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Everything posted by MyDogsTale
jeeez! i thought you were more than 25 (you act very...mature, i guess is the word...never would have thought that you were 18) :blink: ANYWAYS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I sincerly hope that large streams of alcohol appears before tonight. and in your name i will open a can of fine local brew! To ye Dark0ne *sound of beer can opening*! may you wake up in a strangers bed (well, whatever tickles your fancy here, it's your birthday...may it be goats...llam...LALALALA! :P ) *rambeling on and on* But seriously, enjoy this day! it's your B'day :)
MyDogsTale arrived at his home planet, the minute he exited his vessel he was face to face with a bunch of snowball throwing kids...they aimed and they fired...ho was to blame for the rebellion at his planet? why was he hated? could it be that an unknowned enemy was inciting the revolt? it was all uncertain, he could trust no one..but himself and his powers... MyDogsTale - trying to revive the fight :)
MyDogsTale docked at his main vessel "Mjölner"...he sat down upon his trone and started broadcasting a message to his kingdom. After a few minutes it appeared that all was not well, on his home planet "cal'carod" the society was a mess after a failed military-coop by one of his generals. Rebel forces had strted a siege on one of the smaller cities and many power sources were knocked out. -Set course for Cal'Carod, we have many things to clear up...we march for war on our own planets. Make the warrors ready, there are reports of over 50.000 rebel forces. Then send a message to Ëlwe that i urge him to give me a report of the Pack Rat meetings. Leave 2 cruisers in this system for observation purposes only, orders are not to fire until fired upon. With that said, the armada set course for their home planet...
MyDogsTale was infuriated, but still he kept his manner... -I beg to differ dear sir... We don't use spies...we think of it as unapropriate and rude, in a culture such as mine a spy is a coward, the same goes for the man that issues them. I merly have the ability to sence certain things. I can also enter peoples minds, allthough it weakens me so much that i cannot walk for several days... If you had studied such arts as me, then this ability would be open to you as well. No Pack Rat, I don't want you as my enemy...rather a neutral friend. Now i must leave, for that im sorry, i have an obligation for my people, sometimes they need to see their leader so that they know that all is well...i hope you understand...If you want another meeting, then please call for me. MyDogsTale exited and boarded his fighter, took of and went for his fleet
occ- Mojlnir, i annuled the attack...just so you know...thought it would be better that way. After passing out the gifts and saying his words, MyDogsTale had sat quietly down in the comfy chairs. He wass fully dressed in a black Armor covering all of his body, not even his eyes could be seen. He listend to Mojlnir's arguments...and watched Peregrines content smile... He quiely rose his hand, in his society this was a very respectfull act... -i am very sorry for barging in like this Pack Rat, but crude behavior is my peoples way...but here i shall restrain myself... I do not belive that these two wish for peace and prosperity, I rather belive that Peregrine is still hounted by The Artifact, I belive it still plages his soul, it stimulates his inner dreams, To rule everything and every man... MyDogsTale paused, then he spoke again: If war breakes out and you are neutral then you will not feel a fist coming for you Pack Rat, But rather an open hand, reaching out for trade and agreements. If war breaks out and you are my enemy i shall consider you a welcome and worthy foe, and tho you will feel a fist it shall strike no other than the warriors..not you people. If war breaks out and you are my Ally then i will guard your back to the best of my knowledge and assist you and your people in any way i can. MyDogsTale paused again...and then he stood up from his chair and looked at Mojlnir...Then he pointed his finger at him: -You! No more than a piece on a check board, lifted by an evil hand known for striking the weak and innocent, STRIKING with NO mercy...Considering lives as bugs and puny things that has no meaning and feelings at all! And you expect to be treated as an innocent, how can a WHOLE fleet be seen upon as friendly as it nears a mans home...you were not innocent, you were looking for holes in the lines, weaknesses in their strategy, you were looking for trading lives for profit! So therefore i wished to help Ëlwe... My hate for peregrine came for one simple reason, He doesn't know but during the wars so long ago he affected the lives of my people i every way, trade routes were cut off, my people starved,My people begun killing eachother, brothers and fathers killed eachother for a mouthfull of food... my kingdom was nearly wiped out...Back then i was weak, but now... So i had to leave my people, i had to travel to alternative universes to build my strenght, now my kingdom is strong, after years of internal blood shed and quarrels we are now at peace...I belive it's our duty to disarm all those whowant to cause inbalance to what we have spent lifetimes to build, be it either by the means of a fist or a name on a paper. And i know...In the start of this conflict the lust for glory and prosprity for my people caused me to want all that is known for myself...but i have learned form what i have read...empires allways fall...if i act in the same manner as before my kingsom shall fall to. With that said, MyDogsTale sat down again.
