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About rxmonste

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    Assassin's Creed IV, Wasteland 2
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  1. but does that affect the title screen? I don't think it should. Then maybe some mods have a conflict, if so then try compatibility patches from the mod page.
  2. some mods hit performance, change your game options from the launcher to medium quality and try again.
  3. The problem here is Piracy, man. you just said that you "downloaded" FNV without steam. Steam has a digital download feature for people who buy their games. and if you diden't download it with steam then you did it from an illegal site.
  4. I'm not saying i hate the Skyrim imperial armor, guys. i'm just saying that i miss the Oblivion imperial armor. don't you think so too? it would be great if someone would make a mod that makes Skyrim imperial armor look like Oblivion's. a warning though, you have to make your own textures and meshes so don't use the ones from Oblivion because that's aginst the Uploading Rules of the nexus.
  5. Depends, will it be less buggy than the single player RPG series?
  6. Weird :confused: try verifying game cache from skyrim's properties.
  7. NMM works well and it detects my game, my directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim if that's not your directory then that means that you don't have Steam.
  8. It's a realy great game, i wanted to buy it for PC but Steam dosen't have the limited edition. so i bought it for Xbox 360.
  9. Great idea, i like it :thumbsup:
  10. You should verify cache integrity from steam.
  11. I can prove to you that Morrowind is compatibile with windows 7, it says so Here on windows compatibility center.
  12. That's because the full patch is already live.
  13. He said he dosen't have steam, mandalasky what do you mean by saying he has it.
  14. Steam has a quick way to fix your problems, on your steam game list right click "The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim" and click properties then choose the "Local Files" tab, after that click Verify integrity of Game Cache it will take a long time to verify but in the end your problems will be solved. but if it dosen't work then tell me and i will have another solution for you.
  15. Cool! Nexus is getting bigger and bigger. and now the file upload limit is getting bigger and bigger. Great work, Robin :thumbsup:
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