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ive been having similar problems... my companions dissappear when i enter freeside or the strip... and they are nowhere to be found... >.<
ive been TRYING to make a mod that removes weapon mods LOL... its soooo much more complicated than i thought it would be tsk... atm i have limited myself to the silencer... since thats the only weapon mod that you would want to add and remove... my problem is that my script replaces the weapon with an unmodded one and gives you back your silencer... problem is when the weapon has other mods it will still return an unmodded one... removing ALL mods as Maganus stated above would be the most logical solution to this... but atm i really have so little time what with all the christmas parties and work and stuff... anyway the last few days ive been toying with the idea of making the silencer an activatable item much like night vision or bullet time etc... was thinking of the silencer not as a mod but a completely new item... something like the power armor mods in powered power armor... http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37983... then script it so that it could be added/removed via the press of a button... but then this would be a lot of work... and im not even talking about the animations and other stuff yet... not really sure if this is possible... it SHOULD be from wat i understand of FONV scripting but i havent really started on it yet... if you guys have any input or if you guys wanna try making one pls go right ahead otherwise i will have to find time LOL
ever since the patch anytime i have more than 3 opponents i get xtreme lag... my FPS goes down to 5 or less... even with ALL mods off i still lag... i have tried reinstalling and playing the vanilla its still the same... have had no problems with FONV until the latest patch... GeForce GTX 295 4G Ram this is getting frustrating...
i have recently encountered bugs with arwens and imps more complex needs... i have been using them both since they came out and after installing the latest versions of both mods i started to CTD after sleeping... mebe its the way they handle thier timescales during sleep???? im not very good at scripting otherwise i would have fixed this myself by now... sigh... hopefully someone out there is trying to fix the problem too lol... anyway i will be pouring over scripts of both mods hopefully i find the conflict >.<
Imps more complex needs http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37254 :D takes eating and drinking to a whole new level... :D then theres FOOK http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34684 which attempts to add diversity to the wastes plus Arwens for me is the best among those mentioned... http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34759 plus Realistic Weapon Damage http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35335 plus any increased spawn mods equals lots of pain :))
New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE) RELEASED!
kalaboso replied to Echelon's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
is there anyway to get an older version of NVSE??? i updated my NVSE and stupid me forgot to back up the old version that i was using... plus my FONV is not updating and I WANT TO PLAY... can anyone link me or send me the beta 3 or 4 version? -
crashes after i sleep... i cant find the cause of the crash... this is my load order... PLS HELP FalloutNV.esm FONVAMoreSpawns.esm Inventory Access.esm FOOK - New Vegas.ESM More Perks.esm Moddable Unique Weps.esm RH_IRONSIGHTS_NV.esm Ambient Temperature.esm MikotoBeauty.esm UnderwaterFX.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp BetterGamePerformanceV3.esp RechamberedWeapons.esp MikotoBeauty.esp bzArmour.esp Advanced Recon Armor.esp Advanced Recon Gear.esp Advanced Recon Armor-No Stealth Field.esp Advanced Recon Gear-Power Armor.esp Mavroshs Facticius Humanus New Vegas.esp 26_fixes.esp Devil'sMistressReturns.esp Lever Rifle fire rate slow.esp CaravanCardFix.esp DK_BulletTime_NV.esp Weapon Mods Reworked.esp Readius_NV.esp PlasmaShields.esp PerkEveryLevel.esp VMS44Fixed.esp NoQuestItems.esp PortableCampsite.esp BlackWolf Backpack.esp BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Script Replenish.esp Gambling.esp Holster.esp kfk_Lucky38crafting.esp I Fought the Law Workaround.esp NVmorecactuswater.esp IncreasedLegion1_1.esp Clean Up New Vegas.esp AndyRaulFix.esp z_Fiends_2.esp UrgeWasterScarf.esp Reign Monocyte Implant Improvement.esp WurstBarberMachine.esp Lucky 38 Suite Expansion.esp Improved Throwing1.esp AlternativeSniperPerk.esp ArmourRepairKits.esp PimpMyScarf.esp Tailor Maid - NV.esp Tailor Maid Black Retex - NV.esp Centered 3rd Person Camera.esp Color Me Evil.esp The_Road_Warrior.esp Craft Overhaul 1.1.esp Pointiac.esp Predator Sneak.esp ShotgunPerformance.esp BinocularsOverhaul.esp UsableCigarettes neunen Ver for New Vegas.esp aaaJNFSniperZooming.esp Bobblehunt - Lucky 38 Expantion Compatible.esp Expanded Traits.esp ProTechImplants.esp Glow Sticks.esp populatedcasino.esp Military Explansion Program.esp Depth of View IE Blur.esp CRFTOven.esp exoArmorPerks.esp w44Satchels - Lite.esp KnuckleBeatGlovesCHT.esp Casino Exchange All.esp Valhalla_Personal_Protection_NV.esp Cyber Body.esp THE5 Visors Mod.esp NewVegasBounties.esp HymyRanch_a1.esp Vault11TurretFix.esp Jump Fall Fixer.esp MojaveXP.esp behemoth.esp FONVASixHands.esp More Perks Update.esp Powered Power Armor.esp Ambient Temperature - PPA.esp MoraelinsExoticBladesMod.esp FOOK - New Vegas.esp Imp's More Complex Needs.esp IMCNNV - Sorted.esp Ambient Temperature - IMCNNV.esp Arwen_NV_Realism_Core.esp Weapon Mods Reworked - Arwen Compatible.esp RWD-NV V1.2.esp FewPosesMore NVedition.esp ZZZZ--APB_By_Nokturnihs.esp Sprint Mod.esp shadysandsshuffle.esp Nevada Skies.esp HUD Extended - Ambient Temperature.esp Free Play after MQ.esp Brahmin Bess.esp