MyDogsTale knew of the negotiations and didn't think that it was in His best interest not to attend. He took one of his fighters, and flew to the meeting...His fighter avoided the dense radar supervision, and landed next to the otr ship at the square. He marched down the street with a titan at each sidde's carrying parade swords. He opend the door: -Hello gentlemen, I bring you gifts. MyDogsTale then handed out some VERY holy shrunken heads. He then sat down quietly... -I can only attend so breefly, as i have read some history, and there people frequently stab eachothers back's...best beeing on alert eh?
Message to Ëlwe: Excellent! I see that you have provided some information about ranks also...Im afraid we don't have so many titles, we are in a way...more crude. But i'll send some info about my troops, in case you would need to command them some day. Titans: The pride of my army, as tall as three men, strong as nothing seen before, and they are created to command others. Unfortunatly these arn't the brightest creatures, but they are frightening and intimidating, and excellent fighters both in close combat and in firefights. They carry a sword which is as tall as a man and is made from titanium, very very durable. For fire fights they have been armed with a multi-use rifle, harboring a grenade launcher,A high powerd laser and a plain uranium bullet feeder system. there are approx. 100 of theese under my command. Black warriors (n'gul nagash): A very powerfull human "breed" that i designed during my stay in the other universe...the DNA modifications make them durable and hardy. In battle some would call them barberians, yes, they are wild and don't mind taking skulls for show...but the effect of a warrior coverd in skulls is a most intimidating sight. They are also armed for close combat and fire fights. They carry all from axes to swords and maces. all made from Titanium. They use a Rifle with a standard Uranium bullet feeding system, as well as a Laser sidearm. Since their natutral age is about 200 years, this allows their training to extend to 10 years or more, making them elite soliders. I have approx 6000 of theese. Lower cast's (n'kar do'merg): Draftees... armed with nothing more than a simplified version of the High powerd laseer rifle MK-90034. These are the men sent to the slaughter house, ment for making way and holding positions so that others may retreat, average lifespan: 35 years Training time: 1 week I have approx: 12000 of theese. My fleet consits of: 5 Battle ships (the bismarck 2 series) 4 Dreadnaughts 30 cruisers 750 fighters. and 200 landing vessels My weapons has some nasty effects, spending time in the outer realms has a tendency to do that. I await the attack day. Call for me, I won't let you down. End of message. MyDogsTale cloaked his armada, and coverd himself in nearby sun disturbanses that has a nasty effect on radars.
occ- Disregard the previous post about the battle between me and Mojlnir. here is the real and fair thing. Suddenly, and out of nowhere MyDogsTale's armada appeared...He had uncloacked. MyDogsTale formed himself into the form of a human, and sat down on his throne... -Can somebody please find out where Ëlwe has set up his new base? A young Sargeant came running with a piece of paper. -Sir! Sir!, we've detected some faint radio signals, they appear to be from Ëlwe A smile appeared on MyDogsTale's face. -excellent, broedcast a message. Crypted message to Ëlwe: Tale fleet to Ëlwe, Tale fleet to Ëlwe...Can you respond? we are prepared to send you 2500 warriors, I repeat 2500 warriors. Please send coordinations Commander Hammasson stood on the bridge and studied the newly arrived fleet: -What is that? Sargeant, I need a report on it's origin. -Sir! there is none available! It seems that they have come from nowhere -Nowhere?How can that be possible?
ooc - Sorry about that Mojlnir, seems that i haven't gotten the rules/general behavior straight :( . And looking at the post now i realise that it was unfair... but you have responded in the same way, seems fair enough, considering my post :blush: . So, im oblitterated eh? or is this just a new beginning :halloween: ??? (we could consider the two previous post's to be stupid and destructive to the game *i take blame, i started* or do we continue in the manner of fashion? i leave this up to the other partisipants.
