Don't know if anyone is tracking this thread any longer, but I've done a foolish thing and was hoping for a rescue. I installed Awakenings and quickly discovered that Starfang and other equipment from mods did not work with the expansion. In reviewing possible solutions, I discovered this thread. Ok, so here's where my foolishness comes in: I modified the Addins.xml file to replace all instances of ExtendedModuleUID="Single Player" to read ExtendedModuleUID="DAO_PRC_EP_1" After returning to my newly saved Awakenings game, the equipment was still not showing up...well some did, others did not, so I thought I would try something else - I returned the Addins.xml file with the original one that had all the ExtendedModuleUID="Single Player" references. Now, I am unable to choose Awakenings from the Other Campaigns menu in the game interface even if I switch out the appropriate Addins.xml file. I use EA Download Manager for my Bioware games, and so I tried clicking on the play button from there, but still no Awakenings campaign option. It also does not provide any way to re-install (just has a play button). Perhaps there is somewhere I can manually downloand and re-install the Awakenings expansion since I already have the license? I thought I would just uninstall Awakenings and start fresh, except I cannot locate Awakenings, per se, to uninstall. I also tried re-installing patch 1.04, but nope. So...end result: I can still play Origins with all my happy mods installed, but cannot choose to play Awakenings. :( Please tell me there's another way to play this expansion without having to reinstall my entire game since it originally took me HOURS to get all my mods to play nice with each other :pinch: - reinstalling is almost not an option! :yucky: Thank you for any assistance that can be provided.