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  1. IS there a mod that gives you the feature of creating custom map notes like in morrowind?
  2. this happens on many sites i put no blame on this site , you are honest and i respect that
  3. A mod that would be a rape revenge story/plot, a rape revenge story in a movie is when a woman(or a man for that matter) gets raped and she takes revenge on the rapists and kill them? Like the movie i spit on your grave?
  4. My fps is running at 20 fps and im on a high end computer(4790k intel and titan black,16gb ram) and my game is heavily modded so i guess a mod is causing it so here is my load order GameMode=FalloutNV FalloutNV.esm=1 DeadMoney.esm=1 HonestHearts.esm=1 OldWorldBlues.esm=1 LonesomeRoad.esm=1 GunRunnersArsenal.esm=1 ClassicPack.esm=1 MercenaryPack.esm=1 TribalPack.esm=1 CaravanPack.esm=1 YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm=1 Run the Lucky 38.esm=1 NVInteriors_Core.esm=1 FCOMaster.esm=1 rePopulated Wasteland.esm=1 NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm=1 AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm=1 FINAL Seachlight Airport NCR.esm=1 factions reloaded raiders v2.esp=1 CoitoErgoSum.esm=1 CompTest.esm=1 NVWillow.esp=1 NVR-Strip.esm=1 Children of the Wasteland.esm=1 RHKGilbertCompanion.esm=1 VanessaFollowerNV.esm=1 Afterschool Special.esm=1 jokristinascloset.esm=1 Lunette.esm=1 UWHNV-Core.esm=1 HazelNV.esm=1 Project Nevada - Core.esm=1 Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=1 NosCo Companion System.esm=1 NCCS Nos' Premade Companions.esm=0 Daughters of Ares.esp=1 More Perks.esm=1 Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm=1 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm=1 SomeguySeries.esm=1 MD_Gold_AA.esm=1 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp=1 NVR-Version_10.esp=1 Daughters of Ares - CouriersStash.esp=1 UWHNV-Addon-Time for Bed NV.esp=0 UWHNV-Addon-DLC.esp=1 UWHNV-Addon-NoCompanionsRoom.esp=0 UWHNV-Addon-GRA.esp=1 Smalltalk.esp=1 The Lucky 38 Empire.esp=1 NiptonRebuilt.esp=1 Primm Reborn.esp=1 outsidebets.esp=1 MAC.esp=0 NVR-NPCs.esp=1 dressup.esp=1 Project Nevada - All DLC.esp=0 More Perks Update.esp=1 PrnOut.esp=1 The Torn City.esp=1 WeaponModsExpanded.esp=1 Goodsprings Reborn.esp=1 Osama Bin Brahmin.esp=1 TheInheritance.esp=1 ARESproject.esp=1 populatedcasino.esp=1 Meyla.esp=1 betsybrahmin.esp=1 The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp=1 The Storyteller.esp=1 avangraffscorned.esp=1 Easy Hacking.esp=1 PerkEveryLevel.esp=1 Quicker PipBoy Light-0_2Sec.esp=1 Siouxsie-Venomous.esp=1 Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp=1 FlashlightNVSE.esp=1 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.esp=1 NewVegasBounties.esp=1 NewVegasBountiesII.esp=1 UWHNV-Addon-FollowerHome.esp=1 HazelNV.esp=1 Casino Anti Anti Cheat.esp=1 FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp=1 PinupPoses.esp=1 Mens Magazines Replacer.esp=1 I5K-TVReplacerLPtopless.esp=1 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1 Nouk's Hairs.esp=1 Izzy.esp=1 NCCSMercedes.esp=1 Cheryl.esp=1 UnlimitedCompanions.esp=1 UnlimitedCompanions SCRIPT FIX.esp=1 Project Nevada - WMX.esp=1 WMX-AWOP-Overhaul.esp=1 KingOfTheRing.esp=1 Realistic Portable Tent.esp=1 T6M CH Raider Armor.esp=1 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Cheat.Cabinet.esp=1 stripperclothes.esp=1 MojaveDelight.esp=1 MojaveDelighted.esp=1 new billboards.esp=1 1.esp=1 KillableKids.esp=1
  5. when i quickload/quicksave in a casinos often the game crashes here is the modlist , what could be causing it} GameMode=FalloutNV FalloutNV.esm=1 DeadMoney.esm=1 HonestHearts.esm=1 OldWorldBlues.esm=1 LonesomeRoad.esm=1 GunRunnersArsenal.esm=1 ClassicPack.esm=1 MercenaryPack.esm=1 TribalPack.esm=1 CaravanPack.esm=1 YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm=1 wsex.esm=0 NVInteriors_Core.esm=1 FCOMaster.esm=1 rePopulated Wasteland.esm=1 NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm=1 AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm=1 CoitoErgoSum.esm=1 CompTest.esm=1 NVWillow.esp=1 NVR-Strip.esm=1 Children of the Wasteland.esm=1 RHKGilbertCompanion.esm=1 VanessaFollowerNV.esm=1 jokristinascloset.esm=1 Lunette.esm=1 UWHNV-Core.esm=1 HazelNV.esm=1 Project Nevada - Core.esm=1 Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=1 NosCo Companion System.esm=1 NCCS Nos' Premade Companions.esm=0 Daughters of Ares.esp=1 More Perks.esm=1 Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm=1 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm=1 SomeguySeries.esm=1 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp=1 NVR-Version_10.esp=1 Daughters of Ares - CouriersStash.esp=1 UWHNV-Addon-Time for Bed NV.esp=0 UWHNV-Addon-DLC.esp=1 UWHNV-Addon-NoCompanionsRoom.esp=0 UWHNV-Addon-GRA.esp=1 Smalltalk.esp=1 dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp=1 Vurt's WFO.esp=1 NiptonRebuilt.esp=1 outsidebets.esp=1 MAC.esp=0 dressup.esp=1 Project Nevada - All DLC.esp=0 More Perks Update.esp=1 PrnOut.esp=1 The Torn City.esp=1 WeaponModsExpanded.esp=1 populatedcasino.esp=1 wsexInnuendoNPCs.esp=0 NVR-NPCs.esp=1 ARESproject.esp=1 wsexInnuendoAnims.esp=0 Meyla.esp=1 betsybrahmin.esp=1 The Storyteller.esp=1 The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp=1 SKINNY in Vegas Basic.esp=0 NewVegasBounties.esp=1 NewVegasBountiesII.esp=1 UWHNV-Addon-FollowerHome.esp=1 Prospector Bartop Dancer.esp=1 NCCSMercedes.esp=1 Mojave Nights.esp=1 PerkEveryLevel.esp=1 avangraffscorned.esp=1 Easy Hacking.esp=1 Quicker PipBoy Light-0_2Sec.esp=1 Siouxsie-Venomous.esp=1 Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp=1 FlashlightNVSE.esp=1 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.esp=1 HazelNV.esp=1 Izzy.esp=1 UnlimitedCompanions.esp=1 UnlimitedCompanions SCRIPT FIX.esp=1 stripperclothes.esp=1 Casino Anti Anti Cheat.esp=1 Project Nevada - WMX.esp=1 WMX-AWOP-Overhaul.esp=1 RSCR-Expansion_Decks.esp=1 FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp=1 MojaveDelight.esp=1 Mutant Eyes.esp=1 MojaveDelighted.esp=1 Nouk's Hairs.esp=1 KingOfTheRing.esp=1 Realistic Portable Tent.esp=1 T6M CH Raider Armor.esp=1 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Cheat.Cabinet.esp=1 Jewelry.esp=1 1Earrings.esp=1 PinupPoses.esp=1 Mens Magazines Replacer.esp=1 new billboards.esp=1 I5K-TVReplacerLPtopless.esp=1 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1 FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - Full.esp=0 Bashed Patch, 0.esp=0 1.esp=1
  6. heres a crash log from nvec 27152706 _ NewVegasAntiCrash FalloutNV.exe 27152706 _ 0AAF0000 07020100 nvac.dll 27152706 _ 0A8C0000 05000020 nvse_1_4.dll 27152719 e 006FCF03 C0000005 FalloutNV.exe 27152719 ! DISABLED _LOD_ERR 27152719 e 006FCF03 C0000005 FalloutNV.exe 27152719 ! DISABLED _LOD_ERR 27152719 e 006FCF03 C0000005 FalloutNV.exe 27152719 ! DISABLED _LOD_ERR 27152719 e 006FCF03 C0000005 FalloutNV.exe 27152719 ! DISABLED _LOD_ERR 27152719 e 006FCF03 C0000005 FalloutNV.exe 27152719 ! DISABLED _LOD_ERR 27152719 e 006FCF03 C0000005 FalloutNV.exe 27152719 ! DISABLED _LOD_ERR 27153138 h 7793E3FE 8B460489 ntdll.dll 27153138 ^ 00A0C2CF 00000009 FalloutNV.exe 27153138 h 7793E40C 8B5E088B ntdll.dll 27153138 ^ 00A0C2CF 00000009 FalloutNV.exe 27153138 h 7793E40F 8B4E0C89 ntdll.dll 27153138 ^ 00A0C2CF 00000009 FalloutNV.exe 27153138 h 7793E424 663B5E14 ntdll.dll 27153138 ^ 00A0C2CF 00000009 FalloutNV.exe 27153138 h 779442F1 8B068B50 ntdll.dll 27153138 ^ 00A0C2CF 00000009 FalloutNV.exe 27153138 h 779442F3 8B50588B ntdll.dll 27153138 ^ 00A0C2CF 00000009 FalloutNV.exe 27153138 h 779442F6 8B521089 ntdll.dll 27153138 ^ 00A0C2CF 00000009 FalloutNV.exe 27153138 h 779442FC 8B505C8B ntdll.dll 27153138 ^ 00A0C2CF 00000009 FalloutNV.exe 27153138 h 779442FF 8B405483 ntdll.dll 27153138 ^ 00A0C2CF 00000009 FalloutNV.exe 27153138 v 7793E466 F00FC70F ntdll.dll 27153138 ^ 00A0C2CF 00000009 FalloutNV.exe 27153138 u 7793E466 C0000005 ntdll.dll
  7. This is my load order GameMode=FalloutNV FalloutNV.esm=1 DeadMoney.esm=1 HonestHearts.esm=1 OldWorldBlues.esm=1 LonesomeRoad.esm=1 GunRunnersArsenal.esm=1 ClassicPack.esm=1 MercenaryPack.esm=1 TribalPack.esm=1 CaravanPack.esm=1 YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm=1 wsex.esm=0 NVInteriors_Core.esm=1 FCOMaster.esm=1 rePopulated Wasteland.esm=1 NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm=1 AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm=1 CoitoErgoSum.esm=1 CompTest.esm=1 NVWillow.esp=1 NVR-Strip.esm=1 Children of the Wasteland.esm=1 RHKGilbertCompanion.esm=1 VanessaFollowerNV.esm=1 jokristinascloset.esm=1 Lunette.esm=1 UWHNV-Core.esm=1 HazelNV.esm=1 Project Nevada - Core.esm=1 Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=1 NosCo Companion System.esm=1 NCCS Nos' Premade Companions.esm=0 Daughters of Ares.esp=1 More Perks.esm=1 Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm=1 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm=1 SomeguySeries.esm=1 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp=1 NVR-Version_10.esp=1 Daughters of Ares - CouriersStash.esp=1 UWHNV-Addon-Time for Bed NV.esp=0 UWHNV-Addon-DLC.esp=1 UWHNV-Addon-NoCompanionsRoom.esp=0 UWHNV-Addon-GRA.esp=1 Smalltalk.esp=1 dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp=1 Vurt's WFO.esp=1 NiptonRebuilt.esp=1 outsidebets.esp=1 MAC.esp=0 dressup.esp=1 Project Nevada - All DLC.esp=0 More Perks Update.esp=1 PrnOut.esp=1 The Torn City.esp=1 WeaponModsExpanded.esp=1 populatedcasino.esp=1 wsexInnuendoNPCs.esp=0 NVR-NPCs.esp=1 ARESproject.esp=1 wsexInnuendoAnims.esp=0 Meyla.esp=1 betsybrahmin.esp=1 The Storyteller.esp=1 The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp=1 SKINNY in Vegas Basic.esp=0 NewVegasBounties.esp=1 NewVegasBountiesII.esp=1 UWHNV-Addon-FollowerHome.esp=1 Prospector Bartop Dancer.esp=1 NCCSMercedes.esp=1 Mojave Nights.esp=1 PerkEveryLevel.esp=1 avangraffscorned.esp=1 Easy Hacking.esp=1 Quicker PipBoy Light-0_2Sec.esp=1 Siouxsie-Venomous.esp=1 Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp=1 FlashlightNVSE.esp=1 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.esp=1 HazelNV.esp=1 Izzy.esp=1 UnlimitedCompanions.esp=1 UnlimitedCompanions SCRIPT FIX.esp=1 stripperclothes.esp=1 Casino Anti Anti Cheat.esp=1 Project Nevada - WMX.esp=1 WMX-AWOP-Overhaul.esp=1 RSCR-Expansion_Decks.esp=1 FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp=1 MojaveDelight.esp=1 Mutant Eyes.esp=1 MojaveDelighted.esp=1 Nouk's Hairs.esp=1 KingOfTheRing.esp=1 Realistic Portable Tent.esp=1 T6M CH Raider Armor.esp=1 Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Cheat.Cabinet.esp=1 Jewelry.esp=1 1Earrings.esp=1 PinupPoses.esp=1 Mens Magazines Replacer.esp=1 new billboards.esp=1 I5K-TVReplacerLPtopless.esp=1 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1 FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - Full.esp=0 Bashed Patch, 0.esp=0 1.esp=1
  8. Fallout new vegas crashes often while quickloading espocaily in casinos for some reason
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