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Everything posted by ravernware

  1. I used to be a Votex Hater. Seriously. Or was it that I had become so comfortable with NMM? 3 days ago I made my third attempt over a few months period to move FO4 from NMM to Vortex as NMM was seriously showing its age. Well after some mega frustrations (I just could not migrate all my d/l'd mods from NMM into Vortex) and a few F-bombs I finally got it. I mean I REALLY got it. I feel I now understand how vortex works. Frankly, imo it works great. I basically created a new folder for my FO4 mods, and set that as the Vortex mod install folder. Then installed each one manually. It took a while to load 204 mods into vortex. Then set up the load rules to clear the mod conflicts Vortex id'd. But once I got the hang of it, it became relatively simple. Created an F4SE game profile and then set up the correct file paths for the tools (Loot, FOEDIT, F4SE, Bodyslide, etc.). So.. now I find I am a Vortex lover. Yes. I now love Vortex. I used to blame the extreme slow loading times of FO4 had before on Win10. But now that I am running Vortex I realize it was old man NMM. FO4 starts up super fast now (under 60 sec) in F4SE mod and 204 active mods. Runs way more stable too. So all that said, I really recommend to my fellow NMM holdouts to take the plunge, work through the frustrations, READ the knowledge base, and migrate to Vortex. I am sooo glad I finally did. Huge happy face!! :)
  2. In response to post #49162717. #49163002 is also a reply to the same post. FO4 is only just recently received some 3D animation. Skyrim SE currently has none actually in a working state. So what you said is just total BS. Back to your basement Troll!
  3. LLama RCA's Heather rocks. Great pick. Going off topic.. I just tried Skyrim SE clean and then with a handful of mods and OMG I am soo underwhelmed. Feels like 1 step forward and 3 steps backwards. What is it with the suits at Bethesda? Don't they listen to their own devs and their customers? Just like FO4 minimal if any animation support (HDT). Oh.. consoles cannot handle the graphics processing demand. Oh well. Sigh. back to the real Skyrim with my 200 plus mods. and jiggles. Since I jiggle.. why shouldn't I in Skyrim? ;)
  4. Welcome Jim. Now I gotta go off topic.. anyone else experiencing a near complete crash in download speeds from the CDN server with the latest NMM update? I went from 10MBs to 6KBs. :(
  5. Been trying the new chat last few days to find out what's up with F4SE. Besides from having to do two connection attempts every time (get page not found error on first attempts), I like it. Can be difficult to get your issue running sometimes in the chat but persistence did pay off. I only downloaded the bare minimum needed to run discord tho. Personal decision to not download the full package. thumbs up in spite of some minor issues. :)
  6. is silverlock having an issue? been nearly 2 days since Bethesda/zenimax's latest attempt to destroy the modding community. Also it is obvious FO4 has code preventing third party animation mods.
  7. In response to post #39573645. #39575105 is also a reply to the same post. Jimmy.. your second paragraph seems to agree with my and others points. Thank you/ I'd say more but this entire thread is getting really really old. Time to put the Elephant to bed??
  8. why the us vs them? The issue is about pirating of content to Bethesda.net for console mods, and Bethesda.net either not being sufficiently prepared or failing a fudiciary responsibility to protect the mod authors rights under said license agreement. I have no issue what ever with console users. Why should I? The Zenimax suits who have no clue as to game dev or modding, and better get that 3am wake up call fast. PC or console.. come on guys/ladies.. really?
  9. In response to post #39567530. #39569960, #39571210 are all replies on the same post. how so? please enlighten us.
  10. In response to post #39567530. well said.. imo Nuff said? I think we all get the point. Dark0ne has poked the nest, as he should have. The bees are buzzing. Buzz little bees buzz. Busy busy little bees.
  11. In response to post #39562410. #39564620 is also a reply to the same post. damn.. that is so sad, and sick what happened to you. Most of us are just so naïve. The others are just immature trolls I guess. You have my sympathy and my respect.
  12. In response to post #39561535. #39561945, #39563550, #39563885, #39563970 are all replies on the same post. I think the Nexus will be fine 1. Bethesda/Zenimax agrees that modders own their content and Bethesda/zenimax only has a distribution license if, and only if, the CK was used in creating the mod. There are a ton of mods that did not use the ck, ergo Bethesda/zenimax has no rights at all over those. That is a huge point btw. 2. Bethesda/zenimax need the Nexus more than we need Bethesda.net or steam workshop. Fact. Now.. will Bethesda.net be fine? That is the ultimate question.
