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About okappa

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  1. So I've been using the "Alternate Start - Live Another Life" mod for a while now with complete success, but recently I somehow managed to screw it up and glitch myself out of the main quest entirely. Is there a console command that I can use to START the main quest, specifically MQ101 (Unbound) or MQ102 (Before the Storm?) SetStage isn't working, and CompleteQuest just clears that specific quest without letting me access the next one in line (talking to the Jarl and the mage guy, they act just like I had never met them before and don't even react according to their instructions for the main quest at all.)
  2. (Original post: I deleted Skyrim - Interface by accident and then my entire Interface folder trying to uninstall an old UI mod, and briefly couldn't start the game.) EDIT: Hurr. Recycle Bin is a thing that exists. Sorry everyone. Now there's a new problem though. Everything's working again (except my font replacer, which I'll obviously need to re-install,) but now there's a dollar sign ($) in front of everything that counts as an option or variable name (i.e. $Save, $Load, $Favorite, $Level 18, etc.) How do I get rid of that?
  3. Definitely. Your voice acting needs lots of work. It's too deep, too quiet, and too dull. Your microphone quality is terrible, too, and that really ruins it further. It sounds nothing like Mr. Burke if that was your goal, and even if it wasn't it won't pass for a decent voiceover. You need to get a better microphone, and then study the way Br. Burke, Lucien Lachance, and similar characters speak -- dark and menacing, but also bombastic, as if they were over-the-top villains in a play. I'm not trying to be mean, mind you, just telling the truth.
  4. Yes, thank you. :) I'm just trying to show the difference, but it's kind of tough when as far as I can tell I can't actually go back to Vanilla graphics without a reinstall. Derp.
  5. Yeah, I liked Fallout's system a lot more, where merchants accumulated gold from the purchases you made and lost it from buying your items -- you could basically hold on to valuable items as "credit" to help with huge purchases. I think Living Economy tries to follow that system, but it doesn't really do a great job as the merchants start with a lot less money (and, since there are no guns in this game, you tend to spend less money anyway by not buying ammo and stimpacks and such.)
  6. Wait, you mean that with good enough Charm spells you could get out of going to jail? Badass.
  7. I love Tobuscus's literal trailers, the lyrics are actually really clever. Anyway, when he says "And a werewolf," is that actually what that clip's supposed to be? I always thought it was some kind of yeti thing, but if it's really a werewolf it'll be awesome to see those return.
  8. Skingrad for me. It's just the right size -- not as cripplingly big as the Imperial City, but still large and busy. I love the bridge to the castle at night, all lit up with torches. I like the way the city is set up so that the major buildings surround the road while still allowing travelers to pass through unhindered. I love that it's the birthplace of all the best wines in Cyrodill. And, of course, I love the fact that it's full of some of the most insane characters in the game -- like Glarthir who kills everyone with his axe (I usually refuse to help him now) and Falanu Hlaalu the necrophile. There's just so much more crazy stuff going on in Skingrad than even in most parts of the Imperial City. And I mean, the count's a vampire. And he likes it. Seriously awesome.
  9. Well, maybe you could somehow modify it so the bow temporarily gains Soul Trap on Strike during the shot? It'd be some complicated scripting, though... The mod sounds really cool though. One of the characters I'm writing for was going to work on a concept similar to this, so I hope the mod comes out so I can play as her. (Another thing she does is dual-wield bows by using Telekinesis to pull the strings back, but that'd probably be even harder to do. :P)
  10. Well, from that page: "setav <attribute> <nn> -- Sets value of attribute" And I haven't tested it, but I'm pretty sure that means, for example, setav blade 100 would set your Blade skill to 100 without having it count as a level up. Just replace <attribute> with the name of the skill you want and <nn> with the desired level. This works on other attributes too, like stats and health. Make sure to use this page to ensure you're doing it right. You MIGHT need to replace the skill name with a number instead.
  11. I feel like a mod is unnecessary -- you could probably handle this all in the console. Not sure of the commands, though.
  12. Oh wait. "Durin's Bane." I get it now. Clever name.
  13. Though admittedly fun. :3 I keep having to switch between OOO and Vanilla because I still enjoy how much planning Vanilla builds take. In OOO it's just like "Okay, I want these. Build done." Really, Destruction rises far faster than you'd think. If you play an Altmer or Dunmer, you can even tweak your class so that it starts somewhere around lv.15-20 as a Minor anyway. :) And you don't want to be in that difficult spot where you're bludgeoning Dremora with a rusty hammer just to avoid leveling Destruction too soon. If you're not using a birthsign that increases your Magicka, then yes, I'd say you need some Int. Not a ton, but enough so you can cast a sea of Destruction and not be sitting there dead after a few spells. For a perfect character, you need +5s every single level, yes. Realistically (and don't let any OCD controlled levelers know I said this,) it's not totally necessary. I mean, I went 30 or so levels with +4 and +3 stat boosts and I was still doing pretty well. There are lots of ways to balance out that stat deficiency, like enchanting equipment, becoming a vampire, etc. It's really not nearly as bad as people say -- though I assume it gets worse around the 40-50 levels? The fact is, the game was not really meant to be played with +5 x3 every single level. It's still totally possible to play it normally, and if you make the build well you still get good enough stat gains to compete with the leveled enemies the game throws at you. Bethesda wanted players to figure out how the leveling system works, not necessarily how to break it. They won't be... egregiously unfair, at least. TL;DR: If you want to fly through the game and find every item, every nook and cranny, etc, then yes, you need +5 x3 every level. If you're just looking for a nice, normal playthrough, then no. Yup. Both make good minors. Acrobatics especially, since it gives you a good reason to spontaneously play "the floor is lava" in the middle of the city.
  14. It appears that, the way I installed OBGE and QTP3, they will be quite difficult to turn off. Which is fine by me, I'm happy with it. But I want to display the difference it makes to a friend, and I can't take screens of vanilla Oblivion anymore without way too much work. So I wanted to ask -- Can anyone please take a version of this same screenshot in Vanilla? If you can't tell, it's right inside the Cheydinhal gate next to the Bridge Inn. http://www.imgjoe.com/x/screenshrvr.png
  15. They probably want weightless Drain Health armor to pickpocket onto NPCs?
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