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Everything posted by zombieslayer002

  1. Here's my view on steam in the ever so charming words of Colin Moriarty ^^ lol on the subject of steam loyalists "Oh I've heard about the brainwashing that goes on down there, 'all hail the overseer! we're born in the vault we die in the vault!' kids you got better programming then our own deputy weld" lol. And those who are totally against steam, are those who ACTUALLY escaped from vault 101 xD lol. yeah they saw that the world is a harsh place but they were finally FREE lol (now before i get completely jumped on and trolled let me explain) in other words, to each their own. Steam loyalists, you love steam, that is your right and you have your reasons. But respect the position and reasons of those who DON'T like Steam whether those reasons make sense to you or not. to you Steam haters, you HATE Steam, that is your right and you have your reasons, but respect the position and reasons of those who LOVE Steam whether those reasons make sense to you or not. * Give both sides of this debate the famous Gibbs Slap* to those of you who spoke up saying , that you have no issues with steam but believe that there should be a non steam option for games, i mean no sarcasm when i say this *starts clapping* bravo, i applaud you.
  2. I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road and not have their motives questioned :)
    1. Jleone


      the chickens are always bullied :(
  3. happy birthday to me......
    1. Flintlockecole


      If I had another cake I'd send it your way, I've spent the last four days dealing with b-day parties. Anywho, happy b-day.
    2. ComputerAngel


      Hope you had a good b-day. Sorry I didn't wish you a Happy Birtday yesterday
    3. Brittn


      happy b-day
  4. KM2 Infantry Combat Helmet i'm making a formal request for this helmet in the link above be made for Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas as a replacer for the standard Combat Helmet and all it's variants in game. and yes before any of you ask i would like the chin straps included. PM me if you can do it i'd be most grateful. :)
  5. hey! :D been trying to reach you but for some reason it says you can't receive any new messages. there something i need to ask you about your armors....the ones your having me work on for you? :) nothing major, just a minor thing. ^^ lol PM me when you get the chance alright? :)
  6. hey! :D been trying to reach you but for some reason it says you can't receive any new messages. there something i need to ask you about your armors....the ones your having me work on for you? :) nothing major, just a minor thing. ^^ lol PM me when you get the chance alright? :)
  7. WARNING: is known to be extremely hazardous to your health. prone to parody you, mock you and insult your intelligence on a whim, and speaks fluent sarcasm approach and associate with at your own risk ;)
  8. hey right back at ya "friend" ;)
  9. "Even if there is no justice, the world's going to keep on turning." - Revy ~ Black Lagoon
  10. Yes, i know based on what i'm asking there are a lot of you who'll say 'but there already is a mod with female dremora voice files, why don't you just use those?' i'm very familiar with that mod and all that modder did was take the "Male" dremora voice files and made them high pitched in an attemt at making them sound like a female voice. but that's not what i'm looking for and in all honesty those sound files sound more like G1 Transformers' Starscream getting kicked in the gnads, no offense intended towards that modder but they do. what i'm looking for is a female modder who's familiar with Oblivion who has a great sounding voice and is good with sound editing that wouldn't mind doing recordings of the dremora voice files (including the npc dialogues for key dremora characters) using their voice, and i don't care if you make them sound sexy, seductive or whatever they definitly must sound and be unmistakably female. if anyone is up to the challenge, then link your recordings here in this thread and let me listen. thank you all for your time.
  11. "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." -Edgar Allan Poe
  12. I keep asking myself this question, "is my attitude worth catching?" :D
  13. Stop right there. I can't talk to you. I've reached my quota of stupid for the day.
  14. My Sarcasm and my Sincereity are sounding surprisingly similar
  15. The three main reasons I use sarcasm is to.. 1: Piss you off 2: Confuse you and 3: Mostly to annoy the hell out of you. AREN'T I SWEET? :)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gameshark


      Aww, how sweet of you. Sharing is caring. ;)
    3. ComputerAngel


      Sweet as sugar. lol
    4. Brittn


      if that is what makes you sweet, then your sweetest thing I know lolz ;)


  16. lol, i had a discovery about the whole timescale thing. :) and it works for both oblivion and fallout 3 :D if i set the timescale to 1 and save the game for that save file anyway the timescale stays set to 1 unless you set it back to the default setting of 30. but to be fair to your mod since you did go to all that trouble i started a new game and it works fine.
  17. lol, sorry about that haven't had time to try it out yet. was able to finally download it though lol. going to try it out today and see how it goes. okay?
  18. what i thought i would do was pretend that i was one of those deaf mutes...or should i?
    1. slygothmog


      J.D Salinger, or Ghost in the Shell? The book was dreadful, the Anime ace :)
    2. zombieslayer002


      :) ghost in the shell. the laughing man
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