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About moonsugarz

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  1. thanks for the reply ill give it a try. now when i load up the creation kit which files do i select and which should i set as active file?
  2. Im just trying to figure out how to make a staff of chain lightning look like a resotration staff and maybe somehow make it unique? any help would be great!
  3. I tried doing the steps in the guide on how to add mods to special edition that were from original skyrim. I'm trying to get this one to work: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63552/? its the halamshiral mages tower. I know not every orignal skyrim mod will work for special edition but i thought id give it a try, has anyone else tried doing this? Whenever I activate it, skyrim special edition wont launch.
  4. Is their a mod for SE yet that can show your staff on your back rather than disappearing? Also,f are their any mods like armed to the teeth for SE where the weapons still show even when unequipped?
  5. Can anyone make a bound crossbow mod that isnt a piece of crap please?
  6. is it possible to make just a simple staff on back mod? I know about the dual sheath redux mod, i dont need all that fanciness. Just want to make my mage dude look cool. Thanks!
  7. I was hoping someone could mod a set of Destruction Staffs that look like the daedric staves from morrowind. Maybe make them unique or something. that and the simple wooden staff form morrowind were really cool looking!
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