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    Tom Clacy: Rainbow six Vegas (Xbox360)

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  1. I do not see why of people are bringing up lock on and auto aim from old Nintendo games and xbox games as if is the only way to make it work. Zelda had first person view mode with manual aim for horse arrows and red dead only had auto aim in regular game modes and that game used guns. Also they were not the only games to have good horse. War band shadow of colossus and even barbie did just fine with mounts. Its already difficult to hit something with a bow and arrow at high speeds so it would require skill anyways and its not like the players will be forced to ride. The funny thing is I remember reading a interview on Oblivion and the developers said they left mount combat out of Oblivion because it ruined the balanced combat system that they worked so hard on. Then Oblivion was released and players were back peddling with bows and fire balls and jumping on rocks. So its all excuses to me. No matter what they do the games A.I will always be exploitable. Leaving out something so practical as shooting a bow or swinging a axe when on a mount is just out of place and it makes traveling an annoying experience for players who want to ride. Now the horses will have better animations and handling but they still will be a annoyance unless they can carry items. I really like horses in adventure games and was really hoping that they would have every problem they had in Oblivion. Im just going to wait until mods start coming out until I start playing.
  2. I heard rumors on the internet that Skyrim's mounts will function the same as Oblivions and the characters will have to dismount from horses to defend themselves from enemies. :huh: Is there any news to confirm that or are people speculating?
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