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Posts posted by JMR333



    I was about to uninstall FNV, never to be played again, until I saw that you returned to modding and that NVB III is already on its way. A very pleasant surprise.


    Also, I've been replaying NVB I and wanted to thank you for adding an option to take out the Judge the cannibal way, that provided a very satisfying roleplayer's moment. I've only noticed it just now.

    I wasn't aware that there was a "cannibal way" to kill Judge Richter. Could please tell me how that went? I don't really feel like replaying the whole mod.


    If memory serves, you rip out his throat with your bare teeth. So, should you put a .44 round in the Judge's face or sink your pearly whites into his carotid artery?


    My mods pose the important questions, you see.


    And I thought breaking his neck was most satisfying. Now off I go to start a new playthrough.

  2. I was about to uninstall FNV, never to be played again, until I saw that you returned to modding and that NVB III is already on its way. A very pleasant surprise.


    Also, I've been replaying NVB I and wanted to thank you for adding an option to take out the Judge the cannibal way, that provided a very satisfying roleplayer's moment. I've only noticed it just now.

    I wasn't aware that there was a "cannibal way" to kill Judge Richter. Could please tell me how that went? I don't really feel like replaying the whole mod.

  3. I had always been wondering where the inspiration for Marko's name came from but after replaying FO3 that pretty much makes sense now (In case you don't know what I'm talking about, here's the link: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Dead_end ).

    Does this mean Marko is one of the few characters (including Bobby Bass) to have come from the eastcoast to the westcoast?

    Oh. Wow. Jesus Zimmer.


    Felt weird to read that. I'd be surprised if that wasn't Someguy's inspiration for Marko and Randall.


    Now he's torturing us.

    Think about... alternate plotlines to a pre-existing mod. Plotlines that have been requested.


    It's nothing big, but it will be a standalone mod that satisfies the impulses for a certain type of roleplaying.



    If it's what I think it is, then I'm hyped.



    You know what would be a troubling addition? Have someone use children as hostage or as a meatshield. Than give the courier the option to engage directly with a chance of getting the children killed, a speech check to maybe to have them removed, a barter check to possibly remove one children, etc. That would give the courier something to munch on...

    Already done, in a sense.



    Why are you so awesome someguy2000?

    Don't call me awesome until you play the mod. I imagine some people may curse my name when it's finished. :devil:


    Aww.... come on, its not that brutal and bleak as The Great Silence, is it?


    Is that not one of his main influences for this mod?

  6. Best of luck to you, Someguy.


    It's clear that you've inspired the New Vegas modding community, and set a new standard for quest/adventure mods.


    As sad as it is to read your message, its fully understandable. May you have the break you deserve.


    Still... should you fully cease from creating new mods, perhaps you would be willing to post your notes somewhere? I'm sure the community would love to read your concepts for New Vegas Bounties III or Just a Courier.


    Happy Trails

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