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Everything posted by Corrtel

  1. How do I create an npc that hates the player no matter what, Alval Uvani style. Does it have to be scripted? I need this npc to have a bad attitude in general and be completely dismissive of the player, no matter the fame or personality. If possible, whenever the player tries to talk to him, just give a quick unpolite response and walk away. Please let me know if you have an idea.
  2. Cleaned with tes4edit, did not work. unchecked it in my load list, did not work. uninstalled....and got my conjuration back! LAME is clearly the culprit but I have no idea how to fix it. Will do without it I suppose, but I'm quite put out. btw there weren't any errors/conflicts when I checked
  3. Hi, I'm using Less Annoying Magic Experience for Oblivion and everything works except conjuration. The object/creature does not appear. I get the spell animation but no zombie or bound weapon whatsoever. Every other spell works. My game has had no crashes or weird occurrences. No other magic mods are installed and I checked for compatibility before installing LAME. Sorted with BOSS. Anybody has had the same issue? Tried on a fresh new save as well, still no conjuration.
  4. Win 7 is the sys. Yes to both of you. I "solved" the problem by saving on other ppl esps. What I wanted to do is for personal use anyway. Cannot create my own esps but i gave up anyway. Thanks
  5. Hello, I seem to have the weirdest problem with my CS. I have searched for solutions online to no avail. Whenever I try to save my esp, CS gives me this message: "save restarted before previous save was finished" (click "continue" or "cancel") The esp is not saved when I click continue. The esp is never saved. If I try to close CS it locks me in a "would you like to save your changes" window where clicking "yes" does nothing. The CS never closes because said window keeps popping up when I try to close...I have to terminate the program. Problem persists wether CS is loaded thru WryeBash or by itself. I am loading it as admin. UAC is disabled. CS is not installed in Program Files, neither is the game. If I try to change an esp from an already existing mod I can save and the changes happen in game. Problem shows only when I create my esp. Thank you for reading this, hope you have a solution.
  6. Anybody knows where this "armor" is from? Cannot find the mod, help please!
  7. I just deleted the nif and it worked. I did not install any dark brotherhood mods either but I did install a mod that converts clothes to better fit roberts female body. It is possible that the creator thought a more "feminine" db armor could look better. Actually deleting that file was the best solution because all the other clothes are just perfect and I didn't really want to uninstall the whole mod just for that! thank you again!!
  8. thank you, I'll try deleting the file! Actually I've checked the mod you linked and...none of the other armors is modified, and I'm sure I've never installed that. Plus I use Roberts bodies not hgec. It's so weird, but thank you for your suggestion of deleting the file!
  9. ok, thank you :smile:. It looks like this. Sorry, I really do not like it.
  10. Hi! I have an annoying problem with the female shrouded armor. I have no idea which one of my mods is doing this but it changed the female armor from the vanilla one. It has now a lot of cleavage and a horrible miniskirt. I never installed anything like that on purpose. Anybody knows how to convert it back to the original one? which files should I delete/substitute? if you need more info i'll gladly share them here. Thank you.
  11. Hello! I'm searching for the mod that adds a trapdoor ("corpse chamber") into Falanu Hlaalu's shop in Skingrad. I have installed Better Cities and Mogura's Realistic Merchant Storage Mod but apparently these are not the mods that add this feature (weird enough!!!). I remember the trapdoor was important because you can find a particular key inside a corpse which opens some of Falanu's "non lockpick-able shop chests". Could it be an earlier version of BC or Mogura's mod? Please help! XD Thank you!
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