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Everything posted by solarsis

  1. Dark0ne, Looks to be all fixed!! Thank you so much! :) <3
  2. I am having this same issue. It seems to have happened since the website changes. I have downloaded mods and played them for days, but still cannot endorse and they don't show up in my history either. Some I've even tried downloading again, and still I cannot endorse. It's a real shame because I so appreciate the wonderful people who share their hard work, and the very least I can do is endorse, but can't even do that any longer. :sad: *edit - it happens randomly...some mods show up in my history and I can endorse with no problems, but others I cannot. *shrug*
  3. Ok, I don't know if anyone will be able to help with this, but I thought it was worth a shot. I've played through DAO more times than I can count with the same mods and the same computer, etc and suddenly I am experiencing a strange problem. With my current character, I am experiencing a CTD everytime I try to move from one map location to another at the point where the player has the second dream about the archdemon before the darkspawn raid on the party camp. The dream plays fully but the game crashes before the scene at camp plays. This is the error message I receive (which reads like complete rubbish to me): Product Dragon Age: Origins Problem Stopped working Date 7/27/2011 1:13 PM Status Report Sent Problem signature Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: daorigins.exe Application Version: 1.4.12393.0 Application Timestamp: 4c093389 Fault Module Name: daorigins.exe Fault Module Version: 1.4.12393.0 Fault Module Timestamp: 4c093389 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 00161170 OS Version: 6.0.6002. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: fd00 Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160 Additional Information 3: fd00 Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160 Extra information about the problem Bucket ID: 2005694586 I am at a loss as to what is causing the problem. I've tried everything that I can think of - disabling one core processor, trying different saves, turning down graphics settings, etc. My graphics card drivers are up to date. The strange thing is that I've played the game through more times than I can count with the same mods. I'm wondering really if it may be a corrupted game. I'm hoping that it won't continue to happen if I created a new character, but since it is rather far along in the story, I can't test it anytime soon. At this point, I can continue playing this game as long as I go to camp after every location and not go from one map location to another which triggers the party camp raid event. My biggest concern here is will I be able to complete the game without that event firing? Thank you in advance for any insight anyone may be able to provide. Cheers!
  4. Well thanks to both of you and I apologize for any waste of time for either of you. I just appreciate you at least responding to my ID10T problem. I will just live without Awakenings. Too bad I can't get a refund ;)
  5. DarkeWolf, I was told that I would have to re-install everything in order to fix my problem. Will what you listed here help my issue as well? Thanks in advance for any reply.
  6. Any help you can provide would be very welcome. I would really like to give Awakenings a try out. I've been trying to find how to contact Bioware directly, but have been unsuccessful. /cry
  7. Don't know if anyone is tracking this thread any longer, but I've done a foolish thing and was hoping for a rescue. I installed Awakenings and quickly discovered that Starfang and other equipment from mods did not work with the expansion. In reviewing possible solutions, I discovered this thread. Ok, so here's where my foolishness comes in: I modified the Addins.xml file to replace all instances of ExtendedModuleUID="Single Player" to read ExtendedModuleUID="DAO_PRC_EP_1" After returning to my newly saved Awakenings game, the equipment was still not showing up...well some did, others did not, so I thought I would try something else - I returned the Addins.xml file with the original one that had all the ExtendedModuleUID="Single Player" references. Now, I am unable to choose Awakenings from the Other Campaigns menu in the game interface even if I switch out the appropriate Addins.xml file. I use EA Download Manager for my Bioware games, and so I tried clicking on the play button from there, but still no Awakenings campaign option. It also does not provide any way to re-install (just has a play button). Perhaps there is somewhere I can manually downloand and re-install the Awakenings expansion since I already have the license? I thought I would just uninstall Awakenings and start fresh, except I cannot locate Awakenings, per se, to uninstall. I also tried re-installing patch 1.04, but nope. So...end result: I can still play Origins with all my happy mods installed, but cannot choose to play Awakenings. :( Please tell me there's another way to play this expansion without having to reinstall my entire game since it originally took me HOURS to get all my mods to play nice with each other :pinch: - reinstalling is almost not an option! :yucky: Thank you for any assistance that can be provided.
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