my space bar is not working O.o i have no idea which mod is affecting this... can anyone help? [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] CFWNV.esm [X] FONVAMoreSpawns.esm [X] Inventory Access.esm [X] FOOK - New Vegas.ESM [X] More Perks.esm [X] Moddable Unique Weps.esm [X] RH_IRONSIGHTS_NV.esm [X] Ambient Temperature.esm [X] MikotoBeauty.esm [X] UnderwaterFX.esp [X] dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp [X] BetterGamePerformanceV3.esp [X] RechamberedWeapons.esp [X] MikotoBeauty.esp [X] bzArmour.esp [X] bzBodySuits.esp [X] Advanced Recon Armor.esp [X] Advanced Recon Gear.esp [X] Advanced Recon Armor-No Stealth Field.esp [X] Advanced Recon Gear-Power Armor.esp [X] Advanced Recon Armor-Location Doc Mitchell.esp [X] Advanced Recon Gear-Locations Doc Mitchell.esp [X] Mavroshs Facticius Humanus New Vegas.esp [X] CharacterBackgrounds.esp [X] 26_fixes.esp [X] Devil'sMistressReturns.esp [X] Lever Rifle fire rate slow.esp [X] CaravanCardFix.esp [X] DK_BulletTime_NV.esp [X] Readius_NV.esp [X] PlasmaShields.esp [X] Ambient Temperature - IMCNNV.esp [X] PerkEveryLevel.esp [X] VMS44Fixed.esp [X] NoQuestItems.esp [X] PortableCampsite.esp [X] BlackWolf Backpack.esp [X] BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Script Replenish.esp [X] Gambling.esp [X] Holster.esp [X] kfk_Lucky38crafting.esp [X] I Fought the Law Workaround.esp [X] NVmorecactuswater.esp [X] IncreasedLegion1_1.esp [X] Perception_NoDumpStat.esp [X] Clean Up New Vegas.esp [X] AndyRaulFix.esp [X] z_Fiends_2.esp [X] UrgeWasterScarf.esp [X] Reign Monocyte Implant Improvement.esp [X] WurstBarberMachine.esp [X] Lucky 38 Suite Expansion.esp [X] Improved Throwing1.esp [X] AlternativeSniperPerk.esp [X] ArmourRepairKits.esp [X] PimpMyScarf.esp [X] Tailor Maid - NV.esp [X] Tailor Maid Black Retex - NV.esp [X] Centered 3rd Person Camera.esp [X] The_Road_Warrior.esp [X] Craft Overhaul 1.1.esp [X] Pointiac.esp [X] Predator Sneak.esp [X] ShotgunPerformance.esp [X] BinocularsOverhaul.esp [X] UsableCigarettes neunen Ver for New Vegas.esp [X] aaaJNFSniperZooming.esp [X] Bobblehunt - Lucky 38 Expantion Compatible.esp [X] Expanded Traits.esp [X] ProTechImplants.esp [X] Glow Sticks.esp [X] populatedcasino.esp [X] Military Explansion Program.esp [X] Depth of View IE Blur.esp [X] CRFTOven.esp [X] exoArmorPerks.esp [X] w44Satchels - Lite.esp [X] KnuckleBeatGlovesCHT.esp [X] Casino Exchange All.esp [X] Valhalla_Personal_Protection_NV.esp [X] Cyber Body.esp [X] THE5 Visors Mod.esp [X] NewVegasBounties.esp [X] HymyRanch_a1.esp [X] Vault11TurretFix.esp [X] Jump Fall Fixer.esp [X] MojaveXP.esp [X] behemoth.esp [X] FONVASixHands.esp [X] More Perks Update.esp [X] Powered Power Armor.esp [X] Ambient Temperature - PPA.esp [ ] Brahmin Bess.esp [X] CFWNVOptionalTweaker.esp [X] MoraelinsExoticBladesMod.esp [X] FOOK - New Vegas.esp [X] Arwen_NV_Realism_Core.esp [X] Weapon Mods Reworked - Arwen Compatible.esp [X] RWD-NV V1.2.esp [X] FewPosesMore NVedition.esp [X] ZZZZ--APB_By_Nokturnihs.esp [X] Imp's More Complex Needs.esp [X] IMCNNV - Sorted.esp [X] Free Play after MQ.esp [X] Sprint Mod.esp [X] Nevada Skies.esp [X] shadysandsshuffle.esp recently installed mods would be arwen's, weapon mods reworked, free play after MQ, advacned recon stuff, and imps more complex needs... ive tried removing said mods still does not work O.o
post any cyborg / android / robot mods you know of or are currently wip... planning to make one in the near future and i dont really want to make something thats already been done before... thanx some that i know of are cyber arm and armor http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38029 mavroshs facticius humanus race http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35853
What kind of glitches and bugs have you found?
kalaboso replied to Trueform's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
@Trueform i had that bug too... just assasinate one of the securitrons and loot the key... you wont get karma shift or reputation shift if you just kill one... make sure you are not seen by the other securitrons... or use the train at McCarren if you dont want to do this... i have been trying to talk to james garret to start atomic wrangler quest line and to finish talent pool quest line... for some reason he never leaves his room... and when i enter his room he attacks me for breaking in... or if im able to stealth in he will NOT talk to me because i broke in... *sigh* another bug i have recently experienced is the quest involving joana and carlito... (forgot quest name)... after talking to joana the first time... i head to carlito then head back to joana telling her that carlito is alive and wants to help her escape... afterwhich i have to return to carlito... and HES GONE!!! the quest marker points to his room and his bed but hes not there... gee thanx... i have also experienced the companions dissappearing... in this case Cass and/or Rex... had to reload to previous saves