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  1. I have found (by using two monitors and using windows task manager on the second screen while playing) Skyrim tends to load up around 370MB of RAM to get to the title screen (I have the logo video disabled), now if you try to load a save game that takes the total Working set RAM usage OVER 1.8GB there is a good chance it will fail to load (really good if you use more than 20 mods), I have around 120 mods installed (I had to cut down to reduce the number of game crashes to a playable amount, used to be around 370 mods). On average when I play an interior save game will load up between 600MB and 1.2GB of used working set RAM for TESV.exe, an exterior cell will load up between 1.6GB and 2.4GB of working set RAM usage. 80% of the time if the current RAM usage is over 2GB when I am playing, then I know that my save most likely won't load. (I've also noticed that anytime I hit 2.45GB of working set ram my PC will freeze or BSOD, win7 x64 ultimate) WORKAROUND: load an interior save game (does not matter how old as far as I can tell, but the same character helps), then load the save you really want to play. This works 100% of the time for me when I have loading screen hangs (except when CTD during save, that might actually be a corrupted save file and I have had 4 of those in 420 hours of game play in Skyrim) No BS, I have to do this about 20 times every time I try to play Skyrim as I CTD about once every 15-30 minutes while playing. I think having too much in your inventory has an affect on this as well, so try dumping unneeded items in a chest in your home if you are not going to sell them, additionally I constantly use the console to "disable" corpses, trying to keep the save file size down. After 420 hours of game play (180 with the same character) my saves are only just under 16MB each. I will try the map idea, as I think I have one of the OLD high quality map mods installed.
  2. I have found (by using two monitors and using windows task manager on the second screen while playing) Skyrim tends to load up around 370MB of RAM to get to the title screen (I have the logo video disabled), now if you try to load a save game that takes the total Working set RAM usage OVER 1.8GB there is a good chance it will fail to load (really good if you use more than 20 mods), I have around 120 mods installed (I had to cut down to reduce the number of game crashes to a playable amount, used to be around 370 mods). On average when I play an interior save game will load up between 600MB and 1.2GB of used working set RAM for TESV.exe, an exterior cell will load up between 1.6GB and 2.4GB of working set RAM usage. 80% of the time if the current RAM usage is over 2GB when I am playing, then I know that my save most likely won't load. WORKAROUND: load an interior save game (does not matter how old as far as I can tell, but the same character helps), then load the save you really want to play. This works 100% of the time for me when I have loading screen hangs (except when CTD during save, that might actually be a corrupted save file and I have had 4 of those in 420 hours of game play in Skyrim) No BS, I have to do this about 20 times every time I try to play Skyrim as I CTD about once every 15-30 minutes while playing. I think having too much in your inventory has an affect on this as well, so try dumping unneeded items in a chest in your home if you are not going to sell them, additionally I constantly use the console to "disable" corpses, trying to keep the save file size down. After 420 hours of game play (180 with the same character) my saves are only just under 16MB each.
  3. have any suggestions for after using tes5edit? I've been "dealing with it" for 6 months now, I have a system setup where I save every 2-5 minutes and have a batch file running that copies any save made to a new folder every 2 minutes. recently I had a massive f'up and lost my NMM mods folder, I managed to find most of the mods I had (about 65-75 percent) and got them all installed. I keep the latest updates and have removed the 8 mods that prevented me from leaving the sleeping giant inn after I finally purchased dawnguard (which I only did, because one of the mods I subscribed to on Steam the creator won't make a non-dawnguard version (after he updated his mod to it), won't upload to nexus (so no previous versions and Steam doesn't keep the older versions), plus the author did not maintain a local version archive. So, I bought dawnguard and lost 8 mods of which 5 I was actively using, the other three were of the type "I'd like it to be there when I get that part of the game without having to exit add the mod, then reload" so that I could get that one mod working, and now I don't even remember what it was... I've trimmed 65 mods that: overlap on others and I can deal without the extra stuff have not used in the last 280 hours of game play (all different types) don't think I am going to use (mostly race addons or modifications to vanilla races) most item addons ("new" weapons or armor) most texture packs, until I get a video card with more than 1GB or RAM tes5edit said caused game crashes tes5edit said were pre-CK and needed patching I still have frequent crashes of the normal type (some CTD some just lock the game up, some hard crash my entire system), everytime I walk through a specific