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  1. I am not getting New Vegas. Bite me.
    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      "Fallout 3 with the same coat of paint."


      Not really, I mean it has a lot to it that's not quite the same from its predocessor. It's a whole new story, a whole new area, and a whole new scene. Pretty worth to me considering what I've heard about it.

    3. AliasTheory


      The gameplay is basically identical. The story is nothing like Fallout 3. There is no fatherly figure - something we as everyday people can relate to - making the story seem boring and gives a feeling of being very uninvolved. There's a lack of emotional impact. Then there's the lore I already mentioned. The landscape is very much the same, and I can't imagine it being much different. I also hear the quests are not as simply well thought out and lack good backstories.
    4. Ultrajet


      Yeah you're right. The begining of NV is definetly not as engaging as F3. Not much drive to find a couple of men sent to kill you. But when your dad leaves the vault without telling you? Wtf? Nooo daddy nooo!!!!
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