't actually think it'd be a workable solution to ban guns at this point in the US though. Hypothetically, if all the guns could suddenly be made to disappear in the US, I definitely think the US would be better off than it is now. But it's too late, I don't think it'll ever be possible in practice anymore to take people's guns away. There's just too many of them around already, people have grown up with them and think it's "normal", etc. It's a lost cause.
  3. The entire point of ''constant'' is that the value won't change, see: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Global So, no, you can't modify the value of a GlobalVariable that is set to constant.
  4. The creation kit wiki page on the Cast function recommends using an AI package with the UseMagic procedure if you want a character to really visibly cast something. If that doesn't work for you, a completely scripted workaround that may work would be to simultaneously use the Cast function to cast the spell, and the SendAnimationEvent function to make the character play a spellcasting animation. May be difficult to time them correctly though. Might be possible to start playing animation first, and find a good timing for the Cast function using OnAnimationEvent to detect when a certain point in the animation is reached.
  5. I think it's quite normal over here in the Netherlands to write a Bachelor's thesis at end of bachelor's studies. What do you mean with that though? Isn't it possible to set up a small testing environment somewhere and only test there? Instead of playing through the entire game? :P For me, it is not important that everything functions perfectly throughout the entire game. It's mostly proof of concept stuff... trying to implement new AI techniques, seeing how well they work in a controlled testing environment.
  6. Yes I'm aware of the joys of modded games, I've quite heavily modded skyrim myself :P But I know that I'm not gonna have time to actually properly play through the game anytime soon anyway (dont think I'll do another dragon age playthrough until a short time before DA3 release, for the saved game importing :P) so I really wouldn't be playing it. Only reason for me to buy the PC version at this time would be for my bachelor's thesis, so I do want to make sure that plan will actually work out first
  7. I'm looking for someone experienced with scripting in the Dragon Age toolset to answer a couple of questions about it. If you're not a modder yourself but a mod user, maybe you can still help! Because I haven't really followed the Dragon Age modding scene at all, I haven't got a clue what scripted mods and scripting modders are around... so if you as a mod user know about any modders with scripting experience around, please tell me and I can send them a PM :) Now as for the questions themselves.. simple yes/no answers should suffice. I'm not looking for entire tutorials or guides or something like that. I'm an experienced programmer and would be able to figure out everything myself if I could download the toolset... but I can't. It requires having Dragon Age installed on your PC, but so far I've only got the Xbox version. I would buy the PC version as well but first I need to be absolutely sure that I will be able to do what I want to do with scripting. I am considering to maybe use Dragon Age Origins and rewrite AI for enemies/followers as a Bachelor's Thesis project in AI. So before I spend money on a PC version, I need to know if the scripting language will allow me to do so; 1) Is it possible to write your own functions at all? If the answer is yes, this will seem like a very stupid question. But looking around the wiki everywhere, I've only seen them overwriting pre-defined functions with very specific names, so that is kind of worrying to me... 2) Is it possible to write entirely new classes? Object-oriented programming? Write my own data-structures? Subclasses extending superclasses? 3) Can I do multi-threading? 4) What's the language's performance like? If I write a decently complex AI, can I expect at least a couple hundred iterations per second? Keep in mind that I'm not asking about how difficult any of this is... I'm just asking if the scripting language allows all this at all
  8. Hey, As the title indicates, I'm wondering how powerful the Witcher 2 scripting language (for modding through REDKit) is. I have not looked at REDkit yet (haven't had time), so I'm not really sure what to expect. I have modded Skyrim a lot (especially scripting), and experienced the language to be incredibly slow. So 2 things I'm wondering about scripting in the Witcher 2: - How fast is the language? Can I expect more than like 20 lines of code to run without a delay noticeable by the player? - What kind of functionality can I expect there to be? Similar to Oblivion (which was really just a bunch of predefined functions and nothing else)? Similar to Skyrim (at least some Object-Oriented stuff and loops and arrays, which were not in Oblivion)? Or practically anything you can think of (comparable to a ''real'' programming language like Java/C?)
  9. Hey, it has been quite a while since I have last updated any of my mods, but I have finally got time again for proper modding, and plan to update my Dual Wield parrying mod today (preferably as quickly as possible, since there are some compatibility issues with the official skyrim patch 1.6 still which I have already fixed now but did not yet upload). While in the process of updating everything, I also immediately want to make it NMM-installer friendly, which it has not yet been up to date. My Deadly Combat mod already has an NMM installer which someone else was nice enough to make for me, but I don't yet know how to make them myself and for this mod I also need one which is slightly more complicated, since it needs to allow the user to only pick ONE .esp out of multiple options (and additionally install some shared files as well). I was wondering if anyone would like to create such an installer for my mod's latest version? Seeing how the new version does need to be released asap to fix some issues I will already upload it without an NMM installer in a few minutes, but would still like to be able to update it again afterwards as fast as possible with an NMM installer :) Any creator of such an installer would obviously be credited for helping me with this :)
  10. Just took a look in the Creation Kit, and if you right click the perk and choose ''Use info'' you'll see that the perk is used by the Player Actor and all kinds of presets for all races. So it seems like adding a perk to the player and to those presets will automatically add the perk to all NPCs.
  11. Hey, Are you a mod user who has sometimes run into scripts reacting slowly in mods? Or are you a mod author using scripts in your mods and have you had people reporting script lag to you? Or are you just interested in some information about the time it takes for skyrim's scripts to run? :tongue: Take a look here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/49019227/Skyrim_Papyrus_Scripts_Runtime.pdf
  12. There isn't any function for that. I know it's weird and it sucks, but will probably have to wait for the SKSE guys to implement it
  13. No need to put me in credits, I didn't come up with it myself, I just followed this thread on bethsoft forums when it was active: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1333531-ive-made-a-fortify-speed-spell-but-theres-a-bit-of-an-issue/page__hl__speed
  14. Add a secondary effect to the spell which when it starts adds for example 0.01 to carry weight and when it ends removes 0.01 from carry weight again. Changing carry weight makes the game update speed, and using a small magnitude like 0.01 will ensure you don't actually affect gameplay (due to round MAYBE the actor will sometimes get or lose 1 point of carry weight, but that seems like a reasonable trade-off)
  15. ah k cool... won't have my mod finished before creation kit release anyway, so I'll just wait for the CK where I'll probably be able to do the same then :P thx :)
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