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Everything posted by Balkhan

  1. Second one is Black Wisteria by N8k. There is a 7Base conversion by furiousreason on the Nexus here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50134/?
  2. Portable Campsite by Mcxar has fences and traps.....http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9935/? Bear traps, hide fences, spike fences......
  3. Anyone know what armor this is? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v214/Balkhan/WhatIsThisArmor.jpg
  4. Balkhan


    You can get BOSS from here: http://code.google.com/p/better-oblivion-sorting-software/downloads/list
  5. Can you look at your character from the front while moving? Is there a camera control or mod for this?
  6. How do you know its a different Vilja? I can't tell by watching that vid. There is a post to that vid that says "To get the same look as this one, don't forget to download 'Vilja Customization Pack 3 0 1 WORKS WITH VER 4' and then pick 'as_Custom_by_Xtudo'."
  7. The armor is Void Armor by Hentai, available as a drop in his Hentai Mania dungeons, or you can download just the armor here http://www.tes-world.ru/load/3-1-0-458 for sale in The Best Defense. The site is in Russian but just click on the "Cka4aTb" to download. (btw, the race is Chocolate Elf with CapAdmins smoother plus eyelashes mod from Lattamer Race v3). The eyepatch I got from AlienSlof's Devil Race mod (they are in a bag outside the exit of the starting sewers). Hair is Growlf but I think I got it from Apachii Goddess store as a wig. Balkhan1 EDIT: oops sorry for the necro, I've been away for a while...
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