  13. In response to post #39535255. Yes.. and yes. Because a console is frozen in time (cannot be upgraded like a PC) the makers have a limited life cycle of profit. The whole point of this discussion is why Zenimax is not fully enforcing anti piracy on it's mod site, Bethesda.net. I do not blame the devs at Bethesda myself. I think the suits at Zenimax want to maximize the console versions life cycle, ergo profitability, via the number of mods converted to console on their site. Am I wrong? I sure hope so. Sure will be a sad day when modders stop releasing their hard work to those of us who appreciate it, enjoy it, and respect their creative rights. Do we really have to get into who owns what again? Zenimax needs to wake up and smell the sheetstorm that will come it they don't clean up Bethesda.net and stop the pirating. Nuff said? I think you and I are on the same page here, as are many many others. So here's something funny. From nisetanaka's page for Dwarven Bikini Armor (id 76214): It was soo funny I snorted my beer all over me. LOL
  14. In response to post #39534425. LOLOLOLOL!!!! Except for the next two years I kept stabbing the bastard with a pocket knife. Took him that long to... oh.. did I really just say that? Oops Seriously tho.. both points/analysis are well said and imo spot on.
  15. In response to post #39478995. My thoughts exactly. It's not so much the Bethesda game devs but the suits at Zenimax that are deaf.
  16. Hey.. the Nexus is sooo awesome I'd be willing to pay an annual membership fee. Is that possible?? Then maybe I should support the modders more than I currently do? Hmm.. decisions, decisions.
  17. In response to post #37273765. #37277505 is also a reply to the same post. yea.. disable just about everything steam related like that. A couple years back we were advised to disable the steam cloud too. Go figure eh?
  18. ok.. I placed steam online and updated to the latest version about an hour ago. After seeing what most of you went through, my game and NMM installed mods now work and they are no longer being deactivated in NMM. Here is what I did: Follow yatz's instructions http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12772/? Kudos to him. Update to the lastest F4se (www.f4se.silverlock.org) Create a Bethesda.net account start the game using the Bethesda starter (not via NMM) select mods, login to Bethesda.net, activate you NMM installed mods. Play, create a new save (important!). I noticed that for me the update wiped out all saves except the most recent, which suks. exit game restart using NMM (I start using F4SE), and all my plugins were enabled. No crash, the NMM mods were there. I seriously hope this works for any of you still having problems. =) Going to endorse yatz's contribution now.
  19. In response to post #37254995. Bethesda wants you (all of us) to create Bethesda.net accounts so they can send us spam. I am at the same rock and a hard place. I did everything yatz (stop screwing with my UI) suggested and it now appears I have to creat a Bethesda.net account to enable the mods downloaded to NMM. Bethesda really sucks right now. GEERRR!!!! Not a happy camper.
  20. In response to post #37233185. #37233780, #37234860, #37235730 are all replies on the same post. ZombieArron.. You are so right. Consoles.. my PS3 has like 2 inches of dust on it (it was a gift, bleh). But consoles are were the corporate money is at. Yet imo no console will ever match the gaming power of a PC. Never. PC forever!! Nexus Forever!! Ravernware out (drops mike ala the Pres did tonight at the WHCD).
  21. In response to post #37233185. #37233780 is also a reply to the same post. I do not need the drama. Therefore steam will be offline until this latest 'Bethesda: we love you modders' update screw up is sorted out. Ergo.. no more buying games via steam. I will buy direct or from other sites. Besides.. I have been finding FO4 rather boring so far anyway. These latest update issues certainly do not help. Remember...Bethesda stated they want to support the modding community. Could it be if only the modders post exclusively to Bethesda.net???? But then other posts seem to indicate even their mod manager is messed up. WTF over? Plus I wanna give the modders some time to really create, provided their works will be allowed to actually work. So again.. HMMPH! ;(
  22. ouch!! Anyone else using Bethesda.net for mod management? I am def NOT installing the latest update until all this dust settles. Hmmph.
  23. In response to post #37187570. #37193205, #37198105, #37214320, #37230330 are all replies on the same post. To vlaka: true. yet when introducing mods to a game... well I think we all know what can happen. Kudos to folks like MajorDick, Outlander3734 and bben46 for posting possible solutions. I have not updated at this point so cannot say for myself that they work (wink). ;)
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