very small area it crashed (often I can go about 40 yards to any side and walk around and be fine, normally in the middle of nowhere), my guess is when it is loading a new set of uGrids causes it. I have looting crashes, where if I kill something, then save, no matter how many times I reload I cannot loot what ever it was, but if I go back one save and kill it again, "sometimes" I can loot it just fine. I think I have some "left over" textures/meshes from mods I lost when NMM lost it's mods folder (hard pc crash, when I rebooted, the entire folder was empty) as I occasionally enter an area and an NPC has "massive polygons" (not an innuendo, although sometimes that is where they are located). Some of the mods I am 80% certain are causing the problems, but have features which are core components of my toon's MO, and I am loath to continue playing without them. (yes I am still playing the same toon I started the game with, yes I have started others, no I don't want to redo some of the stuff I've already finished) after 120 game hours with one PC and I am still at the beginning of the main questline, I really do not want to trudge through some of the things I've done again. I did wipe skyrim and reinstall with the DVD recently and had another issue, where I lost my install-info folder for Nexus (my fault, not a system or game crash/error), when I tried reinstalling all the mods with nexus, I ended up with an uninstall folder of 2.5GB, where it copied out all the files that were already there, even the ones that were duplicates of the ones it was installing... I never had any issues with Oblivion (about 80 mods, never used any cleaners, organizers, or any apps, just downloaded files and followed the readme) or Morrowind (same deal as Oblivion, except I had closer to 400 mods and used the Creation Kit (I forget what it was called), to create massive mod files with "grouped" other mods saved into them). There has to be some way to play with these mods, as out of the authors and the thousands of other people who downloaded them, someone must actually be using them. Another thing to complain about (the responsible parties will never see this though), why the h311 did Bethesda not have some kind of log file showing what was going on during game play, where you could see the references being called for debugging... They know how big the modding community is. oh, I also have hearthfires and all three unofficial patches. And I am using Boss load order and I am down to 169 mods at this point (from 289), removed during troubleshooting and just determined that I don't need or won't use, or after 120 game hours on one character, still have not found. my crashes first started happening anytime after the game ate up more than 1.85GB of RAM, even by 1KB and the game would crash, after the RAM patch was released in the official update, I could go over but still frequently crash when I get over 2.3GB, I keep an eye on the ram usage and save more often when it gets higher.
  4. Thank you, I appreciate it, since no one else could take the 7 seconds it probably took you.
  5. I hate to reply to myself; however this is more of an update than trying to bump... So I started messing around with dotnet on my system, and reinstalled 2/3/3.5 now the game loads again and is playable. still no update.esm however. Somehow my dotnet install got corrupt and broke the game, hope that helps someone one day even though it was not the topic of this thread. Still no update.esm file however. Nothing on the install DVD that says anything about updates either.
  6. Completed the full installation via the PC DVD, then added it to Steam, it has since updated via steam, and I also enabled the beta downloads (to increase the maximum number of workshop mods). I played for 60 hours without mods, now I cannot get the game to launch with any mods or no mods. I was reading the description of one mod and it said "If the game crashes on load, you need to make sure update.esm is checked" so I went to check just that one and I don't have it, I went to the steam install DIR and it is not in there. I used the steam app to verify the local cache or files or whatever, and it said 1 file failed the check and would be downloaded. I went back and checked the DIR and there is still no update.esm. The game launches to the "continue" "new" "load" "exit" screen, with music, but no matter what you choose it just freezes. I tried un-checking all mods, set video to low, still no go. I am not using the NMM, and have no idea what that is. I tried downloading the beta for skse and it launches the game, but no menu appears, if I click where the menu is supposed to be I get the confirmation pane (enter/tab option) but ONLY "ENTER" and "TAB" shows up, nothing else appears on the screen. if I click or press enter it freezes just like if I did not use skse (note the cursor appears fine under all circumstances). The only thing I can do is end task the process and try again. I tried setting the game in windowed mode and it makes the menu options appear again, but still crashes at the same point and the same way. I am about to delete everything and reinstall. (as a note, I did just that on my laptop, using the Steam downloader to install skyrim in stead of the DVD, and I am having the same issues, and still no update.esm)
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