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Everything posted by hothotpockets

  1. oo thanks that's an interesting way to get around that! I like it. I will have a play around it since I do have alt start already.
  2. I posted on reddit and someone suggested that I post in here which makes sense. I have zero experience with creation kit and modding in general, but tried to dabble with the default water - I want to drown my world completely and wondering is this possible? I've tried to edit the default water number but I have no idea what I am doing and it just seemed to make my sky turn into a box and water stayed the same.. any chance anyone can give me a hand with what they would do for this? Also I have tried to install both realistic water 2 and open cities as a couple people mentioned there was a glitch where the water level would rise to the sky, but probably because of the newer versions I could not recreate that glitch.
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