Suddenly, and out of nowhere MyDogsTale's armada appeared...He had uncloacked. MyDogsTale formed himself into the form of a human, and sat down on his throne, the Leader of the Titanns then approched him: -The fleet is ready to fire! Shall we use all troops? I think we should... -YOU DON'T GET TO THINK! YOU DO AS YOU ARE TOLD!!! NOW: deploy 2500 Black warriors to defend Ëlwe's base, but them under HIS command!He happends to be a brilliant strategist. Then launch lauch one third of the tourmented souls against his fleet, wait for thirty minutes and then board him...UNDERSTOOD? The Titan took a step back... -y-y-yes sir, Hounor guide us! MyDogsTale then formed himself inside the mind of the senior officer in charge of deployments on mars: "Ohhh! foolish little mortal...whatever would happen to you if the commander loses this battle?hmmm? I think you should be in charge, don't you think hmmm? The Commander is a moron compared to you. C'mon, take charge! The crew will support you" Seconds after the senior officer came walking onto the bridge where Commander Hammasson stood and watched the alien fleet that had hust appeared... -Commander, im taking command! -What? Are you insane? We are in the middle of deployment! GET BACK TO YOUR STATION!!! -SIR, sit down or i will have you moved...please, sit with some dignety. -Very well, the battle now lays on your shoulders. The senior officer, suddenly saw a storm of black balls flying against them... -SNOWBALLS? Is that all? IS THAT ALL THEY HAVE TO OFF.........eerrrrr, *sigh* At the moment of impact the souls contained inside the frozen balls were released...as they flew trough the bodies of the crew they took their souls as well, without a soul no beeing can live. Half of the fleet crew died during the nightmare that followed, and when it was finally quiet...MyDogsTale's boarding operation began...New screams followed as the soliders were shot and hacked to pieces...But on thing could'nt be stopped: the troops that the commander had ordered down to mars. One battle was won for MyDogsTale...one remained on Mars. But since the Commander (now the only living person from the attack on the fleet) was clapped in magic chains...were his soldiers nothing more than a chicken without a head? MyDogsTale's Warriors had now reached Ëlwe's base, they had killed more men than they had lost on the way to his base, but now they stood before him: -We await your orders!
Coded message to Ëlwe: Thank you most hounarable Ëlwe. I will be joining you in two weeks... end of transmission. MyDogsTale made a hole trough the boundary and his armada flowed trough...he made his course...and nd traveld on...he had now fully developed, and was now no more than a shadow, transforming in to form at his own wish. The souls screamed, the Titans cracked their whips and at his throne the dark tale sat...waiting...
btw the post abowe is from me...I forgot to log in :huh:
Nearing the boundries of the alternative universe MyDogsTale still laid dormant, but he saw it all, Slugeworths minor loss of his fortress and the call for alliances...more will join was all that was repeated in his mind, his armada was strong, fully armed...but many more would have to join. The Snow Titans ruled their ships with an iron hand...the slaves working in the ships did all the work they could find not to be included in MyDogsTale's black rituals of torment...then they would become nothing more than ghosts, killing tierdlessy, only obeing destruction itself...this incresed productivety by 150%. MyDogsTale, then formed himself in Slugdewots's and Xeniorn's heads, so that none other but them could hear his message...when he formed they went into a trance, visiting their innerself in the halls of bone and flesh, strategies were made... then he left their minds, knowing not to stay there too long...an act of mutual respect. the time would be here soon...but not yet...a signal went out to all that would listen...a message of alliances... the border line to the mortal universe was near, only 10 years left before he would unleash his horde of torment...
MyDogsTale awakes, he has mutated into something unnatural...something un-heard of, a massive shape of frozen feelings, he does not care about the cassualties, but more about his plan for domination of all that is known...he creates massive ice-men balls of water and tourmented feelings, once they explode the ghosts of the past wil roam free at his bidding...now for his elite, they are what he calls snow titans...god like creatures with huge fleets at their command, armed with all the weapons of destruction known to the beeings of the universe...including nuclear titanium snowballs... he sets out, slowly, not rushing himself like the last time...The defeat still taunts him inside...His lust for vengance blooms, and he calls for all those who wish to join his campaign of destuction to prepeare for war...The bird shall lose it's wings and fall to the ground!
In his bed lies MyDogsTale, beer in hand and seriously wounded, altho something has happend a new ability appears, the power to move between the universes. MyDogsTale sets out for the alternative universe where his fleet easly conquers Peregrine's puny fleet. He also creates a clone of himself, thus connecting himself with the mortal realm...his goal is one: TO DESTROY ALL THAT IS BIRDY! but one problem appears, he acannot unite the two universes yet, thus he cannot conquering peregrines army...yet, but when the universes collid ,then none will escape. But that needs a higher state of mind...MyDogsTale lays dormant...but he sleeps with one eye open
After constructing Bismark II,III and IV MyDogsTale set's out on a expedition to find peregine.after 5 years the SUPER DUPER AWSOME radar system picks up the faint signals from the wretched bird from hell! FIRE A BROAD SIDE!!!!!!!!!!! YE SCURVY SCALLY WAGGS!!!hundreds of thousands of laser beams are now on their way againtst the little birdy vurdie! ...Sends a lvl 99999999hitman after dr.corbett...hey, it's nuthin personal, i just like rabbits... MyDogsTale on the other hand is sitting comfrtably on his throne in the castle of Shizzy manizzle, sipping down a cold cold beer.
MyDogsTale reincarnates the Ghost busters and commands them to trap Peregrine's soul and send it into a black hole...escape that one bird boy :bye: