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About AliasTheory

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  1. http://fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=21315 Chapter 19. Had to reupload the shot because of some visual issues. Sorry!
    1. Show previous comments  73 more
    2. TreborMarg


      ... !?! ... Oh man, I sure missed this one, that'll learn me to make sure to visit AT's place more often 0,O


      *rolls up sleeves* okay, pirates get to wear the cool boots and drink while doing ... well pretty much anything and they get more wenches ... that right there would win, but walking on water *shakes head* hard to beat that one, almost looks like a tie. but I would rather be a pirate ... it's the wenches LOL


      Coming from someone who almost nev...

    3. TreborMarg


      ... never plays shooters, Gears of War was quite fun.


      *hands Nadin knee pads*


      And Slicer, I personally know a 60 year old who can beat the living snot out of over 99% of the 20-30 year olds out there, so its really not that far fetched.


      ... and this really is a most eclectic thread :D

    4. CheeseyBall


      I like the leaves.
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